As I tweet chatted with the infamous June, curator for Porn Week, she asked me for my thoughts on #LoyarPorn. The reason she asked was because some people / readers had raised the issue that #LoyarPorn is fucking up LoyarBurok’s image / potential to do “important” things.
So what do I think about #LoyarPorn???
Personally, I think #LoyarPorn is an absolutely cool and fantabulous topic. It is a first step towards providing an understanding of different sexual needs, from a whole different perspective/angle. From that, it challenges the mind to think about the best way to approach and tackle every issue on SEX!!!
A while ago someone asked me “when will Malaysia be free of sex politics?” And my answer to the question was, “Only when we, as a society, are not deprived of any”.
It is that simple!!!
#LoyarPorn takes it all out of the closet!!! I think Japan is one bloody good example. They have been labeled as the horniest country in the world. Porn is so fucking normal that even if a couple does it on the train, no one gives a hoot (well that’s what I think, at least that’s true in porn movies).
Coming back to June’s question, I would like to ask these people / readers:
1. Are LoyarBurokkers not primates??? You mean Loyarburokkers don’t fuck??? Is that why #LoyarPorn is fucked up???
2. How do you determine what is “important” and what is not??? You tell me what is more “important”!!
3. If porn is not important, what about sex education??? Is it unimportant too??? Do you know what the next best resource to formal sex education is? It’s porn!!!
4. LoyarBurok is a fucking Liberatzi so people can talk about whatever issues they feel are “important”. So if you don’t like it, don’t read it!!! No one is forcing you!!
5. And if you still have any issues or don’t like what you read, WRITE TO LOYARBUROK!! YOU ARE MORE THAN FUCKING WELCOME!! WE WILL PUBLISH IT!!!
6. Whyyy soooo serioussssss??? LoyarBurok is supposed to be FUN!!! CREATIVE WRITING is supposed to be FUN!!! PRIMATES can’t have FUN?!!
7. Lastly, if you really can’t fucking understand #LoyarPorn’s intentions, then you can GO STAND IN A CORNER and FACE THE WALL!!! Better still, JUST FUCK THE WALL!!!!
Are you not fucking tired of news about rape, underage marriages, incest, khalwat, pedophilia, sex politics, sodomy etc. What are all these?? Not lust?? Not needs?? Not porn??? Not sex??? Whether you like it or not, porn is everywhere. Don’t deny it!!! I know you are thinking about it right now!!! So what are you so afraid of??? Why can’t you confront the matters, the issues, the problems??? You can hide from it, or pretend to hide from it; but until you face up to it, think about it, talk about it, write about it, rant about it etc etc you will never be able to stand up and solve the issues!!! GROW UP PEOPLE!!!
Adrian fuck-a-doodle-tweets @AdrianNCF.
Welcome to the 3rd world.
Here's your lice comb.
He/She a problem with Porn AND Hyderabad?!?!!
There's just no pleasing some people.
Be part of the solution.
Not the problem.
sorry! i was wrong… i MISREAD ur comment… i thot, instead of "Loyar Burok reminds me of UMNO", u were talking about "Loyar BANGKOK"… :p
my bad…
Thanks frand for your thoughts, got it loud and clear =)
And Loyarbangkok, classy, tastefully and maturely done =) *applause* Have a nice weekend! =)
Immature people tend to over-react. so much so, they would quote u wrongly.
Subashini – excuse me, WHEN did I say "STFU", “bugger off” or “If you don’t like it, don’t read la”????
read THIS, written by ME:
" I never said u should b arrested. U *****have***** the freedom to express whatever u want here – JUST LIKE WE ALSO HAVE THE SAME FREEDOM to call u and your gang fucking immature and stupid."
how does that sound like UMNO? i thot UMNO would have said,
"U DO NOT have the freedom to express whatever u want here – BUT THEN WE HAVE THE ABSOLUTE FREEDOM to call u pendatang, pig, traitor…"
now, Nya Ma High sounds LIKE UMNO:
"If you don’t like porn, go back to Hyderabad. We don’t need you in Malaysia." ("Go back to India!!") but i din hear u shoot HIM??
get ur facts right before u engage in a debate, ok? dont b like Utusan.
Adrian Ng – u have the right o write but mate, I ALSO HAVE the right to HURT your feeling with my FREEDOM of speech. i'm sure u would understand that, though ur juvenille fans do not.
"June Low’s buoyant and feisty spirit (which you apparently regard as symptoms of puerility)."
– nope. but i just dont like it. dont i have the RIGHT to say i think her views SUCK? (just like any of u can say the same about mine. just make sure u get the facts right first.)
"Do you seriously think all the name-calling and jeering in parliament and the sodomy hoopla happening in Malaysian courts is “adult” and “mature”?"
– nope. did i say that? dont overkill la, bro. what did ur master teach u?? or mayb u r not a litigator, fine.
"Whatever happened to your Inner Child, bro?"
– still here, but the Child does NOT like2 play with u or ur gang. hope u r cool with that.
"You’ve got to be a guy. No female I know could possibly come close to sounding as stodgy and carrot-up-my-arse pompous as you do. Such a sourpuss – and a scaredy cat, too, since you have to hide behind a pseudonym. Show some appreciation for initiative, spunkiness and verve lah, please – heaven knows we desperately need it in this benighted land."
– yes, i'm every bit of what u said i m.
– well, i never said i disapprove of the Porn Week initiative. but that doesnt mean that i cant say all the articles written r JUNK, or they SUCK.
loyarbangkok.has.a.cucumber.up.his.or.her.ass – hahahahhahahahahah!!!!!
yalo, so mature.
it's soooooooooooo erotic, the image u conjured up… mayb YOU should b writing this shite…
p/s: no more reply to this post. if u still cant figure out, go fuck ursf. (i still HAVE the freedom to say that, right??)
to be honest, i'm among those who does not enjoy pornweek, my apology and may i offer sincere gratitude to those who have working hard for it. though i don't like it, but i still read it (half-heartedly)
i read the articles, i read the comments, and from my point of view, i just can't help it from disagreeing with the way how the writers response to the commentator. being more particular, looking at this article itself, i think the writer is a bit too defensive and the tone is not calm at all, so how can you expects commentator to be calm instead? no pressure, i'm not provoking and merely offer my view. so that's it, and good luck with this pornweek.
Creatrix Tiara – My view is that porn week is just a bit of fun. A time not to take oneself so seriously, and an opportunity to express oneself freely. When the hell else has there ever been that sort of writing on LB, or any other blog in Malaysia?
But by all means get the ball rolling – start an interesting topic of conversation if you think porn week is boring. But read the other stuff first, that might keep you occupied for a while (see my response to your comment in "Porn Week: What the fuck?!")
Subashini – If you think LOYARBUROK is like UMNO, then I suggest you migrate immediately because you obviously don't see any hope left for Malaysia.
To clarify – Loyarburok and I are separate entities. I am curating this week, and i've taken that to mean I get to put up whatever I want (see my introductory note). My responses do not represent Loyarburok (What is Loyarburok anyway? – topic for another week perhaps), my responses represent what I think.
So it's better to take it up with me instead of dictating what constitutes a "crony blog" (that was a bit rich of you, who died and made you god of blogging?)
I don't see how the posts are one big wank off. Read the short stories, and the science posts – they're brilliant and fun. Read the porn reviews. Learn something new today!
Thanks Loyarbangkok, Nya Ma High and Subashini for your comments. And thanks again Creatrix Tiara for your input on class and maturity. All your thoughts are valid points =)
And I like your comment on non-crony blawg, Subashini. I can assure you the blawg is definitely not. I do hope to see a piece from you =)
Chillax la Loyarbangkok, I hear you loud and clear. I may be aggresive for this particular post but hey, I am no haters and I don't think anyone would like to be.
All your thoughts are pointers for me to improve further; the tone to begin with :p
One man's poison is another man's cure, be it class, taste, maturity. It's a journey, so hope you all do find something interesting in Porn Week; or if you like, give me more pointers. Love and Peace! And keep Porn-ing! :p
Classy doesn't mean boring. Mature doesn't mean boring. This isn't classy nor mature – and it's boring.
I've shared some examples of what I mean by better porn discourse and writing. In fact there are TONS of examples from the sex-positive blogging world.
Loyar Burok reminds me of UMNO.
Rule #1 of running a not-crony "blawg": If your friend and Twitter buddy writes something that makes you go "hee haw, funny lor", it does not necessarily translate that his piece deserves to be published for a wider readership, or that it even has anything relevant to say. Case in point, this post. The breaking news contained within: "Malaysians are mired in sex and muck! PORN PORN PORN! YEEHA!" This could have been expressed in 140-characters in a tweet, and we could have all retweeted it to the high heavens until the muscles of our mouse-clicking finger expired. But to have a blog post built around superficial, underdeveloped thoughts is just a waste of your reader's time. And to that effect, people criticised it.
Rule #2 of running a not-crony "blawg": When people critique your output in a civil manner, you consider their opinions without going off on a tangent yelling "STFU" and "bugger off" and demeaning a certain position (that mainstream porn is harmful to women) regardless of whether or not you agree with that position.
Rule #3 of running a not-crony "blawg": "If you don't like it, don't read la!" is a pretty weak preemptive strategy of defense based on the fact that you're writing something that you want people to read and presumably respond to. Unless, of course, I misunderstood and Porn Week blog posts are basically one giant wank-off and no participation from others, besides the writers, is required. In which case, wank away. Have a wank-off amongst your writers – the biggest wanker wins, though I doubt anyone will be coming anymore.
To this site, that is.
If you don't like porn, go back to Hyderabad. We don't need you in Malaysia.
Loyar Bangkok and a Cucumber sitting on a tree, F.U.C.K.I.N.G .
I hope your cucumber is pleasing you cuz that is all you get anyway.
Take that, immaturity.
@Loyar Bangkok – Gee, I'd hate to bump into you in a dark alley, you put a cold shiver up my spine, dude – with your inverted obsession with and patriarchal disapproval of June Low's buoyant and feisty spirit (which you apparently regard as symptoms of puerility). Do you seriously think all the name-calling and jeering in parliament and the sodomy hoopla happening in Malaysian courts is "adult" and "mature"? Whatever happened to your Inner Child, bro? You've got to be a guy. No female I know could possibly come close to sounding as stodgy and carrot-up-my-arse pompous as you do. Such a sourpuss – and a scaredy cat, too, since you have to hide behind a pseudonym. Show some appreciation for initiative, spunkiness and verve lah, please – heaven knows we desperately need it in this benighted land.
June Low my dear, as far as I'm concerned, I never said u should b arrested. U have the freedom to express whatever u want here – JUST LIKE WE ALSO HAVE THE SAME FREEDOM to call u and your gang fucking immature and stupid.
"…asking me to grow up. With all the anti-aging stuff out there, you’d imagine it’s the last thing people want to do."
Wow… sooooo funny!!! a very sophisticated joke!! i nearly missed it!!! Great pun!!!!
keep it up my dear!!!!
applause please!!!!
"no one is forcing anyone else to read anything. that said, if something is deemed sub-par, show us par lah"
ya, nobody forces us to read. but doesnt mean we cant comment, right?
can u just tell a film critic that "i din force u to watch my stupid porn, y u comment?!?"
if u DONT want comment or criticisms, then plz RESTRICT your circulation to ur spam email list. but if u publish in the OPEN for PUBLIC consumption, i'm sure u r aware that u r NOT immune from criticisms, right?
"explanations" and "reasons" again??
it's useless to debate taste, my friend.
just let me use this example as a PUN (if u dont get how it is a pun, plz dont ask me… go figure out),
how do u explain to a 6 year old (or anybody of any age who has never tasted the "forbidden apple" or masturbated) that sex is "fun"??
Porn Week articles SUCK.
wah, we went from buttfucking to ISA. altho, i guess kena ISA is like kena buttfuck. but less exciting to watch.
Ok, it's too bad some of you are not enjoying porn week. And I don't know why everyone is asking me to grow up. With all the anti-aging stuff out there, you'd imagine it's the last thing people want to do.
But really, there's been all this talk about "class" and "taste" and "maturity" and "mature/tasteful ways to approach porn" and "depth and coherence" – but I still don't see a single explanation for those terms. And when requested, i'm told i'm not owed any explanation. I guess it's fair if you don't want to continue talking about it, but isn't that operating on the same level as when the police unlawfully arrest someone for creating public disorder and then refuse to give reasons for what constitutes public disorder? That's the sort of topic that gets debated on LoyarBurok a lot. But just because it's porn, it's not worthy of discussion? As Edmund once told me, discourse is a sign of civilisation. Look beyond the packaging. Lets talk :)
for my money, june's writing is entertainingus maximus :)
i imagine writing abt sex w/'class' etc is boringleh. writing abt sex shd be entertaining!
and i'm sure no one is forcing anyone else to read anything. that said, if something is deemed sub-par, show us par lah – i'm sure they won't mind accepting late submissions.
surely writing something deemed good is more fun for all than writing that something else is bad. that wld seem by far the most adult, something that appears to be a major concern for some reason.
just like sex, more writing = merrier! woohoo!
"adolescent sex-starved ramblings" – yup, that's what i was looking for.
June Low, there's no need for "justification" or "analysis" on why this whole Porn Week thingy is childish.
u dont explain to a 8 year old kid why that 8 year old kid is childish. u just dont, because s/he wont get it.
it's a judgment call, a matter of taste.
feel free to disagree, but that doesnt mean that we cant hold the view that your Porn Week idea is fucking immature.
and we DONT owe u any "explanation", "justification", "grounds" or "analysis". the fact that u dont get it is enough proof, for me.
grow up.
i think Porn Week is going too far.
can talk about sex doesnt mean the WHOLE topic is about sex – and for so many posts.
yes, i love to fuck and i do fuck regularly, am interested in talking about fucking, and i visit porn sites more frequently than this.
but hey, do it with CLASS lah… that "learn bird watching" cartoon, and most of the rest, really is quite childish. i believe it has to do with the ages of these writiers of this so-called "porn week".
maybe this "porn week" is only an idea cooked up by somebody trying2 pick up sex partners from loyarburok? i dont know. horny men (and women) will try anything.
exhibit A – Dominique Strauss-Khan.
enuf said.
p/s – grow up la… do we really have to endure this childish prank for A WEEK??
Thanks Creatrix Tiara for the links and your thoughts. Will try to do better. Love & peace
patience, my good boo, patience :)
Is this the best you can do at discussing porn? Rabbit White did it better:
In fact people have been discussing porn with plenty of nuance for yonks now. Just check out the San Francisco queer porn crew and their lively chats on how porn affects them and why they do what they do (Jiz Lee's a great start:
As someone who has been involved with porn one way or another, this article is lacking maturity or even any sense at all. It's yawnworthy. I contributed something some time ago about Malaysia's issues with sexuality, including a paragraph about porn – did that not have an affect on the other LBers?
Thanks again Alicia. Though you do not want to talk about it, your earlier thoughts are much appreciated. Have a nice day ahead!
To be honest, I'd really like to end this "discourse on intercourse" right now and "bugger off" because I see no point in talking about a ridiculous article that I had the misfortune of reading. Consider my backing out of this "discourse" as a polite way of saying "I don't want to have anything to do with this fuckery".
All the same, Alicia, you have not provided reasons why you think it's got zero content worth arguing, and i'd like to invite you to do so. Then Adrian/ others can respond, and perhaps we'll all learn what constitutes a "coherent and deep" way to write about porn at the end of it. The discourse on intercourse will end if you just say you think i'm stupid and shallow in a polite manner and bugger off!
I respect your efforts in curating Porn Week, but if you think this article is "coherent" and "deep" then I'm not sure I'd like to spend time critically engaging with you on the immaturity of this article. There is zero content worth arguing.
Lets talk about maturity!
I'm not being a jerk, i'm being serious. Why do you RK Boo and Alicia think Adrian's article is immature?
I think it's plenty coherent and deep. The reason I say that is because I can understand it easily, and I think he's touched on some very important issues. If you think he has not gone as deep as you would like, i'm sure he'll oblige and field whatever questions you may have?
Totally spot on, RK Boo.
Looks like Loyar Burok has reached a new low point with this very "mature" article. It seems as if when it comes to writing on pornography all sense of coherence and depth is completely lost, especially this article. Bravo, Loyar Burok.
RK Boo
As I said in my introductory note ( i'm not going publish all the same old boring shit that we get on LB week after week.
Porn Week is for a fresh take on things.
So if you send in a piece for Porn Week that covers "the stuff that matters" (as you've highlighted above), I will happily publish it provided it meets the following conditions:
1) The piece must contain photos that substantiate your arguments. So if you talk about women being objectified, you must send in screen shots of porn (time to get watching), with interesting captions containing reasons why the photo proves your point. (E.g "In each of these four photos, we observe the vagina being penetrated excessively, and the woman's face frozen in pain. Therefore, it is clear that she is not enjoying it, and is being used as nothing more but an instrument for sexual gratification. Somebody get Catharine Mackinnon here now!").
or (and this is probably more effective)
2) You can send in a video, but you must provide audio commentary (e.g. "In this scene, the woman is not expressing a desire for intercourse, but rather she is repeatedly saying 'Yamete' which means 'stop it' in Japanese. This shows a clear disregard of her sentience and/or personality on the part of the man fucking her as he does not appear to want to stop anytime soon. However, it is not clear why she was provocatively rubbing her clitoris between minutes 0:31 to 2:32 "
I look forward to receiving your submissions :)
I think it's okay for Loyarburok to discuss porn, but I really don't care how porn has made or ruined someone's life. Most of the LoyarPorn posts here so far are pretty meh and don't discuss meaningful perspectives about porn. They just seem like adolescent sex-starved ramblings.
By all means, talk about sex and porn, but get to stuff that matters, like whether porn objectifies women (I, for one, think it does), or why it's moral or immoral, or whether porn sites should be given a domain of their own (there's an interesting debate about that. Some argue against it since it makes it easier for governments to clamp down on porn sites) etc.
Can LoyarBurok be a little more mature in its porn posts?
Hehehehehe. Good one, Adrian. Chuckled repeatedly but refrained from ejaculating… so a simple period will have to suffice… no screamer.
Thanks Antares, RK Boo and Alicia for your comments.
Particular thanks to RK Boo on your wise and constructive comments. Hopefully you will be able to find something of interest throughout Porn Week. LoyarBurok is all inclusive, be it adolescent sex-starved to the more informed sex-related subject matter as highlighted by yourself. I would loved to see your piece being published :))
Hi Alicia, do enlighten me how can you describe porn “maturity”. I’m not perfect and I loved to see your point of view.