[Updated on 14 October 2010: Through Dato’ Khalid Bin Abu Bakar’s statement on 13 October 2010, the police has responded on Facebook here. Thank you commentator PDRM for bringing it to our attention. We reproduce it in full:

Salam rakan-rakan semua, apa yg kita lihat di dalam video itu, terdapat kekurangan/kesilapan di kedua-dua pihak. Di pihak Polis, anggota tersebut bersikap kurang mesra, dan terdapat kata-kata yang tidak perlu diucapkan langsung. Apa yang perlu diucapkan ketika menahan seseorang yang melakukan kesalahan trafik, adalah mengucapkan salam/selamat pagi/petang, maklumkan apa kesalahan pemandu dan jika dia menerima alasan yg diberikan oleh pemandu, dia boleh menggunakan budi bicaranya untuk melepaskan pemandu dengan amaran atau ingatan dan jika dia tidak menerima alasan pemandu, dia terus mengeluarkan saman dan beredar.

Jika pemandu enggan menerima saman, buat catatan dan terus beredar. Kata-kata atau ucapan lain yang tidak berkenaan tidak perlu.

Di pihak pemandu, di dalam insiden ini pula seolah-olah mencabar dan membuat provokasi kepada anggota polis yang menjalankan tugasnya. Ini juga tidak perlu dilakukan. Tidak salah untuk merakam kejadian yang berlaku tetapi tidak perlu mengeluarkan kata-kata yg mencabar anggota Polis itu. Jika ada perbuatan anggota Polis itu yang tidak menyenangkan pemandu, dia boleh melaporkannya kepada Pegawai Kanan Polis di mana-mana Balai. Pemandu juga boleh hadir ke mahkamah untuk mendengar kes di hadapan Majistret, jika tidak puas hati dengan saman yang dikeluarkan. Saya telah menghubungi Rakan kita yang postkan video ini tetapi malangnya dia tidak dapat memberi saya butir-butir lanjut kejadian ini. Kita akan cuba kesan Anggota polis berkenaan dan dapatkan butiran kejadian. Terima kaseh saya ucapkan di atas pendedahan ini.]

Pamela Lim’s previous video post has attracted a record number of hits on LoyarBurok. She elaborates on her video with an account of what happened before she started filming and why she acted as she did. This was originally written (on 10 October 2010 at 8.47 pm) as a comment response to hundreds of other comments on the original post and is now reproduced for easy reference.

The video can be viewed here.

I was flagged down after turning right at the junction of Federal Highway adjoining Jalan Gasing/Jalan University. When I stopped the car to ask what I was stopped for, the policeman said I committed an offence, for using the mobile phone without hands-free. I maintained that my phone was on the hands-free speaker and I was holding the phone at a distance as I spoke but they kept saying that I did not use the hands-free. They asked for my IC and driver’s license in which I complied and gave it to them. As they were holding the summons book, they didn’t read out which Act that I had violated when I asked them what the difference was, between using a hands-free kit and the hands-free speaker.

Then they asked me how I would like to settle the matter. Then I asked them, how do you normally settle matters like this. Then they said, if I want to settle it normally, it would be a hassle for me. Then they waited for my response. I told them, I didn’t think that I have committed an offence per se, but if they say that I have, then I am willing to accept the summons as I’m obviously in the wrong by using the phone according to them. I have always used the handsfree kit but that day, I hadn’t plugged it in and my mistake was answering the phone by putting it on hands-free speaker and was flagged down before I could put the phone on my holster. Look at the video again, my phone holster is stuck on the right of my windscreen.

As they insisted that I was wrong, I insisted that they gave me the summons for it. They began to taunt me with words in Malay and if I hadn’t read the RED BOOK by the Bar Council to know what to do when confronted by the police, I would not know what to do or what to expect next.

I asked them for their names and their ID numbers in which they got defensive. Then I thought if they were going to hassle me further, I might as well record their actions on photographs. I photographed them with my phone so that I have evidence of my encounter with them should I want to challenge the summons in court. They began to yell at me for taking pictures, accusing me of “intimidating” them and that I have no rights to take pictures of their uniform as it was government property. When they began to intimidate me with their words, that was when I switched to video mode.

What followed was all recorded for you to see.

I had no idea what they were getting at except that they were trying to intimidate me to submit to their demands. When they handed me the summons to sign, I wrote on it that “I do not accept as I had handsfree,” the police went livid. There is no law that states that you can’t write anything in protest of a summons for an offence that you do not admit to. Signing the summons denotes acceptance of the summons, not the offence. All the time, I had the video on, filming with my left hand. He shouted at me. Questioning what rights do I have, implying that I should have none when dealing with the police.

He kept questioning me WHO I AM. Does it matter who I am? I am an ordinary citizen who has rights. Does it mean that if I were a “somebody” this treatment would have been different? Does it mean that if I was a somebody, I would be let off? Why was the policeman so adamant in asking me who I was? What difference would it make if they had decided already that I had committed an offence? Or would my offence be a non-offence if they had known how my family had been a close source to the family of the late Tun Razak and the father of our independence, Tunku Abdul Rahman?

When they refused to return my IC and license, beckoning and summoning me to follow them back to the station, I refused and stated my rights and that I will report them for they had “stolen” my IC. That’s when they realised I knew the law. If I had committed an offence and obstructed justice, why didn’t they arrest me? They also refused to issue me the summons until they decided that they flouted the law themselves and returned my IC, license together with the summons issued. THEY REFUSED TO HAND ME THE SUMMONS FOR ME TO GO. This probably did not even occur to you because you didn’t watch the video properly.

These policemen abused their power to talk down to a lady, threatened me by withholding my IC and license and yet demanded the respect at the same time: how is that possible? No one is allowed to hold on to your IC, not even security guards at the condo entry points.

All of you who condemned me obviously had never been in a situation like mine, where you were made to feel small and insignificant for refusing to cower under pressure for an offence that I did not consciously commit. Being a female, I would have been subjected to a lot worse if I was intimidated by them to follow them to goodness-knows-where. I was well aware of the fact that they didn’t have their ID numbers on them and had every reason to be suspicious. In a country where I’m viewed in the same light as a “pendatang” (illegal immigrant) and accused of having an ancestry of prostitutes, I ought to be wary of every encounter with anyone who come across to me in such a manner.

It’s interesting to see how many of you distort the topic of intimidation and threats when the police outnumbered me.

For those who think I shouldn’t be a citizen of Malaysia, you ought to know that I am the descendent of Malaya’s first court interpreter, Peter Lim and can trace back four generations in Malaysia. I am a law abiding citizen and a God-fearing person. I have also compounded my summons and paid the fine. I have decided to make this video public not to seek publicity but to educate the public especially women, on their rights when confronted by the police and when to exercise them. What happened to me, can happen to anybody. I have utmost respect for the police force when they arrest criminals, recover kidnapped children, clamp down on high crimes and solve murder mysteries. I never hesitate to cooperate with them whenever necessary but I will not be intimidated when I refuse to give bribes.

Thank you for your time in giving your comments and being so quick to condemn. You ought to read the RED BOOK. I acted within my rights. I was in my confined space. I had every right to defend myself from unruly behaviour. They could have been more courteous. As a tax payer, we are paying their salaries.

I'm driven by my fervent spirit for adventure, my inquisitive nature for wildlife & my intrinsic values for doing the right thing. The compulsion to go in and around water had been apparent from the...

590 replies on “[UPDATED] Police Intimidation Video: What Happened Before”

  1. @Allan Ooi

    Can't you just see the obvious? She's not afraid, she's baiting the police so she can hopefully record the video of the police's brutality to fulfill her propaganda. It's bloody obvious.

  2. Dear Pam,

    I prefer to make my comment in Bahasa, but considering that you understand better in English, I'll make it in English. First off, please put aside racism while reading my comment…& my name here speaks for itself.

    I'm going to say that, what you did was NOT RIGHT. Yes you were oh-so-confident that you didn't breach any Malaysian laws whilst filming those police, but I'd say that it's morally wrong to interfere the police while doing their duties. Filming one's acts can be so annoying & interfering, especially strangers. It'll make you feel so uneasy when someone is filming what you're doing, coz it's pretty unusual for most Malaysians. For example, when you're in an LRT, then suddenly a stranger is filming you & your every move. I'll bet you'll feel so uneasy too, just like what these officers feel when you're doing that.

    You knew it too right, but you still filming them in order to see how would they react in such situation. I can tell that these officers did feel a little uneasy, & yet annoyed by your act & the way you talked. I do admit that these guys were acting a little unprofessional when dealing with a person who talks too much, but that's foreseeable looking at their faces…they're young police officers who didn't really know how to handle such situation in the most professional manner. Things would've been different if you're dealing with senior officers. In relation to their reactions by not letting you to have your I/C & driving license, yes it's not right but I can understand why did they do that. You're lucky that they let you leave without dragging you to the police station. Even if you lodge a police report on this, I believe that things will not go the way you would expect if other officers were full aware of your attitude.

    I'm not saying that police never makes mistakes, they're no god. But in this situation, I fully & vehemently support the police. I rest my case, but don't despair to look for more support;-)

  3. I really hope the comments in response to Pamela's video clip do not represent the way society thinks. What has happened to decency? Empathy? Kindness? This isn't some staged reality TV for us to cheer or boo at.

    There is a difference between behaving in a deferential/"sujud" manner to authorities and simply being polite. Although many duit kopi givers/evaders are probably highly skilled in fake deference, that is and should never be a taxpayer's obligation to authority. Are we still living in the 15th Century?

    Did Pamela do committ a traffic offense? Then issue the summons. Was she being difficult? Belligerant? Rude? Surely there are police protocols to deal with such behaviour. AND THEY SHOULD HAVE SPELLED IT OUT TO HER. Telling a frightened citizen she needs to accompany two male officers to the station without citing why or where… what sort of reaction would you expect from her besides being defensive and uncooperative?

    This has nothing to do with what she can or cannot speak or what race she is, what sex she is. She was afraid and it was completely unnecessary. Maybe Pamela's Malay needs some serious brushing up. But I think a more pressing problem is the officers failure to communicate the law and their protocols to a citizen.

    @Pam – A Malaysian citizen is a Malaysian citizen. Does it matter how many generations or how distinguished your ancestor is to this country? Don't get caught up in the poisonous language of racist nationalists by justifying your place. A new Malaysian citizen is still a citizen to be protected by the government.

  4. The truth : Sini bukan UK atau US. Pernah dengar rakyat US/UK/Perancis yang mak ayah mereka datang dari bangladesh/india/china dll tak pandai cakap bahasa Inggeris/Perancis? Pernah dengar bila seseorang dapat warganegara satu2 negara, anak2 mereka tidak dapat berbahasa kebangsaan negara tersebut? saya pernah pergi sana, dan bercampur dengan generasi kedua pendatang, mereka langsung tiada masalah bertutur dalam bahasa kebangsaan mereka, dan identiti mereka masih kekal.Tapi itu tak berlaku pada kebanyakan orang cina di Malaysia. Hal ini tidak terdapat dalam kebanyakan orang india di Malaysia, kebanyakan mereka mampu bertutur dengan baik dalam bahasa Malaysia. Amat menyedihkan bila berjalan di Malaysia dan terpaksa bertutur dengan bahasa Inggeris apabila berkomunikasi dengan rakyat Malaysia sendiri! Sini bukan US/UK/Singapore.

    Kalau dah 4 generasi pun masih tak boleh cakap dengan elok, ada satu je sebab, kamu memang tidak pernah bergaul dengan majoriti, kamu suka tinggal dalam lingkungan kaum sendiri.

    MINTA MAAF KEPADA YANG MEMPERTIKAIKAN PAMELA BERCAKAP BAHASA INGGERIS. Tak salah dia berbahasa inggeris, sepatutnya kamu pertikaikan tindakan dia yang menggunakan bahasa inggeris sedangkan dia mampu bertutur dalam bahasa Malaysia, dan dia sedar polis tersebut tidak berapa mahir dalam bahasa inggeris.

    PADA MEREKA YANG KATA POLIS PATUT PANDAI BERBAHASA INGGERIS DENGAN ALASAN KALAU PELANCONG DATANG MACAM MANA. Maaf ye, bukan semua pelancong pandai bahasa inggeris, dari negara arab/china/jepun/negara2 eropah, ramai je yang tak pandai bahasa inggeris. Kat negara2 macam korea/jepun/perancis, polis mereka boleh ke berbahasa inggeris? Lemah betul. =.='

    Akhir sekali, tolonglah jangan naikkan isu perkauman, dan jangan gunakan kata2 yang kasar. Kita dah pandai guna internet, harap tahap kepandaian tu boleh diterjemahkan dengan bahasa yang sopan. Wsalam.

  5. @ not importantNo Gravatar on 12 October, 2010 at 5:05 pm

    Citizen on 12 October, 2010 at 4:25 pm

    LOL….you truely aren't important.

    You obviously don't know whats going on when you sign that agreement on the acceptance of the saman.

    Please….another arrogant and ignorant person…and thats you….yes you….you you you yoooouuuuusseeeeeelessss, Yes…keep repeating that to yourself and soon you will realise you really are!

  6. ko lagi sekor bangang red,

    Why not issue the summon and then leave?

    bodoh punye soalan, kan polis tu dah nak saman, si pamela mangkuk takmau sign dan permainkan saman polis dgn conteng2, sbb tu lah polis ambil ic dan mintak die pegi balai ngok.. kalau dah rase polis tu tipu/palsu, just sign saman lps tu blah je la, ini polis nak saman, ko macam cibai, x semestinye yg komen kat sini mesti pdrm n frens je la lahanat, btol tu jk, bagi kerjasama je la, kalau dah salah tu, polis nak saman, kalau ko buat leceyyy, memang la polis tu bengang, nasib baik lg polis tu sabar, kalau x die bg je pistol

  7. @TheTruth

    Understand what? That you can simply just scribble a summon paper, show disrespect, taunting and being rude to others when you actually did an offence in the first place? The way i see it is very simple, it's simply Pamela's immature prejudice against the police hence her reaction in the video.

  8. LoL @ syedputraahmadNo Gravatar on 12 October, 2010 at 8:23 pm

    namewee in the making….

    you are another trash in the making :)

  9. reply to: PETERNo Gravatar on 12 October, 2010 at 3:58 pm

    oh plleeeeaaseee….

    you're the one who's obviously showing your ego here.

    What? Can't take it that a young lady has more balls than you ever will to stand up to her rights?

  10. to HUMANNo Gravatar on 12 October, 2010 at 3:51 pm

    oh plz, she isnt looking for sympathy from the public….you are…Its so obvious you cant read and understand whats going on

    go back to school….plz…i even fund you to learn reading skills….first lesson ….pay attention before you speak….

    its obvious from the way you quickly comment without understanding that you are one of those that don't contribute to our great country and home, Malaysia but rather one of those who just sit around and complain all day and do little work and just wait for your end month's pay.

    you really should look in the mirror and reflect on how ugly you really are inside.

  11. Harap masing2 gunakan otak bila komen ya. Jangan jadi rasis kat sini. Aku tak sokong Pamela pun sebab dia memang saja cari pasal. Kalau dia bagi kerjasama, kemudian polis tu buat leceh, aku boleh terima dan memang akan kutuk polis tu. Cumanya, perlu ke mengejek2 dan menyusah2kan kerja orang, bagi kerjasama sudahlah. Dengan budi bicara pun boleh dilepaskan. Jangan pandang rendah pada pekerja kerajaan, mereka ada perasaan juga.

    AgreeToDisagree : Im sorry, ive read your comment before but got no chance to reply, fyi, i'm in opposition side too, but i just hate when the oppsition and its supporter blame BN for every single thing that happen nowadays got to do with BN. Why must we make them a scapegoat when all what happens is because our incompetency too.Its too childish.

    About unity problem, one might said its all about NEP and Bumiputra right. I do agree and i hope they'll review it soon and change it base on difficulty of the person not base on race since most average Bumiputra never benefiting from NEP scheme. I hope vernacular school will be abolish so that our children from different races will mingle all together from early age/

  12. Erm, first of all, the comments below. She has the right to speak the English language. BAHASA ENGLISH.

    There is no shame with speaking in English.

    For those who dare to call us Chinese pendatang when we have our IC's written that we are Malaysian. Please setup up to the platform on Merdeka day and join me on stage to call me that. Please….i dare you.

    Oh yeah Klusener? or whatever you like to think of yourself. You think that we cant speak BM well?

    Here's something for you. Our mother tongue is Mandrin/Cantonese. Yours is obviously Bahasa Melayu.

    Now we dont expect you to speak chinese….so you should not expect us to speak Malay. We prefer to speak in an Educated and internationally recognized language called English.

    Go back to school and learn this because it is obvious you haven't quite got the hang of learning respect and cultural socialism. Hiding behind and giving out such pathetic thoughts.

    For the rest of you, go ahead and taunt and disrespect. Just know that what goes around comes around. I beg you to think of your own children s future. For how you behave now is how your children will also follow and so on….and it will continue till your next generation get scolded in this same manner.

    Show respect to Pam before you speak for if you speak with no respect in the first place you do not deserve to be noticed when you tell her to be respectful. As you talk the talk and suck the walk.

  13. @Willie

    How do you expect the police gonna force her to go to the police station. If they drag her out, then the drama-queen-Pamela sure accuse them of assault and brutality for forcing her out of the car then drag her to the police station on a motorcycle? lolz

    Also bout her ic and driver's license, it's common practice for police to take the cards for issuing summons. What do you expect? Tell the offender to write on the summon paper themselves?

    Why can't some ppl use their brains at least? No common sense much?

  14. Aku tengok mung ni ade masaaloh nok tunjuk yang mung ning lebih bijok dari polis melayu tu. Bile mung doh rase besar kepala mung mula lah buat perangai boddo gittu. Bahase melayu pung mung dok pandai ye..

  15. To pendatang on 12 October, 2010 at 1:39 pm

    Being technical huh…ok….i will say it again…. 4 generations living in Malaysia, still cannot speak bahasa Melayu which is the national language of Malaysia…..(i think Pam herself did not study hard enough in school studying bahasa Melayu)……

  16. "loyar burok" = noun, colloquialism: one who is full of hot air; one who enjoys to talk a lot about things that serve no useful purpose…

    i think this definition aptly describe pamela lim in this incident, a loyar buruk, a nuisance with no useful purpose. if she really believed that she is not in the wrong, she should just sign the summons and go to court to fight her case and not try to get cheap publicity out of her 'scarry experience'. guess we have another namewee in the making.

  17. LOL if u think she is at fault then why the HELL they police didnt take her bak to the police station??..its obvious they know that they are also at fault…so stop fking blame it all on her you retards!!….and to all those assholes last time i was on loud speaker and my phone was on the dash board and still the pulled me over….wat the fk is that for?….stop talking shit she is trying to prove a point…put urself in the position before insulting her…


  19. redNo Gravatar on 12 October, 2010 at 6:10 pm:

    That's what the policemen wanted to do in the first place until this bitch start recording and bitching about she is some big timer.

  20. Lesson 1: Pam reacted, cops reacted, commentors reacted, that makes this video exciting and fun to watch, as well as thought-provoking, much as an exciting movie would show Rambo reacted, Transformers reacted, etc. If no such over-reactions, life would be very plain, much like a boring textbook.

    Lesson 2: For those innovative-minded businessman, there is new business opportunity in fixing a secret camera to the driver's seat or headrest. This will curb police corruption or even provide evidence in vehicular accident cases or violences.

  21. hi @Oneofthesedays

    "And what’s up with all the Chinese bros whacking poor Pam. Are you really intimidated by a strong and savvy woman that much?"

    Lapdogs of the establishment and cyber troopers posing as fake minorities. Very immature, artificial and manipulative society we have here.

  22. Pamela,, I am confused with all the comments. According to the law and according to my opinion, you simply did the right thing. I advise everybody to do the same, should they get treated like this by uneducated policemen. This is also the best way to stop these corrupt pirates of the highways!!!!!!!!

  23. i really hope that you could share the police report that you are going to make as mentioned by you in your video.(if you really are sticking true to your words)

  24. I hope this serves as a lesson to you that many readers were not impressed with your attitude. Get off your high horse, eat a humble pie and stop being an idiot.

  25. And guys, Pamela is an unarmed female. Meanwhile the cops were both male and hence, physically stronger and armed. And people are known to die under very suspicious circumstances in police lockup.

    Are we collectively saying that a camera is more intimidating than guns now?

    If a cop is caught on video carrying out public duty and doing it right, s/he ought not to take offence. S/he should be proud.

    Please talk reason instead of calling names and asking, "you ingat you siapa" to imply you are nobody and nothing and therefore have no rights.

    respect ought to be earned. Not given. If police behave respectably, I would only be more than happy to show them the respect they deserve. Like everyone else, we all like to be appreciated for a job well done.

    Peace, folks.

  26. It is very obvious the 2 Malay Police Guys were having a mind on the take for coffee money. But they got the bait with the hook tied to it. It is very lucky that Pamela was rather naive to put the camera on and was seen by them. Shld the camera was hidden and the exchange was on video, then the two guys will be having a nice time in the dock soon. So be prepared for the pest on the road in the future, nabbed and hit them hard.

  27. Can someone produce a second 'Red Book' specifically with regards to this sort of thing?

    @lkt-56No Gravatar on 12 October, 2010 at 3:41 pm

    @Devan NNo Gravatar on 12 October, 2010 at 3:11 pm

    @HanNo Gravatar on 12 October, 2010 at 2:46 pm

    These 3 brought up even more points. Can Loyar Burok sum this whole thing and the procedures up here on this site? I don't like living in a police state backed up with (inevitably from one race) unofficial SS civilian personnel swarming around. BN has made Malaysia into a very unsafe place especially without implementing IPCMC or removing ISA.

    Our vote is going to the *good* MPs of Pakatan Rakyat and the 3rd Force candidates preparing to dislodge patronage clique politicians and Oligarch nepotists in Pakatan itself. I won't miss BN for yesterday's reminder (not the first) that I live in a police state.

  28. Well, don't worry, Pam. I'm sure most of negative comments were from PDRM & friends.

    I for one am glad you shared this. It was VERY suspicious they wanted you to go to balai with them.

    What was it they wanted to do at the balai that they couldn't do at the Federal Highway?

    Why not issue the summon and then leave?

  29. Hi Pam, I refer to your posted comment on 11 October,2010 at 10.40 pm, where you said you have paid the fine after being advised by your lawyer. Now you have admitted your guilt. That is the end of episode.

    Forgive yourself unconditionally for every past mistake and today begin to release all your guilt feelings, and think only positive, healthy and happy thoughts.


  30. pamela..ko mmg bodo…perangai buruk..sembang kemas… padahal hampas…tgokla post kat sini suma cakap ko bodo…tahape hape.. saja mencari publisiti murahan..oh ye..i know my right…don`t you??

  31. To Malaysia is a beautiful country on 12 October, 2010 at 5:19 pm:

    Hence the lesson to every drivers out there:

    Don't accept nor sign the saman if you think you have not done anything wrong. Let them send the saman ekor and then challenge it in the court. If signed already like Pam in this video, then panjang cerita lah.

  32. @ pendatang

    wtv mr/mrs pendatang or wtv your name is. be optimist la kiddish. yes it is a form of writing. but she was ASKED to SIGN the form, but she's too eager to be smart. so she scribbled the form. how about you go thru the vid again. she said " saya bersalah, saya TERIMA saman, bagi lah" the policemen gave it to her to sign, 'tolong sign paper ini" she was asked gently, but yeah. she's smart rite. she's dont even knw wht sign is? dont you think the statement " saya salah, saya terima saman" is kinda stupid?

  33. bodoh takdak otak ke pamela, dah kene saman tu kene la, kalau polis tu nak menipu, buat ape bagi saman,just take it and leave la, yang pegi conteng tu ape yang bangang sangat,kalau rase polis tu palsu, ikut saja lah die pegi balai mangkuk, kalau die tak masuk balai, tipu la tuh, stupid dam dam, pandai lah kau buat alasan taknak saman,

  34. Pam,

    When they ask you how to settle, you did not bribe them.

    I have given policemen a piece of my mind a couple of times when they ask me how do I want to settle.

    Give me the summons quickly. I have no time and is not interested in a conversation with you.

    Apa maaf, minta maaf tuan? etc etc. People who does this are the ones who spoilt the policemen.

  35. Citizen on 12 October, 2010 at 4:25 pm

    got it spot on there.

    i find most of those posting comments to be super ignorant. have you guys not seen any police officers in that uniform before? if want to talk about rights then learn how to identify a police officer.

    Pamela did the most idiotic thing in the world by posting a video of how stupid one can be in this situation.

    just sign the damn summon and report whatever later.

    emotional blackmail does not work on strangers especially law enforcers.

    for those who applauded her actions, don't buta-buta support people. its stupid

  36. nuckle head, you had no right to scribble on the summone book.what would you do if someone did that to your paper or book. would you go ballistic or stay nice. since you were recording the whole incident, just sign it and report the whole incident to the nearest police station. it is you who had poured more fuel into the fire just to intidimate them and show how bad the police force is. notwithstanding this, you also potrayed yourself as a dodo, should have stopped and answered the hp.

  37. Dear Pamela,

    To be honest, both parties are in the wrong. First thing, you're wrong for driving and listening to the phone without hands free. Secondly, you tried to scare and provoke them, in which why they raised their voice and acted the way.

    They are wrong for their act as policemen. They should not have ask "Who are you to write these?" as it is intimidating as well. In addition, they does not look like policemen to me.

    Next time you encounter such incident, try to figure out whether they are the real policemen. The real policemen should have a badge with ID numbers on their uniform. Plus, the motorcycle that they're on should have proper equipments. Check the summon papers. Record down their ID Number and Name and launch a report against them.

    To all drivers, please be careful on the road.

    "Tepuk tangan sebelah tidak akan berbunyi"

  38. Reply to dair on 12 October, 2010 at 4:10 pm

    It's true.

    The MyKad and IC is a document that only belong to the owner. No one else can hold it. If someone if found in possession of another person's MyKad, it's a legal offence.

    Condo security guards can only hold a person's drivers license, not the MyKad.

  39. After reading pages of comments here,there are lots of stupid people here who does not know about the new police uniform which was introduced by former IGP Tan Sri Musa Hassan in the year 2009.This uniform does not have ID number.It only has the officers name,the word "POLIS" and an "Integriti Amalan Kita" badge.This uniform is used for field duties.It's also called "Operations Uniform".So get your facts right before jumping into conclusions that these 2 cops in the video captured by our so called "Law abiding citizen" Pam,are fakes.For your info,police have special powers which is called "Kuasa Budi Bicara".In this case,if Pam was polite,they would have let her go with a warning.Pam sounds like a highly educated person but she is stupid enough to create this kind of nonsense not to mention her arrogant,irritating way of talking.Another word of advice for Pam,creating racial tensions is an offense under the Malaysian law which can screw you big time.So watch your words,learn to respect people and the law.

  40. Ask any Malaysians of for that matter Singaporean ;when the policemen asked how you are going to settle it means that they were soliciting for a bribe. Pam, was right to argue that she thinks she has not committed any offense and ask for the summon

    since she is not the typical Malaysians who will willingly give the bribe to avoid the hassle to argue but just blame their bad luck. The video clearly shows the pathetic level of professionalism

    shown by the 2 policemen but I hope they are not the majority in the Malaysian police force. However I think Pam should not have showed such high aggression when talking to the 2 policemen which clearly offended them.

  41. No one is allowed to hold on to your IC, not even security guards at the condo entry points.

    <—-this proves that u got brain malfunction, eaten by tumor i guess?

  42. For all the champions of Bahasa Malaysia, are you sure the peeps in the video speaks the language you learnt in school?

    To me, the core issue here is not of either party's command of certain language.

  43. i propose to buy Pam the followings:-

    a) bluetooth device so that she will not stopped by police officer

    b) Book on how to converse in Bahasa Malaysia

    c) and lastly, DVD on how to observe your manners.

    i do not know you personally but you OBVIOUSLY did wrongs in the video.You want to be like gwo-burne who taped vk lingam and later became celebrity and eventually become an MP? yeah i see 2 things in common; BAHASA.

  44. Pamela, you are an idiot.

    You claim that the police officers were trying to bait for bribes, but i don't think so. Because of your poor command of Bahasa Malaysia/Bahasa Melayu, and your own prejudice, that you interpreted their actions like that.

    When they asked, "How do you want to settle this?", any driver with good manners and good command of Bahasa would know the correct answer, which does not allows for respect for the officers and not degrading yourself, and at the same time, does not allow for room for bribery.

    "Tuan, saya minta maaf, saya tidak tahu "say your alleged offence here" satu kesalahan. Kalau tuan saman saya, saya akan bayar saman saya secepat mungkin. Terima kasih"

    If you are really in the wrong, you will get a summon, and the police will walk away. Even better, if the police officer is kind enough, he will sternly advise against doing the same offence again and he will walk away.

    If you are in the right, challenge the offence at the court. Because you have a copy of the summon, and it will clearly state there what your offence were and under which act you are charged.

    If the police were still baiting for bribe, you are within your rights to charge the officers for bribery. Just say, "Tuan hendak saya rasuah awakkah?" Plain and simple.

    So you said, the video was to educate the general public, then let this comment be the lesson.

  45. Pamela Lim, you are so damn annoying…all i see is a brainless egoistic bitch trying to dig faults with the authorities. what's wrong with you? please change your attitude. If not, you will be kicked out of Malaysia very soon.

  46. You must be lucky becoz the cops was good guys …they let you go even tough you show too much arrogant …

    Should you caught with a experienced cop ..then you should be in jail now for your arrogance …

  47. haha..pamela lim…can't gain any sympathy from people…so kesian..wuwu..don't cry yea…hahahha…your family taught you how to be rude izit?please, respect yourself and respect others…STUPID PAMELA!

  48. To "Malaysia is a beautiful country on 12 October, 2010 at 3:23 pm"

    Don't be scared of people talking about their rights, even though they can be just your kids, unless you are trying to take their rights away from them. And who says saman cannot be written on? Isn't signing your name a form of writing too?

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