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#VoicesFromDataran is a video series initiative by UndiMsia. In line with our pillar of “Freedom of Expression”, we provide occupiers and supporters with a platform to express themselves in which anyone in Dataran is encouraged to talk and express just about anything from their minds. This series will be posted daily up until the 27th of April, documenting the rest of the occupiers’ stay at Dataran Merdeka.

Move with UndiMsia!

Episode 5 (25/4/2012)



Episode 6 (26/4/2012)



Disclaimer: All views are fully personal and does not reflect the stand of UndiMsia nor OccupyDataran. UndiMsia and OccupyDataran are fiercely non-partisan movements.

JoFan serves at the pleasure of Lord Bobo in His Supreme Eminenceness' cause of world domination. He is mind-controlled by the Great Ape to do things like tweet and read law. As a minion, he wears quite...

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