A Cartoon A Day Keeps the Frowns Away.
Johnny is a graphic designer-cum-cartoonist. He has been interested in art since his school days but unforeseen circumstances took him through various jobs - waiter, bartender, sales personnel, factory... More by Johnny Ong
Whatever laws appear not to authoritarian enough the deceitful and corrupted Umno morons are repealing or in the process of repealing them and replace them with more toxic ones. The peaceful assembly bill is a typical example where once you are allowed to protest or rally in the street but with the new bill you are only allowed to protest or rally in a stadium. That is if only you can book a stadium to do that no doubt the Umno morons in power will ensure that the stadium is 'booked' to ensure the intended protest or rally will loose is momentum plus also to you are therefore only to protest or rally in the stadium far away from K.L.. IN the circumstances the rally or protest , though may not need the police permit under the new bill and appear to be a reform,, can never be held or at best at a place so far away from civilization that the people will find it hard to get there. This is the kind of reform Najib and all the morons are introducing !