LoyarBurokkers, before Lord Bobo disciplined them.

We’re back (though we’ve never been gone).

Hello, what’s up, apa khabar, how you doin, and other greetings of a friendly nature!

This is a quick note from the editorial team mind-controlled to run this most awesome blawg by His Supreme Eminenceness Lord Bobo Barnabus (the team comprises anything between two to 729 editors, depending on who’s asking).

The blawg has been a bit quiet for the past year or so, as everyone has been quite busy with all manner of things — work, meditating, skiving off overseas to “study”, running law firms, learning how to extract a god shot, looking for love in all the wrong places, writing names in blank spaces, changing the world, waiting on the world to change, shaking things off, etc etc. (However, just because the blawg has been quiet doesn’t mean LoyarBurok hasn’t been active — there’s a constant buzz of activity offline at the MCCHR / LoyarBurok Rakyat Centre, and lots of on-the-ground initiatives, all mind-controlled by Lord Bobo of course.

LoyarBurokkers, before Lord Bobo disciplined them.

We know that there has been a slowdown in publishing posts on the blawg, and many of you have asked about this (how kind of you to notice!). Having heard your feedback, and having been royally told-off by Lord Bobo and threatened with the withholding of our purple banana supply, we are officially firing up the LoyarBurok blawg again!

Do send in your submissions (and re-send those which may have been ignored in the past year… sorry…).

PS: Lord Bobo has planned something interesting for the blawg in the second half of 2015. Watch out!


The collective persona of Lord Bobo's minions (yes, all the cheeky monkeys and monkettes). Haven't you heard? LoyarBurokking is a lifestyle. Join us, and your life will never be the same again. Because...

8 replies on “Rebooting the LoyarBurok blawg”

  1. It's great to see the blawg roaring back to life. We've missed your insightful and thought-provoking posts. Lord Bobo's influence on your editorial team is indeed remarkable! Looking forward to what's in store for the second half of 2015. Keep those purple bananas coming, and keep shaking things off!

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