The landmark High Court decision in Noorfadilla Ahmad Saikin v Chayed Basirun & Ors applying Article 8 of the Federal Constitution and CEDAW for the first time in Malaysia in a gender discrimination case (pregnancy ground) is being used as a case study in classrooms and workshops. Here are the cause papers and the written submission of the parties.
- Originating Summons
- Plaintiff’s Affidavit in Support
- Plaintiff’s 2nd Affidavit in Support
- 1st Defendant’s Affidavit in Reply
- 2nd and 3rd Defendants’ Affidavit in Reply
- 4th, 5th and 6th Defendants’ Affidavit in Reply
- Plaintiff’s Affidavit in Reply to the Defendants’ Affidavits
- Plaintiff’s 2nd Affidavit in Reply
- Defendants’ Written Submission
- Plaintiff’s Outline Written Submission
- Defendants’ Further Written Submission
- Plaintiff’s Summary of Arguments
- Defendants’ Further Submission
- Plaintiff’s Reply to Defendants’ Further Submission
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