Zara Kahan implores you to help Teach for Malaysia recruit teachers for children who need them, who would appreciate them, and who could be giants because of them.
Teach For Malaysia is running a recruitment campaign. The deadline for application is 9th of July and there aren’t enough applicants yet!
Oh No, How Do I Help Them?
How you guys can help is to make a short (less than one minute) self-made video to talk about why teachers in general are important and what TFM means to you. The content of your message is up to you, but please end the video with “We need you to teach for Malaysia” or something along that line. If you don’t have time for either one of these options, you can still help by RT-ing Tweets and Sharing on Fesbuk anything TFM recruitment related.
Wait, Why Should I Help Them?
Most humans in Malaysia already know about the good work TFM does but if you don’t, please go to for more info. Teach For Malaysia is basically a programme that recruits great people to teach students in areas where teachers are needed most.
Why’s Your Blog Post So Hampeh (We Have Standards on LoyarBurok, OMG)
If I had the time to write a proper blogpost, I ‘d write about the great feeling I get when I hear about people willing to take time out of their lifepath to join TFM and teach students in places far away from their family, friends and the comfort of the city. About stories from friends who teach for TFM and how excited they get when they talk about introducing new methods of learning to their students. And about how fulfilling it is to breathe new life into the lesson plans of children who used to see education as a chore rather than the adventure it is.
I’d write about the teachers who didn’t give up on me when I was a screwed-up lazy student, and how I fervently believe that without them, I’d probably have died in a gutter somewhere, unloved and alone, ages ago. But that story’s for another day, when I have the time to share why teachers hold a special place in my heart and why TFM is something in which I have a lot of emotional investment.
For now, you can find info on the whole campaign expressed in a much more polished manner below, with a little message from artist and rapper, Altimet:
Teach For Malaysia needs you to help spread the word. 9th July is the final application deadline to join TFM and we want to bring in as many applications as possible. As part of our recruitment campaign, a few good people have decided to help us by recording their own recruitment videos. For example, check out what Altimet has to say about what we need to teach our kids.
You can be part of the recruitment campaign and upload your own video, or make your own e-poster. Tweet and share them on Facebook, tag us and each submission will be placed on the TFM Facebook page. The tagline for this campaign is, “We need you to teach for Malaysia”.
If you have talented and passionate friends with an interest in teaching, encourage them to submit an application to TFM. Or why not submit an application yourself?
Great teachers make for great citizens of Malaysia. Help us make this nation even better.
For more information:
(Featured image accompanying article on main page courtesy of Joan Nova, source:
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