Perem Segar demands a fair and equal Malaysia.
You guys must be aware of the social contract apparently made between leaders of the Alliance party back during Merdeka, which consisted of UMNO, MCA and MIC on behalf of three different communities (Malay, Indian, Chinese ). Whether they had the legal power to do so we don’t know, but they definitely had the support of the community back then. This social contract basically gave non-Malays citizenship and the Malays’ special privileges were maintained. This social contract is reflected in the now Article 153 of the Constitution which protects the special position of the Malays, while also contradicting Article 8 which ensures Malaysians equal protection of the law.
I am not going to dwell on whether it was right to make such a social contract in the past or whether it was correct in terms of the Rule of Law to do such thing, but the question to consider is whether this social contract should still be implemented in this day and age.
This apparent social contract was made by our leaders in the past, so should such an old decision be still be valid? The answer is NO, it shouldn’t because of one simple word, and that is ’equality’. This ancient, archaic social contract has provided the government with the power to discriminate under the excuse of ‘affirmative action’ and this is evident in the scholarship policy for Bumiputera students, the Federal Land Development Authority (FELDA) plan allocated for poor Bumiputera , housing reductions for Bumiputera such as a 7%discounts for Bumiputera who want to buy a house, as well as quotas favouring the Bumiputera in public service, among other benefits. This all seems very generous of the Government, but we the non-Bumiputera wonder, what do we get ? It appears to be that being provided the luxury of being a citizen of this beautiful Malaysia is all the luxury we get, no extras.
The non-Bumiputera in majority knows this but merely keeps it to themselves or whispers their dissatisfaction to their fellow non-Bumiputera. There are of course some who are brave enough to question this social contract in the past, such as Karpal Singh and several others.
When questioned, some politicians reply with ”Kalau tak suka negara ni, keluar lah” and some other statements along those racist lines. Sometimes, I ponder whether these people are part of a secret ‘Ku Klux Clan ‘of their own race.
Today’s generation, and I can vouch for this, does not view race as a factor for anything — at least the majority of them don’t. However, the government takes race into every consideration as is evident in our laws.
The government’s attempt to maintain this social contract is also hugely contradictory to our Prime Minister’s Datuk Seri Najib’s attempt of promoting the slogan 1Malaysia. The question then arises: How do we attain a true 1Malaysiawhen there are different rights and benefits given to the Bumiputera and non-Bumiputera?
Do we need another Martin Luther King Jr or another Gandhi to start a campaign to abolish institutionalised racism in our country? I think we do, as this continuous institutionalised racism, entrenched in some our laws and applied under the pretence of affirmative action, must be stopped.
We must realise that although no racism is displayed by the people of Malaysia in the majority, these laws and affirmative action carried out by the government will subconsciously promote racism between the Malaysian people.
Must the non-Bumiputera collectively beg to be given an identity or will the government realise this atrocity and abolish this social contract? I don’t know, but I’ll tell you one thing: Me and my non-Bumiputera friends love our country and are not leaving it, but we want the sense of belonging that our Bumiputera friends enjoy in Malaysia.
Institutionalised racism has been abolished in many other countries, but only Malaysia has not embraced this fight against institutionalised racism and this is evident in Malaysia not ratifying the International Convention of Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Give us a true 1Malaysia.
Featured image sourced from the Malaysian Parliament online portal.
The Malayan Constitution was forcibly imposed Sabah and Sarawak in 1963 when they were deceived by the great leader Tunku Abdul Rahman that they would form Malaysia as equal partners and never be colonised by Malaya (his famous words).
The 18/20 Points Agreement Malaya signed with Sarawak and Sabah respectively said a new constitution was to be drawn up. Instead they tried to pass off the shonky Malayan Constitution as the "Malaysian consitution" displaying their imperialist intent to grab Sabah Sarawak soverign territories.
So we were co-opted into the UMNO apartheid and Nazi NEP so-called "social contract". Yes Hitler's Nazi social contract. And UMNO introduced its KKK politics into Sabah and Sarawak. Re-engineered the population to create a Muslim majority situation with people smugggling so they can stack the vote. Kill 2 birds with one stone.
We can say take your social contract and stuff it in the other end where it came out from!
Aiyoh, leave la then. The reality is that your leaders LOVE this mess that your two states are in. They are exploiting it to their hearts' content.
Your whining is of no use unless you can kick out your own corrupt leaders first.
Then you can talk.
WTF…!!! Okey then, we agree to give up our privilege, if you willing to give up your citizenship.. SHIT..!!! Our ancestor not suppose to make the agreement at first, knowing you guys will ask for more…. Bagi betis nak peha..
just because the writer opted not to dwell on the 'rightness' of said social contract does not necessitate us taking it for granted; and i think you're missing the point here, the writer is discussing the relevance of said social contract in this day and age, your defensive comments merely reiterate his/her point about the stance adopted by some individuals on institutionalised racism.
idiot Malay