This video, Voice of the Voiceless, is one of many by Project Listen – PRUkasih’s community service project. It is born out of the very simple yet powerful act of listening, purposed to provide financial protection to urban poor families should the unexpected happen to their breadwinners. Every share of a Project Listen video or written story through Facebook or email will be matched with a RM1 contribution to PRUkasih.
I told this story not with the intention to inspire, but merely to narrate a story for a good cause. This is one, of my journey in Afghanistan where I spent three and a half years trying to effect some positive change to the human rights of Afghans. With no regrets, it was the best and darkest times of my professional and personal life.
Whether you are inspired or not, I urge you to share the video, more so that today is World Human Rights Day. This year’s theme is MyVoiceCounts and it pays tribute to those who have demanded the right to voice their opinion without shame, threat or fear. Much as I told this story without shame, threat or fear, I hope that others, particularly the young man in my story and all others like him, are able to do the same. In the same spirit of Project Listen, I also urge the powers-that-be to listen… to all voices.
This story is dedicated to all the good souls who listened to my laments, my endless chatter and my seeming passion for human rights – and also to One Good Soul who prepped me for this video shoot. They are my project listen, without whom I would not have had the strength or courage to do my minute part for human rights.
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I beg to differ, often people assume those at PPR is the urban poor, well many of us have to rent because we can’t get a PPR house and we are the urban poor. I am a single mom, not on any aid, my job pay’s me RM1600 per month and most of it is deducted, I have 2 children and the cost of raising them is high but life goes on. We can’t save anywhere and neither can we stretch our income further. Those in PPR don’t have to pay high rent and with good record they can own the house later.The extras can go into buying a car and expenditure. The requirements also mention berkahwin atau janda/duda. Most single parent’s cases don’t have a registered divorced because its costly and that money can be used as a house rental deposit and to get a PPR is extremely hard unless one is from the setinggan area. Urban poor should not be looked at the PPRs but outside it. We struggle and live with a lot less and creatively to survive and feed our kids.I suggest the data should be collected from the people who have accepted BR1M 1 because pay slip is required and there is proof to the total income rather than assumed income. Combined income is a luxury for some. Whatever little I save will be used end of the year to compensate kids back to school expenditure. In the end saving never grow, loan increases, house not owned and the debt is carried by the future generation.
PPR itself is a voice. The get all the attention from government especially but not those outside these areas.
Therefore it is not the voice of the voiceless afterall