[Updated on 14 October 2010: Through Dato’ Khalid Bin Abu Bakar’s statement on 13 October 2010, the police has responded on Facebook here. Thank you commentator PDRM for bringing it to our attention. We reproduce it in full:

Salam rakan-rakan semua, apa yg kita lihat di dalam video itu, terdapat kekurangan/kesilapan di kedua-dua pihak. Di pihak Polis, anggota tersebut bersikap kurang mesra, dan terdapat kata-kata yang tidak perlu diucapkan langsung. Apa yang perlu diucapkan ketika menahan seseorang yang melakukan kesalahan trafik, adalah mengucapkan salam/selamat pagi/petang, maklumkan apa kesalahan pemandu dan jika dia menerima alasan yg diberikan oleh pemandu, dia boleh menggunakan budi bicaranya untuk melepaskan pemandu dengan amaran atau ingatan dan jika dia tidak menerima alasan pemandu, dia terus mengeluarkan saman dan beredar.

Jika pemandu enggan menerima saman, buat catatan dan terus beredar. Kata-kata atau ucapan lain yang tidak berkenaan tidak perlu.

Di pihak pemandu, di dalam insiden ini pula seolah-olah mencabar dan membuat provokasi kepada anggota polis yang menjalankan tugasnya. Ini juga tidak perlu dilakukan. Tidak salah untuk merakam kejadian yang berlaku tetapi tidak perlu mengeluarkan kata-kata yg mencabar anggota Polis itu. Jika ada perbuatan anggota Polis itu yang tidak menyenangkan pemandu, dia boleh melaporkannya kepada Pegawai Kanan Polis di mana-mana Balai. Pemandu juga boleh hadir ke mahkamah untuk mendengar kes di hadapan Majistret, jika tidak puas hati dengan saman yang dikeluarkan. Saya telah menghubungi Rakan kita yang postkan video ini tetapi malangnya dia tidak dapat memberi saya butir-butir lanjut kejadian ini. Kita akan cuba kesan Anggota polis berkenaan dan dapatkan butiran kejadian. Terima kaseh saya ucapkan di atas pendedahan ini.]

Pamela Lim’s previous video post has attracted a record number of hits on LoyarBurok. She elaborates on her video with an account of what happened before she started filming and why she acted as she did. This was originally written (on 10 October 2010 at 8.47 pm) as a comment response to hundreds of other comments on the original post and is now reproduced for easy reference.

The video can be viewed here.

I was flagged down after turning right at the junction of Federal Highway adjoining Jalan Gasing/Jalan University. When I stopped the car to ask what I was stopped for, the policeman said I committed an offence, for using the mobile phone without hands-free. I maintained that my phone was on the hands-free speaker and I was holding the phone at a distance as I spoke but they kept saying that I did not use the hands-free. They asked for my IC and driver’s license in which I complied and gave it to them. As they were holding the summons book, they didn’t read out which Act that I had violated when I asked them what the difference was, between using a hands-free kit and the hands-free speaker.

Then they asked me how I would like to settle the matter. Then I asked them, how do you normally settle matters like this. Then they said, if I want to settle it normally, it would be a hassle for me. Then they waited for my response. I told them, I didn’t think that I have committed an offence per se, but if they say that I have, then I am willing to accept the summons as I’m obviously in the wrong by using the phone according to them. I have always used the handsfree kit but that day, I hadn’t plugged it in and my mistake was answering the phone by putting it on hands-free speaker and was flagged down before I could put the phone on my holster. Look at the video again, my phone holster is stuck on the right of my windscreen.

As they insisted that I was wrong, I insisted that they gave me the summons for it. They began to taunt me with words in Malay and if I hadn’t read the RED BOOK by the Bar Council to know what to do when confronted by the police, I would not know what to do or what to expect next.

I asked them for their names and their ID numbers in which they got defensive. Then I thought if they were going to hassle me further, I might as well record their actions on photographs. I photographed them with my phone so that I have evidence of my encounter with them should I want to challenge the summons in court. They began to yell at me for taking pictures, accusing me of “intimidating” them and that I have no rights to take pictures of their uniform as it was government property. When they began to intimidate me with their words, that was when I switched to video mode.

What followed was all recorded for you to see.

I had no idea what they were getting at except that they were trying to intimidate me to submit to their demands. When they handed me the summons to sign, I wrote on it that “I do not accept as I had handsfree,” the police went livid. There is no law that states that you can’t write anything in protest of a summons for an offence that you do not admit to. Signing the summons denotes acceptance of the summons, not the offence. All the time, I had the video on, filming with my left hand. He shouted at me. Questioning what rights do I have, implying that I should have none when dealing with the police.

He kept questioning me WHO I AM. Does it matter who I am? I am an ordinary citizen who has rights. Does it mean that if I were a “somebody” this treatment would have been different? Does it mean that if I was a somebody, I would be let off? Why was the policeman so adamant in asking me who I was? What difference would it make if they had decided already that I had committed an offence? Or would my offence be a non-offence if they had known how my family had been a close source to the family of the late Tun Razak and the father of our independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman?

When they refused to return my IC and license, beckoning and summoning me to follow them back to the station, I refused and stated my rights and that I will report them for they had “stolen” my IC. That’s when they realised I knew the law. If I had committed an offence and obstructed justice, why didn’t they arrest me? They also refused to issue me the summons until they decided that they flouted the law themselves and returned my IC, license together with the summons issued. THEY REFUSED TO HAND ME THE SUMMONS FOR ME TO GO. This probably did not even occur to you because you didn’t watch the video properly.

These policemen abused their power to talk down to a lady, threatened me by withholding my IC and license and yet demanded the respect at the same time: how is that possible? No one is allowed to hold on to your IC, not even security guards at the condo entry points.

All of you who condemned me obviously had never been in a situation like mine, where you were made to feel small and insignificant for refusing to cower under pressure for an offence that I did not consciously commit. Being a female, I would have been subjected to a lot worse if I was intimidated by them to follow them to goodness-knows-where. I was well aware of the fact that they didn’t have their ID numbers on them and had every reason to be suspicious. In a country where I’m viewed in the same light as a “pendatang” (illegal immigrant) and accused of having an ancestry of prostitutes, I ought to be wary of every encounter with anyone who come across to me in such a manner.

It’s interesting to see how many of you distort the topic of intimidation and threats when the police outnumbered me.

For those who think I shouldn’t be a citizen of Malaysia, you ought to know that I am the descendent of Malaya’s first court interpreter, Peter Lim and can trace back four generations in Malaysia. I am a law abiding citizen and a God-fearing person. I have also compounded my summons and paid the fine. I have decided to make this video public not to seek publicity but to educate the public especially women, on their rights when confronted by the police and when to exercise them. What happened to me, can happen to anybody. I have utmost respect for the police force when they arrest criminals, recover kidnapped children, clamp down on high crimes and solve murder mysteries. I never hesitate to cooperate with them whenever necessary but I will not be intimidated when I refuse to give bribes.

Thank you for your time in giving your comments and being so quick to condemn. You ought to read the RED BOOK. I acted within my rights. I was in my confined space. I had every right to defend myself from unruly behaviour. They could have been more courteous. As a tax payer, we are paying their salaries.

I'm driven by my fervent spirit for adventure, my inquisitive nature for wildlife & my intrinsic values for doing the right thing. The compulsion to go in and around water had been apparent from the...

590 replies on “[UPDATED] Police Intimidation Video: What Happened Before”

  1. I do not agree with the way Pamela handled the situation (i even posted a comment on it). But the vitriolic comments on loyarburok/youtube are totally uncalled for. I am sorry Pamela, that you have to go through this.

    Guys – lets have some civility in our discussion. If not, i will not be surprised if we lose this freedom to express ourselves in time to come.

    I suggest that the webmaster moderates the comments.

  2. I agreed with Zakir, I think it is very uncouth (or 'kurang ajar' in Malays) for her to behave like that in front of our law enforcement officers. Nothing in the recording ever suggesting or been suggested that there is a bribery attempted made by anyone. I believed all low file and rank policeman would started to be jumpy as soon as you started to record them out. I bet you will also received the same treatment if not worst in other countries even in USA.

    Even by your owned admission, it seems that you are trying to insult the inteligent of the 2 officers by saying that you are on hands free (just by turning on a speaker on your handphone and still holding the phone). Hello!!! Where on earth did you get your degree from? Hands free means that you are not holding it.

    Have it ever occur to you Pamela that the two officers might be afraid that you know someone higher up and that is the reason the officers started to become jumpy?

    Kudos for the two officers (who weren't been able to defend your allegation here) for showing a lot of refrain from someone as kurang-ajar as you.

    I believed it is the right SOP for the policemen to ask any uncooperated civilians to follow them to balai to be investigate further, such as to take a drug or urine test etc. The cops can also asked you to open up your car booth to check for dangerous weapon etc.

    I also believed the 2 officers decided not to bring you to police station out of fear that you might know someone powerful which can some how penalized these two officers. That might be the reason why they decided to settle the matters there instead of taking it any further.

    If you think you are right, I challenge you to make a police report out of this incident and please go and challenge your summon in our court of law. That is the right thing to do instead of posting this kind of video clip without giving the opportunity for the two officers to come out with their version of story. Remember to all readers, there are always two sides to a coins, so do not be too quick to jump to your conclusion.

    I had enough with Malaysian who blantantly abuse our law and try to show that they are right. I have seen with my own eyes an accident like this happen because some idiot (like you Pamela) who decided to use their handphone and as a result an innocent pak cik on a motorcycle lost his lives when that culprit was too busy on phone and make a turn left without giving a signal. What makes me feel more tragic is when I saw a bags of sweets spewed on the road after that tragic accident. I feel very sorry for his kids or probably his grand kids who might be eagerly waiting for their loves one to show up back from work with that bag of sweets.

    You should instead thankful to God that no accident has occured due to your carelessness instead of showing this kind of arrogant. Please do not repeat it again.

  3. It is always sad when one sees an individual being personally attacked for writing what she believes in. If you disagree, then it is your right to write it down and say you do not agree. You do not have to personally attack the individual while saying so. That is what the whole process of airing your views is all about.

    Calling an individual names and using names to deride her doesn't change a single thing nor her mind about the situation should have been solved. Sure, you may have vented your anger but has the situation improved or has the individual seen your side of arguement positively?

  4. I strongly urge all malaysian police to just issued the summon rather than asking for 'duit kopi'.

    this then will make the citizen more respect towards RMP

  5. All comments regarding the incident aside, the PDRM is one organisation thats filled to the brim with douchebags. When you see a roadblock, especially before Raya, the first thing that comes to mind is 'Ooh…Raya sudah mari…cari makan'. This is the impression that most Malaysians have towards these numbnuts. No wonder 10 Malaysians go missing on a daily basis and crime is rampant. Remember the issue of the beatbase in the Chow Kit area that was closed a couple years back…reason was 'Chow Kit area is too dangerous…full of thugs'. Hello…isn't it the job of cops catch these crooks ar? Am I missing something?

  6. Pam, you should just go back to live in your spongebob world. U have spent alot of time underwater, forgetting ur manners and how to live within a society. Be wiser next time when u resurface from ur spongebob world.

  7. Attitude problem, i must say. Full of arrogance, pride, sarcasm, disrespect, blameful so and so……… I hope everyone will condemn her action not patting her on her back!! We definitely do not want to have another Pamela Lim in Malaysia!!!!!!

  8. Man.. I'm so disgusted with Pamela.

    Clearly you were wrong.

    And you made it a big issue.

    It's just a compound.

    Just sign it.

    You can fight it in the court if you are not satisfy with it.

    A salute for the police for their patience.

    It's another video of a drama queen.

    I wonder whether you are one of those who update their pointless FB status every 5 minute just to say "I hungry"


  9. I think, Pamela is such an errogant, stubborn and self centered civilian. If she knew law, she must pick up the summon,say sorry to the policemen to what she have uncorrectly done (talking in the phone while driving) and something like that. Refusing to accept her very own fault but ding-donging to the policemen with rubbish words as if she is trying to provoke the arm forces, and definitely the way she communicate to them portraying her rudeness, no manners type of person (civilian). Nothing to do with races whatsoever, but she urgently need a lesson and good civic teachings from her parents. What a shame of you Pam! She's rude!

  10. It really says something about the mindset of some Malaysians when you read those comments written by the supporters of those 2 policmen in this forum. This is a good case study for those who want to do research on the social ills that prevail in Malaysia.

    Honestly the acts of taking bribes from the traffic offenders is already a culture in Malaysia. Surely the police would know whether there would be off-duty officers, as well as bogus policemen going around asking for bribes.

    My salute to the courageous Pam. And hopefully something will be done by the Tuan AGP soon enough to instill discipline in the police force, in order to defend the honour of the whole police force.

  11. pamela, sometimes, you just have to forget about the redbook and use common sense. it's only a traffic summon

  12. Hey Pam,

    Your video is a BAD example of how to handle such a situation. It should NEVER serve as an instruction video for others. Knowing your rights as written in the RED BOOK is one thing. Knowing how to execute those rights properly is quite another.

    I don't know you. So, I won't make any personal comments against you.

    However, there are so many of us who have been stopped by police for minor traffic offences over the years. And, I doubt that the situations ever degenerate into the kind that you ended up with. That is why you are getting a lot of flak – because most of us know that this is not 'normal'.

    The police are largely just doing their job and I don't think that it is fair to paint them in a negative light when you have obviously broken the law (ignorance is not an excuse). You should have just asked for the saman and apologise for breaking the law and thank them for doing their jobs.


  13. janganlah Marah Cik Pam kita ni.. hik hik hik.

    Dia bukan reti sangat nak jadi bahan , kalau nak bahan kan orang lain dia reti lah.

    to both policeman : janganlah layan kerenah minah ni, banyak lagi tugasan di luar sana yang memerlukan tenaga kamu.

    to Cik Pam : @#$%^&*() @#$%^&*( @#$%^&*( @#$%^&*() @#$%^&*( @#$%^&*( @#$%^&* @#$%^&* $%^&*()(*&^%$ )(*&^%$ )(*&^%$ ….jangan membazirkan masa penjawat awam, banyak lagi rakyat malaysia yg memerlukan khidmat mereka di saat kamu membebel seperti @#$%^&)(*&^%$^*$%##$%$^&^*…

  14. Heh heh Pammy, you appear to the victim of paid cyberlouts courtesy of the 'you-know-who'. When they swarm, it's kinda pointless to argue because that presumes logic, openness, etc. Welcome to Malaysian cyberspace Pammy! Kick it off. All their flaming in the world is not gonna change the way things are. But you know what-to-do you-know-when yah?

  15. Pam; anything wrong calling you pendatang? That's a fact, right? No one give a hoot in UK and Australia if you are called descendants of Immigrants but somehow it become a sensitive issue in Malaysia.

    I think this is a typical uncultured 'cina bukit' mentality ; break the law and once get caught will try to find 'lobang' to escape the law; next insinuating others are corrupted and racist. To now about this 'cina bukit' mentality; please read http://deminegara.blogspot.com. I am sure you will enjoy reading his articles and see whether you have substance to argue with him.

  16. dear pamela if u really do think that you are right

    stop posting as another user and pretending to agree with yourself

    doing so just making you look more pathetic than you already are

  17. Cik Pam…maaflah saya nak tulis dlm bahasa inggeris tak pandai…jadi saya tulis dlm bahasa malaysia saja laa…harap2 awak faham bahasa kebangsaan kita ok…bahasa yg menyatu-padukan rakyat malaysia tercinta kita…saya dah tengok video klip awak berkali2 dan setiap kali melihat telatah bodoh awak saya terbayang amoi bimbo yg tak tau adab sopan bila bercakap. Mungkin saya akan bercakap serupa macam awak tapi HANYA DGN ORG YG MACAM AWAK…jgn perasan seolah2 awak sahaja yg tau hak awak….awak tidak ada hak nak menafikan hak org lain…hak utk menjalankan tugas…hak utk mempertahankan diri drp org2 sombong seperti awak. Jgn ingat polis2 muda kita bodoh2 belaka….seandainya ada perompak2 dekat situ awak ingat polis2 muda itu akan tinggalkan awak? Mereka akan pertahankan awak sebab itu tugas mereka…mempertahankan undang2 negara…pada saya awak tidak lebih daripada pengecut yg bodoh2 sombong…hanya tau mengambil kesempatan dan berhati busuk. Malaysia tidak memerlukan rakyat seperti awak. Terus-terang saya katakan di sini, jgn tebalkan muka mempertahankan sikap buruk kamu tu…sila siarkan muka kamu di youtube kalau berani…saman polis2 tu sekiranya kamu di pihak yg benar…kalau la saya jadi polis2 tu, saya akan saman kamu sampai kamu terduduk….biar jadi pengajaran kepada cucu cicit kamu betapa perkaumannya kamu pada rakyat Malaysia….

  18. Cik Pamela

    1. Kalau Malaysian, mesti boleh cakap Bahasa Malaysia (bkn Bahasa Melayu)….kalau tak boleh berbahasa Malaysia….layak tak jadi warga negara?

    2. Your explanation is hearsay, betul tak? Tapi your arrogance & rudeness were recorded clearly in the video

    3. Your arrogance & rudeness intimidated the 2 poor policemen

    4. You wrote "Then I thought if they were going to hassle me further, I might as well record their actions"…ada logik ka? Kalau dah di record tak kanlah polis tu nak proceed to hassle you makcik oooiii!!!!

    5. You wrote "He kept questioning me WHO I AM……would my offence be a non-offence if they had known how my family had been a close source to the family of the late Tun Razak and the father of our independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman?"….what are you implying?

    6. "In a country where I?m viewed in the same light as a “pendatang” (illegal immigrant) & accused of having an ancestry of prostitutes, I ought to be wary of every encounter with anyone who come across to me in such a manner."….I'm so sad that you feel that way. Don't you have any Malay, Indian, Sikh, Iban etc friends? Do they treat you as Pendatang ? Suggest you migrate to other country if you feel that way.

    Sorry la…we Malaysian don't need this….btw


  19. HI,Pam,i read thru ur page & do sympathise with u,it's a fact there r some rotten apples amongst our 'blue-uniformed' guys.Still there r some who are really dedicated to their profession so I wldnt jump d gun to label all of them as bad apples.Sometimes use of friendly banter can ease a tense situation,in doing so can avoid turning the other party into an aggresive animal.If I were asked whether I 'mampu' bayar summons(meaning kopi-duit la),I wld ask for a receipt to follow so that I can produce as evidence that I had paid the summons 'off-limits' unwillingly.Afterall even paid official summons come with receipts ma.This wld piss any 'blue' boy…

  20. Dear Pam,

    I do not believe that you are a drama queen, or out to garner anything. Sympathize with what you have gone through.

    For idiots who are critical about you, are forgetting about "settling"? Is that part of their "Duty" to get "settling" from the public? Are we sooooo bloody blind to the fact that they ask to "settle" and harp on what how Pamela carry herself? Or are those busy condemning Pamela are also party to "settling" that you scream about politeness when forced to "settle"?

  21. dear descendent of Malaya’s first court interpreter, Peter Lim ……you were arrogant and rude!!

    Sekian terima kasih. Maaf ye descendent of Malaya’s first court interpreter.

  22. looks like not many ppl like u…u sounded arrogant…u broke the law…accept the summon and let it be…even if they ask bribe say no…then accept summon…rights are there…use them…but when u break the law accept the summon…don't have to talk so much…if i were a cop i would get annoyed too…btw…u dunno BM ah? u claim to be malaysian what?

  23. btw…if you're not married yet, don't take namewee as your future husband ok…please…you'll breed more species like yourself…do justice to us by taking 1Malaysia type husband to be your companion..at least he can neutralize the racism in your blood to a better 1Malaysia generation….

  24. Pamela Lim…i'm exercising my right to call you "Pam The Bull Shitter…freedom of speech maaaa…don't be angry la ok…for me you are just namewee in the making…female version lorrr…how unfortunate this country to have you as a citizen…thank God my forefathers have taught us well in blending harmoniously with the malays plus other races and slowly becoming true malaysian after 4th generations…i don't feel like pendatang and never denying the fact that our forefathers are immigrant…looking at all these fiasco you've created some how made me uneasy…you're breeding hatred among our Malaysian brothers and sisters regardless of races. I want to exercise my right to live in peace and harmony with our malaysian brothers and sisters by despising your stupid act and condemning your intention to instill racism among peace loving malaysian. Pamela Lim, my advice to you do not insult our intelligence with your "syok sendiri" citizen's right, be a good person and lastly look at yourself in the mirror, asked yourself…am i syok sendiri?

  25. simple question Pamela.

    if you really are truly righteous and actually believe that you are right , why do you have to go so far until patheticly defending yourself as other nicknames pretending as other person who actually agreed with you?

    you are delusional thats why , you should seek a psychiatry (that if you can afford one)

    in the video you speak of rights but have you forgotten , the police officer has his privacy rights that allows him to refuse people taking his video , you want others to respect your rights but you cant even respect others of their rights.

    also the law you mention are all base on hearsay? internet? or your delusional mind?

    Police officers are allowed to withhold your IC and License until they feel that you deserved to get it back. Dont forget that IC and License are property of the government.

    and you say they were trying to intimidate you, obviously you are just a drama queen or delusional trying to pretend to be a victim , guess what we are not that stupid to buy into your acting (and by the way whats with the fact accent? you are really delusional lol , u have never even been to any country in europe or america for god sake) , and from what I see in the video it clear that you were the one who was trying to intimidate the police officers

    the police officer was even nice enough to say "Tolong Sign"(please sign) , but yet you still scribble on the summon booklet. Do you know in the US a man was sentenced for 20 years prison for illegally taking video of policemen in duty without permission , and in US the so called father of democratic countries , when u vandalized the summon booklet they would have drag you out and put you in jail. Even so the Malaysian policemen are still nice enough to ask you to go to follow them to the police station instead , but you refused which means you were resisting arrest , another offence

    dont forget that you were obstructing the police from their duty which is another offence too.

    hope you enjoy posting replies to people who disagree with you and pretend to post as other people , you know who those users pretending to agree with you (hope you are not that delusional to the point that you can convince yourself that you are not the fake user defending you),god knows that too if u believe in god that is

  26. Are those fake policeman? Their uniform gives me some strange feeling and usually a police uniform, whether they are traffic police or usual patrolling police would have at least a steel plate of police ID number on their shoulder and left chest if i recalled.

  27. In this video, logically this lady purposely film the police. 1st of all the police are just doing their job, even though their not well professional. But in my point of view, this lady should just cooperate with the police. She just provoking the police and hopping the policemen will do something on her. In her video, she also mention she know the law. If you really know the law, just take your summons and leave. I don't see the point of you intimidating them, i know you have the rights but you're just acting dumb in the video.

    Lucky you came across with this juniors policemen, senior policemen won't take you so easily. This is so obvious your being so sarcastic, arrogant and stupid. If you think you are and educated person, please be cooperative with them.

    Not to mention, i don't see the policemen harming you. He might not be that polite because your so acting rudely.

  28. Actually we all make ourselves stupid and dumb. It is you, Pam who made us such fools to react on your article. About the policemen, if you already knew that they were very rude to you, why in the first place must you 'entertain' them? As we could view this issue, both parties were in the wrong side. Just watch your thoughts and don't let people react negatively on your actions.

    Likewise M. Nasir said in his song…

    "Tujuh puluh tiga pintu

    Tujuh puluh tiga jalan

    Yang sampai hanya satu jalan…

    … Lihat dunia dari mata burung

    Atau dari dalam tempurung

    Yang mana satu engkau pilih

    Dalam kalut ada peraturan

    Peraturan mencipta kekalutan

    Di mana pula kau berdiri???"

    So, why must you 'kalut-kalut'.. ???..

    Have a life then, Pam…

  29. the two policeman are just doing their job la. yes, you have all your rights, but you can also be more cooperative la. if you think that you didn't commit any offence, so be it. you can always appeal and lodge a complain later, especially you have their name! if you think they have no rights to keep your ic, then complain about them later. you don't have to provoke the policeman unnecessary by filming it and writing some other stuff on the summons. and knowing that they may not be able to fully understand english, just speak malay la. honestly, i just think that the way you speak is just a bit too arrogant and snobbish. I believe you have your rights for whatever u did, but the problem can always be solved in a more amicable way…. all you need is a slightly higher EQ, as well as some mutual respect….

  30. Well, I can say that Pam n the 2 cops were at fault too.

    – cops acted unprofessionally.

    – Pam was holding her phone on one hand while the other was on the steering.

    – Pam is challenging the cops while the cops should have acted politely.

    Conclusion is we should know our rights as a citizen n as a cop.

    PS: Cop's newer uniform doesn't bear their ID number unlike the older uniform.

  31. truth is,you were wrong and thats it.there's no point to accuse them for not being polite or anything.the main thing is,they were doing their job as A REAL CITIZEN and you as a "citizen" didnt even gave a respect.i guess next time when got rape or rob,the police wouldnt help you out since you dont need them i think..you didnt trust them,why should seek help from them right?good luck in your future with no police..lol

  32. JustTrurth, just bacause we pay their salary in one small way or another, it doesn't mean they have to respect us. You probably don't mean that, but it sounds like that, or rather it could be twisted to sound like that.

    Anyway, we should all respect one another. No one likes to be treated as the lesser being. HAving said that, the police shouldn't be rude either. They need to be serious and stern but professional. This issue could have totally been avoided had the police stopped her, record her particulars, tell her why they were stopping her and return her her particulars. Pamela then explains that she was just about to put her phone back on the holster before they asked her to pull over. Police could decide to write her a summons anyway or they could decide to let her off knowing her intentions.

    Either way, the event would have pased uneventfully.

  33. *Sigh.. guess anger has blwon out the lamp in the head. reason has flown out the window and there is no point in trying to reason things out now.

    good night regular civilians.

    and to the weak cops, I have nothingh against you either. I feel for most of you. the gov who claims to have your best interest pays you crap and reduced you to accepting bribes for survival. meanwhile head honcho gets his $ and "respect" Yeah we've seen those documents classified as rahsia.

    hopefully the next generation of malaysians won't have to face what we're facing today.

    *to a better tomorrow*

  34. @justtruth

    wat the hack you said PDRM related?…. i must say all those cmnts frm the pdrm… they seem like theyre good in english…. hmmmm…..dud, imma police officer too, dont judge a book by its cover…youre just dumb as pamela's pure dumbness!!!….

  35. you guys just made a new superstar in town! fuck she is trying to search fr publicity and sympathy. your family has close source with the family of tunku and tun razak's? who the fuck cares? snce u asked them wht is intimidate means? now i asked you, do u knw whts PENDATANG means? its legal immigrant, illegal immigrant in english is PENDATANG HARAM. got tht smarty? dont make such story to srch fr sympathy.

  36. um.. actually, I think Pamela was afraid but she refused to back down. you can hear the stammer in her voice.

    While I agree totally that holding a phone while driving weather it is on speaker mode or not, she is still using her hand and her hand is therefore not free. For that reason the police was not wrong in stopping her. they had no way of knowing she was going to put it in the holster.

    Again asking to see and record her particulars from her ID card and to check that her drivers license is valid is standard procedure. Nothing worng in that again.

    Holding on to her ID card and drivers license however doesn't seem right. If she has already done somethign wrong, you have her particulars, Pamela can't run anymore.So why the need to ask her to go follow their bikes to balai? Can't they use the normal way of sending a registered letter to her address? that's how it works with the speed cameras, no?

    Pamela may have acted according to law based on a little booklet. Police officers on the other hand are upholders of the law. they represent the law. I expect them to be profesional and experienced. If they are not experienced, then please retain them in police training.

  37. she's just acting smart. tht's all. and yeah she is smart tho to tape this down and upload it on youtube. bravo ms pam!

    i hope you guys sense tht sarcasm! " im very scareddddd nooowww" oh wht if the cop put out his gun and point it to you? now there goes, " im very scared now" fuck sarcasm. i wonder how your children will react, and fight for their 'rights' bcse mummy is being a bitch or mybe DATIN WANNABE( pick this from reena or sumthing idk, but yeah tht status suits her alot!) drama queeeeen ;p

  38. JustTruth, truth is, you didn't give your comment in just manner. You totally support Pam's behaviour even though it's so clear that what she did really annoyed the police officers. At the same time you totally condemn the police although they're just doing their duties, albeit a bit unprofessional I must say.

    Just to tell that recording or filming one's acts can be so annoying, especially in situation like this. You're not sitting in their shoes, but rather defending Pam's attitude in a clearly biased manner.

  39. haiya pam. just stop it already. clearly you were wrong. please dont write anymore of this shit just to make yourself more famous with your virtual supporters. enough is enough. but i do hope you can quit from being a journalist and try your luck at any talent agency. we need more actress like you so that our film industry can be as good as bollywood.

  40. I would just like to note that you were holding your phone with the speaker on which does not constitute hands-free use of the phone. Using one hand holding the phone and one hand driving while talking on the phone does not safe behaviour and you would be distracted while doing that. Hands-free speaker is only hands-free if your phone was in the holster while you were using it. Technicality is not the issue here. I am sure we all can agree that an offence was committed, other things aside.

  41. BTW Pam, I just skimmed thru some of the comments especially the nasty ones. Its definitely from BRAINLESS, IDIOTS – most likely PDRM related.

    This just proves our point. A large section of our "men in blue" are very un-professional whilst carrying out their duties. Can you image it – they cant even display a miniscule of professionalism in issuing a traffic summons to a WOMAN! How to tackle bigger, more important + dangerous jobs! AND THEY FORGET WE ARE PAYING THEIR SALARIES.

  42. Dear Pam,

    It was good you included this update on what happened before the video clip. Anyway, I'm glad you had the presence of mind to do the right thing and take care of yourself. Dont bother abt the "idiots" with -ve comments. They wont realize until their wife, daughter or sister are in the same situation!!!

    Anyway this was the comment I posted in MT on 10-Oct. Majority of MT readers agreed that you were right to take measures to protect yourself and the police jokers were really un-professional. Take care.

    [10 Oct comment posted in MT] I watched the video for a 2nd time. When the recording started she "asked" for the summons to be written.

    By now the policemen were "pissed" just becos she started recording. Then it went downhill from there bcos of the scribbling/notes on the summons + ic/driver's license.

    I honestly think these policemen are so used to intimidating people that they were VERY defensive, irritated, pissed when she started recording. So what …. if you hv NOTHING to HID!

    Didnt the govt say they will invest millions to install CAMERAs along the roads in their quest to improve traffic, reduce road accidents + fatalities?

    What if it was the 2 police jokers who had a video cam and was recording her? She would just hv to accept it.

    Policemen's job is to maintain LAW + Order. She did not utter foul language or shout at them or made dirty sign language. Just recording to protect her rights IS PROVOKING the police?

    For Heavens sake – you cant honestly be condoning this lame excuse for irresponsibly behaviour by the police!

  43. Pam is keeping quiet and those who defended her with emotional response may be her? lol? i bet even her mom would scold her for how she was in the video.

    until now she hasn't make her police report yet. so i guess she is just talk.

  44. Agreed with Red, thats why most of the early commentators (before some people with racial issue start swarming this site) disagree and condemned her behavior. It's insulting our intelligent. She want to play the victim and hoping that the police somehow fall for that, and luckily she didn't succeed.

  45. Ok listen guys. There is no rule saying that she can't scribble on the summons book. The only thing she can't do is destroy the book. Mamat tu suruh dia sign, dia tenyeh pun dah kira sign lah. Siapa cakap dia rosakkan buku tu? Masa belajaq undang2 tidoq dalam kelas, kuar kerja pakai undang2 sendiri.

    Hukuman tetap atau Akta mana kata yang mata-mata boleh ambil/simpan IC orang? KO orang buat kerja cam samseng sebab orang Mesia buduh, cakap jer lebih.

    Dia nak cakap bahasa Inggeris ka, Bahasa Jepun ker itu hak dia. Orang lain tahu lebih dari 2 bahasa, tapi ko tahu 1 bahasa jer. Badan jer cam kerbau, akai takder!

    Pakai psychology lah sikit, orang dah bersalah mestilah cuba dolak-dalih. Jadi sebagai seorang anggota yang dah biasa kena leter lebih 2jam masa roll-call, takan tak dapat tahan leteren nyonya tu? Sia-sia jer latihan. Hampehhh! Ni semua sebab nak tunjuk kuasa.

    Pamela u have no manners! The blame goes to your parents for failing to slap your mouth. Don't be arrogant just because you are somebody.

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