A cartoon a day keeps the frowns away
A cartoon a day keeps the frowns away
Johnny is a graphic designer-cum-cartoonist. He has been interested in art since his school days but unforeseen circumstances took him through various jobs - waiter, bartender, sales personnel, factory... More by Johnny Ong
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Go Johnny go… As the great Confucious said " A picture is worth a thousand words" …With so little so much can be achieved. Make this blog an interesting and easily understood by the thousands of rural folks out there. Only if we can get the internet to them……..
Perhaps Mr Johnny Ong would like to put his creative juices to help fight the cause of the anti-Lynas folks in Pahang. It would definitely a worthy cause as the health of the folks will be exposed to unmitigated disaster if the government bend to Lynas and allow the plant to operate.Too much is at stake for the folks to let it happen.