#LBTwtUp — The First Ever LoyarBurok TweetUp!
If you love your Twitter, let it go… and meet other Tweeps! Take your eyes and fingers off your screens.
Come lepak with us at the first-ever LoyarBurok TweetUp.
Come and touch, with us, our Malaysian rakyat, and find out for REAL that you don’t have to be a lawyer to be a LoyarBurokker. Everyone — and we mean everyone — is welcome.
Joms! Cepats!
WHEN / Friday, 24 June 2011, 7 to 10pm
WHERE / Old Town White Coffee, UOA Bangsar (Bangsar LRT stop)
RSVP via Facebook by clicking here.
Tweet about it by using the hashtag #LBTwtUp
Wishing you all "All the best!"
Whether you tweet or take a rest
Remove all worries from your chest
While on earth you're only a guest
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng http://motivationinmotion.blogspot.com
Thur. 23rd Jun. 2011.
Shall be with you guys in spirit, and tagline (Old Town, one of my clients once!). All the best.