Assist the poor with a pair of wings, so that they can fly far and high.
Liberalise the underprivileged to a land of smiles.
Be an angel to sparkle hope in dark corners.
Just spend 10 minutes less per day on Facebook or Twitter to be the translator for the world’s largest Esperanto learning site — Lernu.
With the Malay version appearing on Lernu, the largest online Esperanto learning site, we need more Malaysians to help to translate the page into your mother tongue.
I was not only delighted, but thrilled, when I saw that the Malay version is on the lernu site. It is perhaps the hard work of a few, or one. The translator for the Bahasa Melayu is Burungmarah, and I would like to thank him/her for bringing Malaysia to the world.
Many Malaysians still do not want to come to terms with the decline of English language. Instead of going forward to learn Esperanto for the next wave of change, they are trying very hard to hold on, hoping for a miracle.
Graddol (2004) expected the English language would be declining and the Chinese language would be rising. However, he either refused to use the word ESPERANTO or was too ignorant of the language which was recognised by UNESCO in 1954.
With the decline of the use of English, Chinese will not be the dominant language in the world. It is not only because it is a language which needs to be romanced many years before a learner can form a perfect sentence, but also because China has no indication of putting the Chinese language to be the international language. If you have followed the articles of Esperanto in LoyarBurok, you should know that China has long been a supporter of using Esperanto as a fair international language since 1920.
There are some local Chinese as well as those in mainland China mainland who blinking with hope that the Chinese language will be the common language of the world. These people are those who do not know Esperanto history or are misled by the reports of cultural promotion by the Han Ban.
Not only more people would learn Chinese language but learning Bahasa Melayu would also be on the rise as more people are liberated from not confining in one language but are wide open with multi languages. Besides, the important factor of learning Esperanto cannot be waiting for the Malaysian government to implement (whether the current government or the government in future). You have to take charge of the future of your children. Now with the Malay version that is available, I do not have to tell the Malaysians to use the Indonesian version.
More and more languages are in the pipeline. Tamil speakers in Malaysia are also welcome to help the lernu. This would not only help the local Tamil speaking community but also those in Tamil Nadu. It is just like the Chinese in China who have translated the learning materials and dictionary and the Chinese in Malaysia or other parts of the world could have access to the ease of learning Esperanto.
Certainly, it is very much welcome of other local language speakers like Iban, Kadazan-Dusun, the orang asli communities of Temiah, Jakun etc to do Malaysia proud as a multilingual country. The Indegenous Esperanto International is already waiting for your participation.
The government of Malaysia has known about Esperanto for a long time. Malaya only gained her independence in 1957 but UNESCO had already recognised Esperanto for nearly 60 years. If representatives of Malaysia in the United Nations and UNESCO did not report on the issues raised by the Universal Esperanto Association (UEA), they must have been too busy in the shopping malls, looking for bags or diamonds.
The UEA has an office in the UN and is one of the consultation partners of UNESCO. Take a look of the short films from the UN meeting, if you do not have the chance to be there to witness the UEA representative making the speech.
The country is depending on far-sighted youth, in particular, to let the world community know about Malaysia. This Singaporean youth has done significant work for his country in between his busy and heavy varsity work.
If you want to make Malaysia proud, learn Esperanto now.