The rakyat preparing for change. | Image by author

#GE13 will mark the third time that I undertake my responsibility as a Malaysian citizen in casting my vote. It is just one vote but I always believe that my one vote can lead to better things to come for Malaysia. The reasons why I am voting have not changed.


Come 5th May….


I will vote out racism

I will vote out corruption

I will vote out cronyism

I will vote out oppression

I will vote out custodial death

I will vote out political violence

I will vote out direct tender

I will vote out mismanagement

I will vote out complacency

I will vote out wastages

I will vote out inefficiencies

I will vote out mediocrity

I will vote out inequality

I will vote out media censors

I will vote out lies

I will vote out fear.

The rakyat preparing for change. | Image by author



I will vote for transparency

I will vote for press freedom

I will vote for equality

I will vote for meritocracy

I will vote for accountability

I will vote for efficiencies

I will vote for cost savings

I will vote for integrity

I will vote for clean and fair elections

I will vote for check and balance

I will vote for open tender

I will vote for scrutiny

I will vote for impartiality

I will vote for honesty

I will vote for justice

I will vote for the future

I will vote for hope!

The author in his daily uniform of the t-shirt of hope. | Image by author

So my fellow rakyat, what will you vote for?


Adrian is a confused accountant who has a heart of a Care Bear, lived in the Smurf Village, while defending the Universe like a Thunder Cat. He has deep interest and passion in civil society and has...

7 replies on “#GE13: So my fellow rakyat, what will you vote for?”

  1. So many BN creations here…my my…stuck in the BN mode…good luck …live in the shadow of fear of change…Malaysia Boleh…produce people like these..the blind who want to be blind..who want to be constantly lied to and cheated to!

  2. I will vote out racism

    I will vote out corruption

    I will vote out cronyism

    I will vote out oppression

    I will vote out custodial death

    I will vote out political violence

    I will vote out direct tender

    I will vote out mismanagement

    I will vote out complacency

    I will vote out wastages

    I will vote out inefficiencies

    I will vote out mediocrity

    I will vote out inequality

    I will vote out media censors

    I will vote out lies

    I will vote out fear.

  3. Adrian Ng,

    Who will I vote for you ask?

    Easy, I will vote for any candidate who stands against BN :)

    1. I will still vote for BN because PR is worse than BN. I can guarantee you If they comes into power, corruption, nepotisme, croynism, racism and blah blah blah will be more prevailing.

      1. One of those who vote BN despite all the failings that is so evident!Maybe used to all the trappings inder…

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