“Love means never having to say you’re sorry”
– Love Story, 1970

Most of you may not have seen or heard about this great movie. This is probably because you were not even born or you were still a toddler then.
There are different expressions of love, but I will discuss the kind of love between opposite sexes – one which could possibly bloom and mature into a lasting relationship.
Is there such a thing as ‘love at first sight’? I would only believe it if the saying comes from women rather than men. Why? Simply because I am a man and I know it cannot be right.
Love cannot be put in the forefront when two opposite sexes meet, be it for the first time or more than once. It should be an ‘attraction’. Sometimes, it can be called infatuation when one is in search for a partner.
It is dangerous when love ignites when one is attracted to another’s beauty rather than their character and personality. Very seldom will love last if beauty is the top priority in a relationship. If one believes in love at first sight, one will never stop looking. True love can only be developed when a couple can appreciate each other’s character and personality.

I have seen many couples, as young as 16, falling in love but most of them did not last for more than a year. Many were influenced by the love stories in TV drama series from Taiwan and Hong Kong.
My view on love affairs today is that by rushing into it, people will only get hurt. Therefore, they start hunting for a replacement to fill the void.
Love is a dangerous game to play with, as it can be very hurtful. If you are not ready for it don’t even start or force it. Love should come naturally, when the time is right.
On a brighter note, there are happily married couples that last not from love, but mutual acceptance of one another – that they can live and stay together.
Sorry folks, this is not to discourage you from finding or falling in love. This is just my thought after looking at friends and relatives that are battling their love affairs. Some make it through while others end up dismayed.
Dear Richard,
Thanks for sharing your piece on love.My ex-boyfriend dumped me 3 months ago.I am still in the process of recovering.I nearly wanted to commit suicide.Thank goodness i have friends who cared for me advising me not to do stupid things to myself because of a guy.
I'm trying to move on although i must say my heart is still bleeding from it.Should i give up on love?Does love still exist?Is he out there?….
Male who fall in love at first sight will almost always wander for greener pasture…men are weak creatures…yet most countries are governed by men…sigh…
You always need a passion to start off something, be it career, love affair or anything.
The question is always, the appreciation, hardwork, tolerance and sacrifice one willing to put towards for it.
It is not dangerous, be it fatuation at first sight, as long as one appreciates it.
It is the ignorance and arrogance that tortures and kills the relationship, and that can happens even to a couple who known and be together for long time.
put the eye sight wide enough to see and accept difference
"It is a risk to love. What if it doesn't work out? Ah, but what if it does?" – Peter McWilliams.