How valuable is an A, when nearly 1 in 4 students can achieve it? That’s right – 24% of all Form 3 students scored an A for PMR Science this year. The students and their parents, no doubt, are elated. But are we creating a whole generation of kampung champions who cannot compete globally? This same cohort of Form 3 students had participated in the global Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS) last year, and a shocking 1 in 3 of them do not know what the chemical formula CO2 stands for. More in our infographic –
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Don't understand this pretense. The academicians who requested for our syllabus to be in have been using this stats to show the need to have Maths and science be taught in BM. Rural school children could not understand properly Maths and science and they form mainly the schools surveyed. All our politicians including pr politicians supported this move.
Is the writer for Maths and science in bm? Don't give half baked complain. Think through first.