Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan “hak-hak Melayu” dan dimana termaktubnya hak-hak ini? Adakah ianya adil dan sah sekiranya sesuatu kaum mengapropriasi “hak” yang melebihi daripada apa yang diperuntukan dalam Perlembagaan?

Baru-baru ini, terdapat cadangan untuk memansuhkan diskaun bumiputera bagi hartanah mewah. Dan seperti biasa, hero-hero Melayu akan menggoncang pedang dan menghentakkan kaki kerana kononnya “hak-hak istimewa” Melayu telah sekali lagi tergugat.

Saya faham politik. Politik adalah seni membohong dan menipu, seni mengkritik dan menepis kritikan. Apa yang ahli politik luahkan adalah tidak lebih dari retorik dan janji-janji manis, yang menjadi topeng kepada agenda tersendiri ahli politik tersebut. Tetapi apa yang saya tidak boleh terima adalah politik perkauman, lebih-lebih lagi yang jauh terpesong daripada kedudukan sebenar. Maka apabila ahli politik atau hero-hero ini berdegar-degar bercerita tentang “hak-hak Melayu,” saya rasa terpanggil untuk menjawab.

Brass Scales Of Justice Off Balance, Symbolizing Injustice, Over White

Retorik “hak Melayu” ini semakin menjadi-jadi sejak akhir ini. Malahan, jika diteliti, ia mula mendapat sambutan sejak pilihanraya umum 2008. Sesetengah pihak, dalam usaha mereka untuk terus menjadi releven, telah memilih untuk menggunakan retorik ini sebagai bahan politik mereka. Selalunya ahli politik sedemikian adalah ahli politik picisan yang tidak mempunyai nilai-nilai yang mencukupi untuk mengangkat mereka daripada gred C atau B kepada gred A. Dengan memainkan isu seperti yang penuh emosi seperti ini, mereka akan lebih mudah mendapat sambutan.

Dikatakan bahawa hak orang Melayu kian terhakis. Tergugat. Cauvanis Cina sedang bersengkol dengan agen asing untuk menawan negara dan menjadikan Malaysia sebagai Singapura. Orang Melayu perlu bersatu untuk menghadapi ancaman ini. Orang Melayu perlu bersatu untuk “mempertahankan hak-hak Melayu.”

Tetapi apa itu “hak-hak Melayu”? Rakyat semakin cerdik. Meraka mahukan dalil jika berhujah tentang sesuatu perkara. Tidak cukup untuk berkata bahawa “Melayu ada hak.” Orang akan bertanya, di mana datangnya hak itu? Untuk memberi legitimasi kepada hujah mereka, pelopor retorik ini mencekup “dalil” mereka daripada Perlembagaan Persekutuan.

“Hak-hak Melayu seperti yang dijamin di bawah Perlembagaan Persekutuan!” jerit mereka. Perkara 153 Perlembagaan Persekutuan menjadi peruntukan keramat kepada mereka. Ia menjadi selimut luas yang melingkupi segala apa yang mereka katakan sebagai “hak Melayu.”

Malangnya, rakyat masih belum celik Perlembagaan. Rakyat mungkin mahukan dalil, tetapi masih tidak menyemak samada dalil yang disajikan adalah benar. Apabila ahli-ahli politik ini menggunakan Perkara 153 sebagai dalil mereka, ramai yang percaya. Lagipun, sudah terbukti bahawa sekiranya sesuatu perkara itu diulang berkali-kali, orang ramai akan mempercayainya lama kelamaan. Propaganda 101.

Saya tidak ingin menyelami Perkara 153 di sini. Saya percaya ramai komentar dan penulis di luar sana yang telahpun menukil rencana tentang peruntukan ini. Cukuplah di sini bahawa Perkara 153 memperuntukan tentang kedudukan istimewa orang Melayu dan pribumi Sabah dan Sarawak dalam perizaban quota dalam beberapa perkara seperti perkhidmatan awam, lesen dan biasiswa. Perkara 153 ini tidak boleh dimansuhkan atau dipinda dengan sewenang-wenangnya oleh Parlimen dan perlu persetujuan daripada Majlis Raja-Raja. Maka momok bahawa Perkara 153 ini adalah dalam bahaya jika Melayu tidak bersatu adalah tidak lebih daripada bohong yang dicanang oleh sesetengah pihak.

Lebih penting lagi, kita harus membezakan di antara Dasar Ekonomi Baru (DEB, atau NEP dalam bahasa Inggeris) dan Perkara 153. Ramai orang telah keliru atau sengaja mengelirukan antara keduanya, walhal satu hanyalah dasar nasional dan satu lagi adalah peruntukan Perlembagaan. Menukar, memansuhkan atau meminda DEB tidak bermakna mencabar Perlembagaan.

Berbalik kepada pemansuhan diskuan kepada bumiputera dalam pembelian rumah. Banyak pihak berhiruk dan berpikuk yang kononnya ini adalah salah satu daripada “hak istimewa orang Melayu” yang “tidak harus dicabar.” Tetapi adalah terang lagi bersuluh bahawa diskaun ini adalah dasar yang diperkenalkan oleh DEB dan tidak ada kena-mengena dengan Perkara 153. Tidak langsung terlakar dalam Perlembagaan bahawa orang Melayu berhak mendapat diskaun dalam membeli rumah.

Samalah juga pemberian tender kepada kontraktor Melayu bukanlah sesuatu peruntukan Perlembagaan yang menjadi hak tetapi sesuatu dasar di bawah semangat DEB. Dan walaupun Perkara 153 mempunyai peruntukan tentang perizaban kuota dalam biasiswa dan pendidikan, ia tidak pula menyatakan bahawa mana-mana universiti atau kolej hanya boleh membawa masuk pelajar bumiputera. Hujah sesetengah pihak bahawa universiti tertentu adalah “benteng terakhir” kaum bumiputera tidak boleh dipertahankan dengan merujuk kepada Perlembagaan.

Inilah masalahnya. “Hak Melayu” telah dipesongkan untuk meliputi pelbagai perkara yang langsung tidak berlandaskan Perlembagaan. Ada ahli politik, dalam membantah pemilihan hakim-hakim melalui suruhanjaya, berhujah bahawa ini akan membolehkan seorang bukan Melayu untuk menjadi Ketua Hakim Negara. Ada pula ahli politik yang berkata bahawa pemindahan kuil Hindu kepada kawasan majoriti Melayu adalah bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan. Bahkan, ada juga mengatakan bahawa kritikan terhadap Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) dan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) adalah serangan ke atas “institusi-institusi Melayu.”

Sejak bila pula perlantikan Ketua Hakim Negara, penentuan tempat-tempat ibadat dan PDRM menjadi sebahagian daripada “hak-hak Melayu” yang terkandung di dalam Perlembagaan? Dan jika Perlembagaan tidak mempertukannya, dari mana pula datangnya apa yang disebut sebagai “hak”?

Secara dasarnya, saya tidak mempunyai masalah dengan usaha memartabatkan orang Melayu. Tidak salah sekiranya bantuan diberikan kepada orang Melayu yang memerlukannya. Sekiranya tidak bersetuju dengan pemansuhan diskaun bagi rumah mewah, berikan alasan mengapa tidak bersetuju secara rasional dan telus. Jangan bersandarkan retorik “hak Melayu” yang tidak mempunyai asas. Jangan membakar sentimen perkauman demi agenda politik yang sempit.

Perlembagaan kita telah mencapai keseimbangan di antara kepentingan pelbagai kaum di dalam negara ini. Oleh itu, tidak adil dan tidak sah sekiranya sesuatu kaum mengapropriasi “hak” yang melebihi daripada apa yang diperuntukan dalam Perlembagaan.

Sudah tiba masanya kita, sebagai rakyat biasa, mencelikkan mata kita kepada Perlembagaan. Kita harus memperkukuhkan diri kita dengan konsep keperlembagaan, tentang hak dan tanggungjawab. Kita tidak boleh biarkan ahli politik dan pihak-pihak berkepentingan untuk memperalatkan kita, melaga-lagakan kita dan memperbodohkan kita dengan omong-omong dusta. Hanya apabila kita mempunyai pemahaman barulah kita boleh bezakan yang hak dan yang batil.

LB: Syahredzan Johan adalah seorang peguam muda dan seorang rakan kongsi di sebuah firma guaman di Kuala Lumpur. Dia melihat dirinya sebagai seorang pengkritik politik dan pengulas sosial. Tetapi dia sebenarnya hanyalah seorang warga Malaysia yang mempunyai terlalu banyak pendapat. Dia adalah seorang yang patriotik, walaupun bukan dengan cara biasa seperti mengibar bendera. Dia percaya Malaysia mempunyai potensi yang hanya dapat direalisasi sekiranya rakyatnya belajar bersatu-padu dan bukannya berpecah-belah. Ikutilah Syah di Refleksi Minda.


Juga lihat:

Pautan Luar:

Syahredzan Johan adalah seorang peguam muda dan seorang rakan kongsi di sebuah firma guaman di Kuala Lumpur. Dia melihat dirinya sebagai seorang pengkritik politik dan pengulas sosial. Tetapi dia sebenarnya...

48 replies on “Omong Dusta “Hak Melayu””

  1. My apology, Saudara Azlan,

    I really have absolutely no idea what you are writing, do you really know what you have written?

    Anyhow, assuming you have gotten 5% subsidy for your RM1m SMD, congratulation! Coz you have just deprived someone else a low cost flat.

    Thanks for keeping me enlightened.

  2. tahniah kepada penulis atas artikel yang telus dan jujur ini…
    i enjoy reading your articles.


    the way you talk, you seem so emotional.
    doesn’t seem you are educated. macam tong kosong yang kuat berbunyi. =D
    i am sorry, but it is the impression you are portraying to everyone here.

    you said you’ve been to The States, and yet you still say “Jikalau Pentadbiran WHITE HOUSE itu adil mengapa kaum ‘KULIT HITAM’ di sana masih didiskriminasi”.
    I wonder what year was it that you step your feet in the states?

    1. siapakah presiden US sekarang?
    2. di US sekarang berlaku fenomena “reverse racism”. orang “kulit hitam” telah banyak mendapat protection and benefit dari kerajaan, dan sekarang bahkan orang kulit putih yang kurang mendapat manfaat.

    Malaysia is the only country that protects its Majority.

    Sebenarnya, rakyat2 Malaysia hanya nakkan negara yang aman, supaya semua orang boleh hidup harmoni. Kerja bersama, bisnes sama2, pergi taman rekreasi sama2.
    Kalau dilihatkan rata2 rakyat Malaysia ni aman antara satu sama lain. Tak kira kaum/bangsa apatah lagi warna kulit.

    Tapi politicians la yang menjadikan sentimen perkauman ini sebagai tiket untuk popular, yang menyebabkan segilintir rakyat terpengaruh dengan tipu helah omongan kosong poticians.

    So guys, politicians are the cause of the racial unrest.
    The next time you choose your MP, analyse his/her agenda, intentions, cause, etc..
    why choose someone who keeps shouting racial issues?
    at the end of the day, only politicians benefit from it.
    choose someone who cares for RAKYAT Malaysia as a whole.

    saya anak Malaysia. honestly i do not want to see Malaysia coming to doom’s day.
    i love my country.
    please don’t make me love my country no more….

  3. hahaha… saudara azlan ni memang tinggal di zaman ketuanan melayo yg dulu2… dia lah contoh terbaik hasil drpd BN UMNO… rasa tamak, irihati, sifat perkauman, sifat x hormati agama & tuhan nya… & sanggup "membunuh demi mempertahankan keangkuhan ataupun kebodohan dia".

    xapa and x usal berdebat dgn org mcm ni… marilah wahai kawan2 sy yg lain, mari kt sama2 bekerja-sama mengubah msia yg disayangi kt ni ke era yg lebih sempurna dan adil utk semua rakyat…


  5. Pada Saudara LM CHONG…

    Just for your info…Penguasaan HARTANAH di MALAYSIA yang bernilai lebih dari RM500,000…1)KAUM MELAYU/BUMIPUTERA sebanyak 90%….Hope u can remind me if i miss the latest info when PENGUASAAN HARTANAH YG BERNILAI LEBIH DARI RM500,000 'DIKUASAI' '100%' oleh KAUM CINA/INDIA..And MAKE SURE u start your 'MESSAGE' to me with "HURRRAAYYYY WE MAKE ITTT,WE NEARLY OUSTEAD ALL MALAYS FROM THEIR OWN LAND"…And u can come to me becoz to complete the 100% i have to sell my house to you…Thank you in advance for the info ok…

    Pada Saudara Syahredzan Johan…

    Hope you can remember 'DOA DAN SUMPAH' saya pada anda dan anak2 anda…Think TWICE before u come out with another ARTICLE…Ingat segala 'PEPATAH MELAYU' sebelum anda 'TERHANTUK BARU NAK TERGADAH' dan 'MENANG SORAK KAMPUNG TERGADAI'…

  6. Saudara Syahredzan Johan,

    Tahniah atas artikal yang benar dan meransangkan.

    Semoga saudara terus memperjuangkan nasib rakyat yang miskin dan tidak keupayaan. Teruskan tulisan yang jujur and benar yang sangat di perlukan oleh rakyat negara ini.

    Hidup rakyat Malaysia !


  8. LM Chong,

    thanks for pointing it out on SMD discount issue. suddenly it came to my senses the reason Azlan keep on shouting on Malay Rights. later he’ll receive no more discount if such unjust policies is abolished. it’s not about those poor fellow Malays, it is just because of his own advantages.

    put it this way, poor Malays, let them be. we retain the subsidy for them. still, not just poor Malays, all citizen regardless of skin colours, shall entitle for subsidy to aid them in basic needs e.g. education. for Malays that already considered as being wealthy, we revoke said discount since they are no longer need such help. imagine how much money we can save and later provide those that really need it.

    let bygone be bygone. main agenda here is to ensure public’s prosperity. we are all Malaysian. ethnic diversity should be our strength, not killing us all. why must we look at the past. history is written by winner to serve their purposes. hell with them! now is our time, children of Malaysian. we are all born here, we are responsible for nation’s future. Malay, chinese, Indian, Punjabs, Sabahan, Sarawakian or OA, we are all the same inside. all care for Malaysia.

  9. Saudara Azlan,

    Since you mentioned you live in a 1 million SMD, mind sharing how many % discount you were given?

    Thanks in advance

  10. Azlan,

    i’m slowly getting irritated with the way you keep shaouting on so called Malay Rights. there’s no right to begin with and you are cohorting with all those greedy good-for-nothing leaders while being blindfold from the bitter truth. mark my word my dear friend. later in life, you’ll see the damages that being done to Bolehland citizen due to unjust policies.

  11. Kenyataan terakhir dari saya untuk diingati oleh si LOYARBURUK sebelum anda terfikir untuk sekali lagi menjadi JUARA bagi BANGSA lain…..Pergilah ke 'ARKIB NEGARA MALAYSIA' bacalah segala dokumen2 asal Perjanjian Antara Kaum Sebelum MALAYSIA MERDEKA dan terutamanya bagaimana Tragedi 13MEI itu berlaku….Baca TEKS UCAPAN ASAL Mendiang TUN TAN SIEW SIN dan TUN SAMBATHAN bagaimana mereka sedar dan berterimaksih betapa PEMIMPIN2 MELAYU di ERA KEMERDEKAAN sanggup bertolak-ansur demi kesenangan dan kemudahan bangsa mereka….Mereka sedar pada ketika itu 'THERE IS NO MORE POINT OF RETURN' bagi bangsa mereka jikalau dihantar pulang oleh BRITISH…Dan jangan terkejut apabila anda membaca teks asal kejadian berdarah 13MEI yg kononnya sering dilaungkan di "MALAYSIA TODAY" dimana ianya dimulakan oleh pemimipin Melayu iaitu DATUK HARUN …Sedangkan 1)Apabila DAP telah memenangi PILIHANRAYA di KAWASAN PANAS KUALA LUMPUR mereka beramai-ramai menaiki lori sambil memukul gendang di jalan2 raya KUALA LUMPUR dan melaungkan "MELAYU BODOH DAN BOLEH BELAH BALIK KAMPUNG"…Saya percaya jikalau cikgu anak anda di sekolah memanggil secara berterusan anak anda 'BODOH' ianya akan menyebabkan darah melayu anda akan bergolak…2)Tidakkah anda sedar org MELAYU yg tidak tahu hujung pangkal kejadian dan baru sahaja habis menonton wayang didepan SOGO sekarang dibunuh beramai-ramai dan disitulah bermulanya kemuncak kemarahan melayu…Melayu terpaksa berkumpul di rumah PEMIMPIN2 MELAYU kerana tidak berupaya untuk menyelamatkan keadaan kerana tiada langsung persediaan memandangkan bangsa lain telah bersenjata ketika itu dan telah mengawal jalan masuk utama di Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman…Mereka ini tidak berminat tentang "RACIAL HARMONY" melainkan sifat 'KIASU/KIASI' yang wujud semenjak dahulu…Saya tinggal dikawasan Perumahan SEMI-D GATED AREA yang mempunyai hanya 200 biji rumah…Orang Melayu hanya menduduki 7 dari jumlah keseluruhan dan tiada masalah untuk berkomunikasi dgn bangsa lain…Dan saya sendiri mengenali hampir kesemua jiran2 saya…Tapi apa yg terjadi pada bangsa lain disini…Mereka sesama mereka tidak bertegur sapa dan malah tidak mahu mengenali langsung jiran sebangsa..ada yang bergaduh dan langsung tidak menghormati 'PRIVACY' PENDUDUK 1) Dengan membawa kereta dengan laju tanpa memperdulikan anak2 jiran yg sedang melintas jalan 2) Membunyikan hon tanpa mengira waktu terutamanya apabila hendakkan pintu pagar dibuka apabila pulang bekerja sedangkan rumah yg dimiliki berharga RM 1 JUTA..Tak mampukah untuk membuat panggilan telefon atau sekurang-kurangnya membeli/menempah extra 'REMOTE CONTROL' untuk Elektrik Gate mereka…Mungkin anda SI LOYARBURUK pernah ke LONDON atau USA dan melihat realiti kehidupan di sana…Mungkin dgn PENGALAMAN yg ada anda membuka BLOG sendiri dan cuba berhujah…Tapi tahukah anda saya telah berada di NEGARA JEPUN,CINA,KOREA,HONG KONG,TAIWAN,AUSTRALIA,INDIA,PAKISTAN,SRI LANKA,NEGARA2 ARAB,NEGARA EUROPE DAN JUGA USA dan telah berinteraksi secara terus dgn rakyat asal dan juga rakyat2 Malaysia yg BERHIJRAH disana…Walaupun dasar negara2 ini nampak terbuka tapi secara jujur rakyat kita yg telah mendapat 'KERAKYATAN' di sana terpaksa bertungkus lumus memasukkan diri mereka kedalam sistem yg diwujudkan dan ramai juga yg kecewa…Jikalau mereka ini adil mengapa di USA mereka perlu mewar-warkan apabila ada 'PENDUDUK ASIA' dilantik ke JAWATAN2 YANG PENTING…Saya pernah berinteraksi dgn PENDUDUK ASLI RED INDIAN DAN JUGA EBOR DI AUSTRALIA dan betapa kecewanya mereka apabila disisihkan oleh kerajaan mereka sendiri….Dengan PENGALAMAN dan PEMBACAAN yg JUJUR barulah saya boleh BERHUJAH dan MEMPERTAHANKAN PERKARA YG BENAR terutamanya tentang HAK ORANG MELAYU…Tiada negara yg lebih adil dari NEGARA MALAYSIA didalam kita menangani isu BANGSA di negara sendiri…UNIMAS di SERAWAK dan UMS di SABAH di wujudkan bagi kaum BUMIPUTERA di sana..Mengapa mereka2 ini ataupun bangsa lain begitu sensitif apabila ditegur melainkan mereka sendiri 'SEDAR' Hakikat DIRI Mereka yang sebenar…Adakah meraka ini 'UNTOUCHABLE' kerana mereka sekarang adalah lebih ISTIMEWA berbanding BANGSA MELAYU ..Apahak mereka untuk mempertikaikan Hak Melayu sedangkan memandangkan senario politik sekarang ini org MELAYU tidak pernah mempertikaikan PENGUASAAN EKONOMI oleh KAUM2 ini…Jangan bersongkol wahai SI LOYAR BURUK hanya disebabkan anda telah BERJAYA ketika ini…INI DOA SAYA untuk anda "Mudah mudahan kesemua anak dan cucu anda nanti akan mengalami pengalaman sebenar berdepan dengan sikap sebenar KAUM lain di MALAYSIA dan berterusan disusahkan supaya anda sedar betapa pentingnya 'HAK KETUANAN ORANG MELAYU' itu dipertahankan…Jangan lupa pada doa saya ini wahai SI LOYAR BURUK sebab saya kenal mereka dan cukup tahu agenda mereka…HAK TETAP HAK dan bagaimana anda mempergunakan atau melaksanakan hak itu tetap terpulang kepada bangsa itu…Jikalau anda memperolehi RM 1 JUTA dan anda berterusan membelanjakannya sehingga habis…Walaupun tindakan anda itu pada pandangan saya adalah 'BODOH' sedangkan anda boleh menyimpan dan memperolehi keuntungan di atas DIVIDEN…Tapi saya tetap tidak berhak untuk mempertikaikannya kerana RM 1 JUTA itu adalah HAK ANDA….

  12. Najib can formulate any policy. On the ground level where the heads are not qualified themselves as their staff – many problems will arise.

    Further the NEP will somehow make good talents frustrated and will certainly be the main causes of frustrations. At best we can get the second rate staff to stay – the top ones will have no problem seeking better salaries and futures elsewhere without the glass ceiling overhanging their heads.

    Our national sense of belonging will be lost when day in and day out we feel the impact of marginalisation in almost every sphere of educational or economic activities.

    I think we are in even more for hubs of abandoned projects because it is the brains that matters, not real estate buildings which politicians are only good at how to initiate to build for their own gains. When coming to real research and real productive work, you only have lots of unemployable graduates lining up to fill them.

    Best of luck Malaysia, while Malaysians of the best calibre are in our neighbouring countries creating state of art products and discoveries.

    The people with brains first go to Singapore, then Australia, then the US. Apparently roughly 2 million Malaysians have emigrated since the 1970s. Wow, what a brain drain that is……….

    Let alone those whose have already left. How about those who came back earlier with their foreign wives! The immigration department has made their renewal of visa a living hell, and they are not allowed to work no matter how qualified they may be. Eventually these "loyal Malaysians" also end up packing their bags and leave.

    The politicians can say one thing but it never gets implemented at the ground level. Look at the mess surrounding Malaysia "My Second Home" campaign – how many have actually come here and then left in deep frustration!

    The racists in Umno will also make certain that such policies will be doomed to fail. They would rather give citizenship to unruly and uneducated illegal Indonesians than some non-malay PhD holders.

    Get your children out of this sucking country before it is too late! This is a hopeless and dirty country with all the lousy ministers and corrupted politicians.

    I am afraid there is nothing second class citizens like us can do.

    Emigrate to other countries looks to be a better option. Of course, the exodus has started decades ago. In fact, Umno will be most happy to see us go (race ratio, you know what I mean).

    Umno does not depend on the second class citizens for the brains. They have the many universities in Bolehland to train their kind and churn out any number of experts you want. So brain drain is not a problem.

  13. Show me when do the malays consult or ever extend their hands in friendship. Do the malays really treat non-malays with equity and fairness?

    Seriously, I think all races in Malaysia treat each others at arms length. The malays expect other races to kowtow to them and never the way around. For example, Chinese and Indians were made to learn and study malay culture but the malays are not made to learn and study Chinese and Indian culture.

    Why do the malays have to be in a superior position (oppressive one at that) all the time? What is wrong for Malaysia to have, say a Chinese chief justice or an Indian chief of armed forces or even a prime minister!

    How do we expect them to continue with their goodwill if we do not ever treat them with equity and fairness? I think the malays are paranoid and are projecting their own insecurity onto others.

    That is my point and it is time that we begin to envision the land of ours from an inclusively point of view instead of exclusivity point of view. We have to begin this starting point somehow, somewhere and the time is now.

    You are wasting your time by presenting the facts. Fact means nothing to them and you should know that by now. The Malaysian Muslims are seriously stupid and severely retarded. I am simply having fun. I work with them everyday and I cannot describe to you their inability to formulate simple logic.

    As an adult trying to make it in the real world, I have developed a clear understanding of what goes on around me.

    And this what I believe is the real situation in Malaysia. As long as the malays get their way in how things are done in Malaysia – there will never be any serious development in Malaysia.

    This is the fundamental. Please avoid giving example of successful malays, because economically, the numbers are too darn low to mean anything. Negligible they call it.

    Malays must realise that as humans – they are I suppose equal. But as peoples, they have attitude that is exactly like the aborigines of Africa. Completely hopeless, no matter what you give them.

    The malays can never win – for as long as they chose to do things the way it is done now. Eventually, the other races would consume them economically, and they would be second class citizens. This is a matter of time.

    My opinion is – the only way for them to succeed, is to take away all special rights and learn to get by on their own abilities. The stupid and weak malays would die – and only the bright ones would survive.

    They are doing themselves a favour by taking away their special rights. Because look around you, the other races are getting stronger because our weak ones are dying.

    We will continue to get stronger. And there will be a day, when we control all the financial means in the country. Then it is a matter of buying off each one of you puny malays – and then take over the country.

  14. Malaysia has the misfortune of being ruled by Muslims, hence their intolerant attitude to you non-malays.

    It was the Chinese and Indian minorities that have begun to lift Malaysia out of third world poverty, and those malay bastards should be grateful to them for this but like I said before, that is too much to ask from a Muslim.

    Malaysia is a xenophobic country – the bitter truth is that malays are afraid of competition from other races – they are indeed lazy and want everything for free.

    If Malaysia is to divide into two countries with malays taking the east and the west to the Chinese and Indians – watch the malays starting to migrate to the west illegally for a better future.

    It is no wonder Singapore is a country which is 50 years ahead of Malaysia. Malays are fool racists indeed.

    The writer should know that most of non-malay community realised what the government have done to them is unforgiven.

    If we still depending on government we won't be in top position in overseas, for example (60% in NASA is Indians), two-thirds of the community of practicing doctors in Singapore is Malaysian Chinese.

    We (non-malay community) have been proven our intelligence around the world but not in Malaysia. So what we have to do just emigrate or use Malaysia as an investment base.

    Actually we (non-malays) should know that government will never change their policies unless there is a 'protest', here we don't do that – that is the problem, anything the government says we just simply raise the Barisan flag.

    It will be good idea if we emigrate, like one say in English, 'Where is a will, there is a way.'

    But always remember the 'will' for non-malays is not in Malaysia.

  15. Thank you for all the comments folks…So today i will explain to all of you what's 'RUMPUN' means….Soalan saya mudah dinegara/kawasan mana adanya 'RUMPUN/KAUM' Cina didunia ini melainkan kebanyakannya berada di sebelah negara Cina,Jepun,Korea,Taiwan dan Hong Kong….Dan dimana pulak berkumpulnya 'RUMPUN/KAUM' India selain di negara India,Pakistan,Bangladesh dan Sri Langka…Dan dimana pulak berkumpulnya 'RUMPUN/KAUM' Arab selain di TIMUR TENGAH…Dan yang terakhirnya di mana pula berkumpulnya 'RUMPUN/KAUM' Melayu selain dari di Indonesia,Malaysia dan Selatan Thailand….SOALAN saya bolehkah anda memberi satu bukti dimana wujudnya RUMPUN ARAB di tengah2 Negara Cina melainkan mereka ini yang membuat keputusan untuk 'BERHIJRAH'..TIDAK MUNGKIN mereka akan tiba wujud di Negara Cina bukan…Memang betul penduduk asal di sesebuah negara itu kerap di panggil 'ORANG ASLI' malah 'ORANG ESKIMO' tetap menjadi penduduk asal KUTUB UTARA hanya disebabkan 'PENJAJAH' tidak berminat untuk 'MENAKLUK' Benua yg sejuk itu…Dan memang betul di KEPULAUAN TANAH MELAYU/INDONESIA 'RUMPUN MELAYU' ini berpindah randah dan apabila 'PENGISYTIHARAN KEMERDEKAAN' sesebuah negara itu berlaku maka terwujud lah satu negara yg dimana 'RUMPUN MELAYU YG BERBAGAI ETNIK' kekal menjadi penduduk asal tidak kiralah mereka ini asalnya Jawa atau Orang Laut ataupun Org Asli….Mungkin anda semua akan bersetuju jikalau ada seorang ANAK MELAYU itu benar2 GILA apabila berdiri ditengah2 bandar Beijing dgn 'KERAKYATAN CINA SELAMA 20 TAHUN' melaungkan yg beliau adalah penduduk asal dan berhak keatas segala-galanya berbanding rakyat CINA asal yg sememangnya boleh dibezakan dgn warna kulitnya yg lebih putih dari siMelayu tadi…Tiada Negara yang boleh bersikap adil kepada 'ORANG ASLI' dan 'PENDATANG' malah mereka lebih 'KEJAM' dari KERAJAAN MALAYSIA yang sekurang-kurangnya memberi taraf 'BUMIPUTERA'dan memberi peluang yg luas untuk ORANG ASLI dinegara kita untuk berjaya…Malah JABATAN HAL EHWAL ORANG ASLI DIWUJUDKAN untuk menjaga kebajikan mereka…Tidakkah anda semua tahu yang Penduduk asal Negara UNITED STATES OF AMERIKA itu adalah kaum 'RED INDIAN' dan 'PENDATANG KULIT PUTIH' dari Eropah lah yang sebenarnya datang dan 'MENAKLUK' sehinggakan 'HABIS' semua penduduk asli RED INDIAN disisihkan sama sekali dari arus pembangunan…Jikalau Pentadbiran WHITE HOUSE itu adil mengapa kaum 'KULIT HITAM' di sana masih didiskriminasi…Tidakkah anda semua tahu yang penduduk asal AUSTRALIA adalah 'KAUM EBOR' yg telah disisih secara 'SISTEMATIK' oleh kerajaan BRITISH dengan membawa masuk 'BANDUAN KULIT PUTIH' dari Eropah dan akhirnya mengaku sebagai pemilik Benua AUSTRALIA…Cuba anda bertanyakan penduduk kulit putih AUSTRALIA betul kah mereka betul2 boleh menerima pendatang kaum cina/india dari Malaysia walaupun 'KERAKYATAN' telahpun diberi…KONTRAK SOSIAL telah 'DIPERSETUJUI' oleh TUN TAN SIEW SIN,TUN SAMBATHAN dan juga PEMIMPIN2 MCA/MIC terdahulu kerana mereka sedar PEMIMPIN MELAYU ketika itu sanggup 'BERKORBAN' hanya untuk mewujudkan SATU NEGARA MALAYSIA YANG AMAN DAN HARMONI….PERLEMBAGAAN yg 'MEMIHAK' pada 'ORG MELAYU' digubal atas 'PERSETUJUAN BERSAMA' dan akhirnya 'GAGAL' dipatuhi oleh BANGSA lain ketika ini…MENEGUR PEMIMIPIN MELAYU ITU TAK SALAH….Tetapi 'MENGHINA+MEMAKI+MEMPERBODOHKAN' ORANG MELAYU itu SALAH..Belajar dan Baca SEJARAH dan sedar ASAL-USUL will make u 'BETTER PERSON' in Future….Saya ulangi contoh yang diberikan sebelum ini….Anda membuat loan rumah di bank yg akan mengambil masa selama 30 tahun untuk diselesaikan…Selepas 20 tahun anda pergi dibank yg sama dan mempertikaikan 'PERJANJIAN ASAL' kerana tidak lagi relevan dgn keadaan semasa walaupun anda betul…Percayalah tiada apa yg anda boleh lakukan melainkan terus menghormati Perjanjian ASAL dan paling kuat mungkin anda akan hanya memperolehi penurunan BLR..Pakailah contoh ini apabila anda cuba kaitkan tentang 'PERMINTAAN' anda dan 'PERJANJIAN ASAL' yg telah dibuat oleh PEMIMPIN2 Datuk,Nenek,Moyang anda dahulu….

  16. to azlan,

    you shold be thankful that there are enlightened malays like shah who tried to enlightened other malays from continuously being deceived by twisted facts and lies so that they can became well informed and better human beings. you should know by now that history are written to favour agendas of those in power. let me ask you what happened to hang tuah and his friends that were in the history books before but are removed now? why is the hindu history of lembah bujang that precede other 'cerita donggeng melayu' is not glorified in the school history books like the cerita donggeng melayu and their religion are being glorified? why is rentap up-graded from a rebel to a hero that fight rajah brooke? do you know that the brooke was invited to rule sarawak and he didnt come to colonise it? did you know that he brought law and order to the uncivilsed tribes in sarawak? do you know that they brought education that are respected worldwide to our forefathers compared to our present education system? how many non-malay sarawakian are in the ketuanan melayu public universities today? before you continue to bullshit about social contract, hak melayu and other nonsense let remind you of the following:

    1. the orang asli and the indegenous people of sabah and sarawak are the true bumiputeras. you and your descendants are the shameless pendatangs that dare to claim supremacy in our land.we have been patience with you. if not because of the good value sytem of the british that we inherited we will have chop off your head.

    2.that malaysia was formed on an equal partnership between malaya,singapore, sabah & sarawak but what we see practiced today is that we are being colonised by ketuanan malayu.why are our children forced to study in the inferior malay languge when we are the true bumiputeras and you are the pendatangs? dont we have more rights than you to determine our choice of language for our children's education? this is why i am writing to you in english because i am protesting your ketuanan malayu over us. why are the top post in the civil service of our state monopolised by you? why are you crowding our state with perverts that lust after young girls in our schools.your religion may teach you to do that but dont contaminate us with your sick religion.why are our oil revenue siphoned to enrich your ketuanan melayu idiots?

    you see my friend, you as pendatang and your ketuanan melayu are robbing us the true bumiputeras like satan robbing from man. if you have any sense of fairness which satan does not have you will agree that the way forward for us as malaysian is equality and feedom for all regardless of race which we the true bumiputeras are willing to share. dont you dare to speak for bumiputera because you are not. you may speak for melayu but not for bumiputeras.

  17. Izinkan saya membentangkan persoalan kepada para rakan Melayu yang "mempertahankan" hak Melayu:-

    1. Sebagai orang Islam, adakah ia pernah wujud dalam sebarang ajaran ugama yang membolehkan discriminasi atas manusia dengan membezakan warna kulitnya?

    2. Patutkah atau wajarkah, sesesuatu hak untuk golongan yang tertentu diberi keutamaan, hanya berdasarkan warna kulitnya, dan bukan keperluan dan kemampuan?

    Terima Kasih

  18. I don't blame Azlan and A Malay Bumiputera….I believe this 2 guys are handicap. 1 of them must be on wheel chair and the other one must be mentally retarded. They need all the help they can to survive. We also must do our part as Human being to help another human that need help especially those who are handicap.

    No worries Azlan and a Malay Bumiputera, we will help you.

    Just let us know what else you need from us.

  19. oversee/coolooc,

    let me correct 1 point of you. those malays that scavenged this Bolehland didn't do that in the name of Allah. they are just plain greed; demon with the face of man. God never lay down any words to steal from others; instead share the lot regardless of skin/faith. as how Muhammad managed Medina, with all Jews/Christians/Moslems live in harmony, all equal under Medina Law. "sharab" or liquors were sold but strictly for non-Moslems. brothels were presence but only for non-Moslems. Muhammad carried the essence of equality, as per Allah's words, to all mankind. there's no issue of NEP, Hashim's Tribe privileges given (since Muhammad came from Hashim's Tribe) let alone allocation for civil service. as per Hijra or pilgrimage from Mecca to Medina, the Mecca people were embraced by Medina people without prejudice, though their from different ethnicity. also, not all medina people are Moslems still they were able to put ethnic/faith differences aside and prosper. thus, spare Allah or Islam aside since these greed Malays are the one to be blame.

    Azlan/a Malay Bumiputera,

    i pity on you guys, spewing yet again never ending arguments on so-called rights. language just a medium of communication; it is not neccessarily emphasized the true essence of being Malaysian. so called Bahasa Malaysia/Melayu in the consti that you quoted as the official language, must abide by Dewan Bahasa Pustaka standards. if one speaks yet is not as per DBP said standards, it is not considered as Bahasa Malaysia/Melayu. thus, all those east coast, northern, negeri sembilan Malay only speaks dialect. do they considered as not respecting your dearest Bahasa Malaysia/Melayu? they are also not putting effort to improve their Bahasa Malaysia/Melayu proficiency still.

    talking about sacrifice. as per history goes, if one did red "jujur"ly, not just Tunku or Dato Onn that fought for Malaysia, everyone did. why you never mentioned about Sambathan or Siew Sin? FYI, Malay Sultans almost signed acceptance for Malay Union. so, where is Sultan's sacrificed for independance?

    one more,

    dan adakah anda si loyar buruk sedar ‘HILANGNYA KUASA MELAYU’ bermakna akan ‘HILANGLAH KEKUATAN DAN KESUCIAN ISLAM’ di Malaysia nanti…

    faith is not determined by race. are you saying that Moslems in USA, England, Australia is lesser Moslem than you? look around you, your brothers & sisters Malay Moslems are getting worser in moral by day and your UMNO is still standing. please knock some sense.


    you and me know where those Malays are going if such things continue. they are doomed to bankruptcy in terms of economy & moral values. we believe in equal rights as per what stated in Quran, "for you is your religion, for me is my religion." we are not here to claim fame. we just here for a wake up call. to stop tyranny and put end towards policies that erodes nation's wealth. we are nonchalant to nonsense critisism. i pledge my loyalty to fellow comrades that wants prosper on Malaysia despite skin/faith.

  20. This country was all along a land for Orang Asli. The Chinese originated from China, Indians originated from India, malays originated from Indonesia etc. China get to give priority to the Chinese, India get to give priority to the Indians, and the malays are just freeloading from the Orang Asli land by claming it is bumi land.

    This is because they are doing what Allah said……….Allah told malays to come from Indonesia and steal the land from Orang Asli and use Orang Asli as slaves. So when is Malaysia giving priority to Orang Asli?

    The only time Malaysia is not a racist country is when an Orang Asli becomes the prime minister of Malaysia – which is never – it is a genocide in the name of Allah!

  21. Islam in Malaysia is suppressing humanity, dignity and desire of a normal human being.

    Islam in Malaysia is causing trouble to non-Muslims who goes about their everyday life to do what any other normal human being on earth are doing.

    Islam in Malaysia does not respect traffic law when Muslims can park their cars all over the road and cause inconvenience to everybody.

    Islam in Malaysia does not contribute to the progress of the malay race and any other race in Malaysia.

    Islam felts threaten in Malaysia, when nobody actually gives a damn about them.

  22. Well, UMNO managed to achieve one thing. The BTN-type morons, have been overwhelmingly successful in brainwashing todays 27 million citizens.

    Who says that the peninsular was always called Tanah Melayu? This is a recent British term!

    Tanah Melayu was never the name until the British came and colonized the peninsular.

    Malai means hill in Tamil; as to describe the Titiwangsa range on the said peninsular since the 2nd century by the Gujerati traders who set up their formidable Hindu empire at Lembah Bujang.

  23. Hahaha! Shows how completely clueless malays are of the history of this land.

    The Orang Asli are the original race of this land.

    The malays themselves are only a small ethnic race that conquered the peninsular later.

    Worst, what many term as 'malays today' are not actually the original malays of ancient times but 'adopted malays' from other ethnicities such as the Acehnese, Bugis, Minangkabaus and Tamil Muslims.

  24. Dr Mahathir is the worst thing that has happened to this country. He continues to spew venom. Why? All he cares about is himself, his family, his relatives, his friends and his cronies.

    It doesn't require a PhD to analyze the reasons why many malays are still poor for the new economy in spite of the NEP and all we hear – the true reason for the failure of the malays are MAHATHIR MAHATHIR MAHATHIR……….and nothing else.

    Mahathir biggest achievements are not the white elephant KLIA, the robber highways, the meaningless Twin Towers, ghost town Putrajaya, failed MSC, sweat shop factories run with foreign labour, etc.

    His true achievements are the destruction of good governance, law and order, quality education, religious brotherhood, peace and harmony.

  25. · Canada is a multi racial country like Malaysia.

    · Canada is a relatively young country like Malaysia.

    · Canada is a very progressive country.

    · Canada is one of the G8 countries.

    · Canada is one of the highest per capital income in the world now.

    · Canada is one of the most developed countries in the world now.

    · Canada allows both English and French as its official languages.

    · Canada builds many 100% government subsidized French primary and secondary schools and French medium universities.

    · Canada has very liberal policy in education and language.

    · Ratio of English speaking citizens vs. French speaking citizens is almost similar to malays and Chinese in Malaysia.

    What is Malaysia now? Discrimination, discrimination and more discrimination!

  26. Saya berasa pelik bila melihat 'ORANG MELAYU' sendiri cuba hendak menjatuhkan Bangsa sendiri dan cuba untuk menjadi 'JUARA' untuk Bangsa lain…Soalan Cepumas utk anda si loyarburuk 1)Pernahkah ANDA atau KAWAN anda ada membuka kedai alat tulis dan berjiran dengan peruncit Cina yg juga membuka kedai alat tulis dengan berkonsep yg sama mempunyai masalah dgn pembekal/pemborong..sedangkan didepan mata anda peruncit cina dibekalkan peralatan yg anda minta yg sentiasa dilapurkan bekalan kehabisan dan akhirnya anda terpaksa tutup kedai…2)pernahkah anda atau kawan anda pergi ke mana2 syarikat milik bangsa lain dan didepan mata anda sendiri mereka menyatakan yg anda tidak layak disebabkan tidak tahu berbahasa mandarin…3)tahukah anda 'Persatuan2 Cina' di Malaysia mampu mengubah senario politik parti berdasarkan bangsa mereka tidak kira MCA atau DAP kerana perjuangan asal mereka hanyalah untuk bangsa mereka sahaja…pernahkah anda si loyarburuk terfikir mengapa Sekolah Cina masih wujud dan dipertahankan sedangkan Sekolah Wawasan yg berteraskan 1 Malaysia dan bahasa ibunda semua bangsa akan diajar ditolak begitu sahaja oleh bangsa lain…perlukah kita menyalahkan 'MEREKA'????..tidak wahai siloyarburuk….orang melayu seperti anda yg patut dipersalahkan…mereka bersatu dan menuntut hak atas dasar bangsa tapi mengapa apabila orang melayu seperti 'PERKASA' ingin menuntut hak orang melayu dipertikaikan…pernahkah anda si loyarburuk terfikir bagaimana rangkaian 'YAHUDI' cuba melemahkan 'ISLAM' dgn hanya mencipta isu dan musuh dalam selimut/propaganda sehinggakan negara Islam yg berpotensi utk menggugat negara Israel dihancurkan begitu sahaja tanpa alasan yg kukuh…bukan kerana minyak dan gas wahai si loyarburuk,strategi asalnya hanyalah utk menghancurkan tamadun yg akan mengambil berpuluh tahun utk dibangunkan kembali dan kembali menggugat negara Israel dan ketika 'vakum' itu wujud mereka menggunakan peluang seadanya utk menyusup dan menguasai negara dan bangsa …apa bezanya yg berlaku di Malaysia sekarang ini….strategi DAP mudah menggunakan org Melayu yg 'LUPA DIRI DAN ASAL-USUL DAN PERASAAN BERJAYA DAN PANDAI INI' cuba melemahkan perkara asas iaitu 'PERLEMBAGAAN' dan 'KEKUATAN/BENTENG TERAKHIR IAITU KESULTANAN MELAYU' dan akhirnya bangsa melayu sendiri yg kerugian seperti pepatah 'MENANG SORAK KAMPUNG TERGADAI'…DAP tahu hanya orang Melayu sahaja yg boleh meruntuhkan 'KETUANAN MELAYU' kerana sejarah telah membuktikan bagaimana tumbangnya kerajaan kesultanan melayu dahulu adalah akibat melayu itu tamak,lupa diri dan gagal mengenal musuh bangsa yg sebenar…dan adakah anda si loyar buruk sedar 'HILANGNYA KUASA MELAYU' bermakna akan 'HILANGLAH KEKUATAN DAN KESUCIAN ISLAM' di Malaysia nanti…tak pelikkah anda melihat LOGO HALAL dan ISU KALIMAH ALLAH sekarang ini dipermainkan oleh bangsa lain dgn rasa tanpa bersalah disebabkan ada pemimpin seperti Anwar Ibrahim ini wujud utk menyokongnya…Adakah anda siloyarburuk berasa bangga apabila melihat nanti anak cucu anda sendiri yang kecundang disebabkan atas dasar 100% Meritokrasi yg berkonsepkan Malaysian Malaysia yg sering dilaungkan oleh DAP dan disokong pulak oleh anda yg berlagak seperti seorg yg bijak dan open minded..sedarlah si loyarburuk ..Bangsa lain sedang bersukaria cuba mengambil kesempatan wahai siloyar buruk…sedar lah yg anda ini adalah penduduk asal 'TANAH MELAYU' dan jikalau bukan disebabkan British Tunku Abdul Rahman tidak akan menyerahkan 'Hak Kerakyatan' kepada lebih 2 juta 'PENDATANG' yg membanjiri TANAH MELAYU ketika itu sebelum 31OGOS1957…pernahkah anda mendengar 'KONTRAK SOSIAL' iaitu perjanjian antara pemimpin melayu dan bangsa lain sebelum merdeka…kenapa tidak kita 'PATUH' pada perjanjian ini…Jikalau anda sedang bercinta dan ingin mengahwini teman anda…pertama sekali anda akan melafazkan janji yg anda akan mengahwini beliau…disebabkan atas perasaan cinta,sayang dan percaya teman anda terus memegang janji itu…dan anda sebagai kekasih yg jujur dan setia akan membuktikan dgn melafazkan+ menandatangani surat nikah apabila telah sampai waktunya…apa bezanya dgn "KONTRAK SOSIAL" yg merupakan perjanjian mulut antara pemimpin sebelum Merdeka dan dikotakan dgn pengisytiharan Kemerdekaan dan juga Penggubalan Perlembagaan berdasarkan segala perjanjian mulut yg terdahulu….jangan salahkan INSTITUSI UMNO atau SULTAN sebab itu adalah HAK ORG MELAYU….tegurlah pemimpin tetapi jangan sekali-kali menggadaikan hak kita dgn bersongkol utk menjadi juara bangsa lain…

  27. Saudara Shah, Saya majukan catitan ini kepada Melayu dan Bumiputera Malaysia. Tulisan anda hebat, analisa anda hebat. Tapi ingatlah, anda tidak membantu perjuangan Melayu dan Bumiputera. Apa yang anda ulas tidak menyentuh roh dan perjuangan bangsa yang telah dijajah lebih daripada 500 tahun. Anda tidak faham makna hak, makna identiti bangsa.

    It is sad to note that there are people who look down on this nation that has given so much to them – freedom, opportunity to make millions, education, safety and harmony and a place to call home. It is not UMNO or PERKASA or DAP or MCA or MIC or other parties that is in the wrong. They left because they CHOSE MONEY AND A BETTER OPPORTUNITY. America, Australia or Singapore for that matter, the racist flavor is still abound. Don't pretend it doesn't exist.

  28. I for another have given up on Malaysia as well. Born and raised but discriminated against in my own native soil. I now pledge loyalty to Australia where I am treated fair and equal.

    I had not forgotten my grassroots but what is the point remembering it! All that I ask is equal rights and opportunities being a citizen but as a racist government, it is therefore impossible. Oh well……….Malaysia's loss is Australia's gain.

    It is still pretty interesting to frequent the current affairs going on in Malaysia. It is as though one is reading the collapse of the Roman Empire.

  29. I think if Lee Kuan Yew is given a free reign to govern Malaysia for just a single term, Malaysia will double its GDP, poverty will be cut by 50%, corruption will spiral down and our jail will be filled with Tun, Tan Sri and Datuk.

    Of course it is just a dream but what a nightmare Malaysians are now suffering!

  30. The most important asset of a country is not its natural resources, but rather its human resources. This is especially true in a knowledge-based economy, which of course, will be the trend in the future if not already the trend in most of the western countries.

    My daughter, who is in her final year medicine in Auckland, told me that a team of Singapore recruitment officers have just visited Auckland and talked to the Malaysian students there, offering jobs and training prospects for the final year students once they graduate.

    My daughter also told me that over the last few years, quite a lot of her Malaysian seniors, after graduating from medical courses in New Zealand, have gone to Singapore to work as house officers and subsequently stayed back in Singapore for their postgraduate training. Similar teams are sent to Australia and UK for recruiting Malaysians there to work in Singapore.

    About a year ago, Reuters reported: "Malaysia is counting on bright, ambitious people like Tan Chye Ling for its future, to lead it away from manufacturing and into the knowledge age."

    But the 32-year-old scientist, a postgraduate in molecular biology, is not counting on Malaysia to look after her future.

    "I felt very suppressed in Malaysia," said Tan, who moved to neighbouring Singapore, the region's pacesetter for biotech investment, after a decade of research and study in Malaysia.

    "I have benefited from the better research environment and salary scheme here. Things are much smoother," she said by phone from the National University of Singapore where she is studying allergies and dust mites. Tan estimates that 60 percent of the research teams she works with in Singapore are from Malaysia, despite her country's efforts over several years to develop a biotech industry.

    There is a serious problem facing Malaysia and that is the problem of "brain drain". Why are Malaysians overseas not coming back to work? Well, pay may be part of the reasons but it is not the main reason.

    Singapore recruitment teams offer Malaysian medical students a salary which is a few times what they would expect to get in Malaysia S$40000 a year for houseman after tax (equivalent to RM86000) which is about five times the pay of a houseman in Malaysia.

    But as I say, pay is not the main problem. The living expense overseas is high. And for a person working overseas, the loneliness and the stress level is also high. So not everyone opts to work overseas because of the pay. Many would not mind to work for a lesser pay if they can stay near to their loved ones. So why do people choose to work overseas, away from their loved ones?

    Malaysia has many research centres and state-of-the-arts hospitals, which may even be the envy of many overseas countries. But hardware alone would not attract these experts to come home.

    In the medical field, I have so many classmates/friends working overseas, many in world-renowned centres. Why do they do that? Some of my classmates and friends did come back as specialists. After working a few years (many only lasted a few months), most got disillusioned and went off again.

    There is really not much prospect of career advancement here. How many can hope to become a professor even when they are an acknowledged expert in their field? How many of them can blend into the local team where the work attitude is vastly different from that overseas? How many of them can have a say about how things are to be run? On the other hands, lesser beings are being promoted to professorship for doing much less.

    There is an unwritten rule that even if the person is very good, the head of the team has to be someone from a certain ethnic group who may not be even half as good as him. In everyday life, some become disillusioned with the corruption, the red tape and the "tidak apa" attitude of officialdom.

    For an overseas doctor applying to work back home, the application can take up to six months to get approved, whereas Singapore sends teams overseas to recruit them on the spot and offering them jobs immediately as long as they pass their final examinations. See the difference?

    It is the sense of being appreciated and being wanted that make these people stay overseas. Back here, they are often made to feel that they are of a lower class. They do not feel appreciated and they do not feel wanted. That is the main reason.

    For those with children, the education system further puts them off. Even school children can feel being discriminated against and one glaring example is the two system pre-university education.

    All these make them pack their bags and off they go again, leaving behind their parents, perhaps their siblings, the friends they grew up together with and their favourite food that is often not available overseas. No one likes to be away from home but circumstances and a sense of being recognised for their worth make them go away. It is really sad.

    Parents spend big sums of money on educating their children but the ones who benefit most are the Singaporeans, the Americans, the Australians, the British and so on. As long as race politics is not done away with, this problem of "brain drain" will continue and Malaysia will always trail behind the advanced countries no matter how many Putrajaya and Twin Towers we build.

  31. Once again, another well written piece of article. Malaysia do need leaders like you. There's no denying that it would be impossible at this juncture, where racial politics play a huge role, for any non Malay to lead the country. With that, the first step would be to have honorable and right thinking Malay leaders, before we can undergo further transformation. I trust that you, being a person of honesty and integrity (save for your out of tune songs), should take up the challenge and to do something about it.

  32. Good article from u and i wonder the real u n your background.'Hak Ketuanan Org Melayu' is a very simple issue but nowadays u can see other 'races' are trying their luck just to gain something from Malay Party weaknesses.In future I will write/comment in Bahasa Malaysia and just want to see wx who ever read and claim they are "Real Malaysian" can understand and response in good Bahasa so we know that this people knows and understand that "Dalam Perlembagaan Malaysia yang Bahasa Malaysia/Melayu itu adalah bahasa rasmi dan bahasa Inggeris adalah bahasa ke 2 dan Cina/India hanyalah bahasa pengantar".For me is very simple if whoever claim they're Malaysian and have no effort to improve their own Bahasa Malaysia after "53THN MERDEKA" so please dont talk about art 153.Please prepare with Facts dan baca Sejarah Kemerdekaan Malaysia dengan "JUJUR" dan tulis dengan jujur tentang 'PENGORBANAN PEMIMPIN MELAYU/BUMIPUTERA DAN SULTAN2 SEBELUM KEMERDEKAAN UNTUK BANGSA CINA DAN INDIA' and Will be back with more "Argument"…If you buy a house with 30 yrs loan,can u bridge any of your term loan with bank after 20yrs just becoz its sounds no more relevant to present market…U can ask for loan restructure but i belive u cannot change the main purchase agreement which u have signed 20 yrs ago…so why dont u people apply the same concept to "HAK KETUANAN ORG MELAYU"..

  33. I travel widely and while i was in this country, someone there asked me what is actually happening in Malaysia…..whether its true what they read in the newspapers. I had to without choice explain and their first reaction was….Common ! No way ! You must be joking ! Just can't believe it ! How can a progressive nation like Malaysia have policies like this ? This was their reaction…..well thats my Malaysia !

  34. I would like to share this joke with ibrahim ali so that it knock some sense into him.

    three young men, an indian, a chinese & a malay got into a taxi to go somewhere. the taxi sped off very fast (typical of m'sian taxi drivers so that they could make more rounds for better earning due to the badly managed economy of the country). due to the high speed of the taxi an accident was unavoidable. the taxi crashed at a dark corner due to a road block by you know who from the 'hak melayu' instituition. all three of them died and their souls went to heaven. upon arrival at the gate of heaven they requested to be given the chance to return to earth. their request were granted but on the condirion they pay 100 USD each. the indian man paid up and return to earth whole. when queried as to why he's the only one to return, he told them that the chinese man is still bargaining for a lower return fee and the malay man is still waiting for a loan from the government…

  35. assalam….

    "Melayu" kalau bijak n pandai tak akan membela bangsa sendiri.

    kalau "MELAYU"yang berpelajaran tidak membela…bagaimana

    "MELAYU"yang kurang pandai AKAN menjadi bonggok.


    KURANG PANDAI.bukan menonjolkan diri AKULAH YANG PANDAI N BIJAK.

  36. just to prove that what i have said earlier is true….


    AMPANG JAYA: Represen tatives of 22 Umno youth divisions in Selangor have lodged police reports against DAP publicity secretary and Petaling Jaya Utara MP Tony Pua for suggesting that bumiputra buyers forgo discounts on luxury homes.

    The reports were based on their complaint against Pua for suggesting that the Selangor Govern ment abolish bumiputra discounts for house purchases costing more than RM500,000 and commercial properties costing more than RM2mil.

    Selangor Umno Youth information chief Safarizul Mustafa, who lodged a report at the Ampang Jaya district police station yesterday, said Pua’s suggestion was insensitive and provocative in nature.

    “It also challenges the Article 153 of the Federal Constitution, which safeguards the special positions of the Malays and bumiputras, and for him to put up that suggestion is an offence under the Sedition Act,” he said.

    He urged the authorities to act on the matter swiftly to ensure peace and racial stability was maintained.

  37. i am a bumiputera from the jungle of sarawak. much of our rich natural resources were and are being robbed to enrich or to 'memmartabatkan' people with low self worth (not by choice but being brain washed)in this country. though we are bumiputera (non malay sarawakian) but in reality and practice we are second class bumiputera. we are being systematically side lined in education,employment and even our property such as native land are being taken away to benefit these people with low self worth. these not by choice low self woth people are so pathetic that they could not differentiate between what is provided for in the constitution and national policy that they lump everything and anything under the the sun as 'hak melayu'. how long do they want to remain in such a pathetic state? dont they know how to think? are they not the priviledge group that are being being given the most opportunities and asssistance to develop their brain in the education system of this country? God made everyone with the same capacity but why are these people so low grade that they have no sense of shame that they continue to be beggars even after 50 years of affirmative policy. dont they know that there is no free lunch in this world? dont they know that whatever privilegdes given to them such as discount for houses are paid by others? for every discount given, it is factored into a higher price for buyers not in the pathetic category. did the government pay for the discount for them and even if they did, isnt that the money of the hard working non priviledge people? isnt this robbery? How long do they want to remain in such a state? if they do not want to change, they will remain the same forever-lazy and beggarly. no wonder they hated the smart and hard working jews so much. they cover up their own pathetic and sick mind by blaming every ills and problems of the world on the jews but themselves. fortunately not all of them are like that. i would like to end with the advice of Ku Li to them – grow up!

  38. Don't know why people like Ibrahim Ali and his Perkasa making a lot of noise on this Article 153 and "Hak Melayu" stuffs…

    Ibrahim Ali do all Malaysian and the Malays a favour, go and shout about all the scandals that happen such as PKFZ, KTMB, mismanagement in Sime Darby, Khir Toyo's mansion, all the project done during former prime minister time which cost Billions in ringgit….By shouting at those maybe we can get out something from all those culprits who swindles the rakyat's money….This money could be used for good cause such as what you have been fighting for "Hak Melayu" which is to improve the standard of living not only bumiputera but all Malaysian that who really need help.

    Thank you.

  39. Dear syah,

    Excellent article. This is the same question which came to me when i read about article 153. I really hope our PERKASA heroes will read your article.

    What ever the common ppl do, it was not because they want to do it but they were told to do by the UMNO government with their programs such as BTN which ignites racial hatred.

    I really hope every malaysian will take some time and read article 153 and really understand why it was there in the first place. There were so many hard core poor malays at that time and even now after so many years. So it is the governments duty to help them – No doubt. But the government officials and politicians has been very busy enriching themselves by using 'Hak melayu' as their shield.

    The poor remain as poor and the rich gets richer!!! And the rich intimidates the poor by saying that their rights are in jeopardy if they dont fight.

    I really hope the new generation of malaysians will come out of this filthy mentality and unite as malaysians irregardless of race and religion.

  40. till when this tussle gonna end? the ship is sinking yet they do have courtesy to debate on such timid issue. there is no Malay Rights to start with. Art 153 mentions on allocations since those days Malay is poor, hardcore poor to be precise. thus, allocations are given to boost their economy. nowadays, said situation is not relevant. give to the poor, yes. but high income property also want discount? i don't think so. not all chinese is rich. the concern is the public; regardles whether chinese, indian, malay, native. all is equal under Law even to God. go to any wet market nearby, chinese auntie and uncle busting their asses selling fish & vegetables to ensure better education for their kids. scholarship? public university admission?? in a thousand years maybe. indian uncle & auntie busting their asses also for their kids. is that what we call just? i don't think so. they claimed this is an Islamic country. in which Quran they read that people shoud be treated differently based on skin/faith? which Muhammad thought them to hog every resources and don't ever share it with non-believers? i only know of one Muhammad and one Quran but i also know there is more than 1Malaysia.

  41. It is all about the society maturiy level. If majority of the Malaysian can think like you, there is a great hope of this nation to progress in future.

    Politician like what you said only do something for thier selfiness act when they are in desparate condition. However, if majority are against thier wish and not easily fooled by them, then they alone can't really do much.

    Important message to all citizen is to ask the politician to prove what they had promised not to listen what they said and to focus of nation development rather than things that only bring harm to the nation as a whole and no benefit to anyone but te polotician.

    Anyway, good article and appreciate the effort of putting up this article for all to share.

  42. I salute you, my fair countryman. Hope you will continue to publish precise and unbiased articles like this. We need voices like yours around.

  43. Syah,

    Thank you for this lovely writing.

    Please do all Malaysian a favour. Please send this article to Chedet and have this published on it.

    Thank you again.


  44. Terimakasih banyak-banyak atas pandangan yang sangat adil tanpa memihak sesiapa. Semoga Tuhan menjaga penulis seperti kamu!

  45. Very well written article.I wonder those UMNO fanatics read this article,if not, it will not be effective.Those guys must be brought to their senses,if not,this country will never have lasting peace.Then who is going to suffer? The country will never have good growth,standard of living will never improve,foreign investment will never want to come,people have no jobs. Is that what those guys want?

  46. As is usually the case Sir, a very courageous and lucid piece of literature and one that is entrenched with both reason and common sense. Keep it up!

    As far as Art 153 is concerned, I think the position of it as not being a "Right" is highlighted in the article itself.

    Article 153(7) stipulates:

    (7) Nothing in this Article shall operate to deprive or authorize the deprivation of any person of any right, privilege, permit or license accrued to or enjoyed or held by him…

    In that respect, this is consistent with Article 8 that every person in this country is equal before the law and deserve equal protection of the law.


    Malay = Chinese = Indian = My Granma = Your Granma

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