Integrating visuals and creativity into the fight against corruption, #pangkahrasuah is a poster contribution drive led by Sufri Safuan @ssafuan.
E-mail your poster to [email protected].
The drive begins 9th April 2012 and ends 15th April 2012.
Integrating visuals and creativity into the fight against corruption, #pangkahrasuah is a poster contribution drive led by Sufri Safuan @ssafuan.
E-mail your poster to [email protected].
The drive begins 9th April 2012 and ends 15th April 2012.
Sufri Safuan remembers spending his childhood sitting quietly beside his father in social settings, listening to the adults talk while other children played outside. A natural grammar, pronunciation and... More by Sufri Safuan
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We all know that corruption is to some extend a global issue. Mostly corruption is undertaken by government official when they got authority to rule on people. Western countries are trying to overcome this by the means of accountability.
Thanks Pepper! :)