From me (June): This piece was not written by me, but by “Batu 5”. To set up an account on LoyarBurok would involve disclosing Batu 5’s identity. Therefore, I have published the piece under my name.

From LoyarBurok: For the purposes of Porn week, Lord Bobo Barnabus has instructed His Supreme Eminenceness’s minions at LoyarBurok to waive the usual rigid rule on no anonymous postings. When a minion dared to ask why, His Supreme Eminenceness fastened a beady eye on the questioner (telepathically, of course, as all missives are sent) and said “Because its about porn lah!”. Whilst the minions salute those who are brave enough to disclose their true identity despite the culturally sensitive topic of porn, we ask the reader to excuse those more timid for still skulking under their sheets, growing one stroke at a time.

Pornography in a sexually repressed country.
By Batu 5

As a teenager with raging hormones, I think about sex all the time.

Sex this, sex that, sex it.

And oh, i’m a guy, 20 years, single, straight. So yeah. You think about it, you wanna have it, but you can’t have it.

Oh no, you can’t.

Unless you’re married lah. Looks like I gotta wait for a minimum of 8 years (according to my mom).

This is conservative Malaysia where moral police patrol the streets – raiding homes and enforcing morality with brutal efficiency and an unshakeable zeal to do God’s work. There are social authoritarians preaching what to do and what not do and condemning the evils found in the pleasures of the flesh. Talk about anti-sexualism.

This is a country which discourages sex education and promotes abstinence. Yes, the “moral fabric” of society (whatever that means) is put as premium over everything else, even the right of a person’s choice to have consensual sex. Matrimony is the sole precursor for sex. All this sounds like a sick form of morality McCarthyism.

Sex is taboo but it’s the sweetest of taboos.

People who are caught with “khalwat” are stigmatized and shunned by the holier-than-thou society. And boy, this is a country which uses a lot of euphemisms when it comes to discussing about sex. Tebal gile the “veil of euphemism”, especially when talking with your parents about it. It’s even hard to have a discussion about Malaysian politics nowadays with the sex videos and the sodomy trials. Whoops did I say sodomy? I meant “masuk ikut pintu belakang“. A very delicate job indeed since I come from a traditionalist family with kampong roots. Anak orang utagha.


What I wanna say is, we, the youth of Malaysia cannot be open about our sexuality. It’s not the norm to be sexually liberal and the environment that we’re in perpetuates that repression of sexual expression. We’re sexually repressed, suppressed and oppressed. Sexualiti tak merdeka, masih dikongkong. So, since we can’t be open about it, can’t do it, can’t talk about it (most of us didn’t even have the “birds and the bees” chat with our parents), what do we do?


Who do we turn to have a thorough discussion about sex? My spiritual interlocutor with God?? Where is our outlet to vent?

Pornography. It’s our sole outlet. Or you can count masturbation, that’s a plus one.


I’m all for pornography. I keep loads in my laptop. Why should I be ashamed? It’s natural, and part of the process of growing up; exploring and discovering your sexuality. I like the American ones, commercialized and done professionally. I like the Japanese ones as they are gung-ho and are willing to do eccentric things. Hell yeah! I have a quota for the Malay 3GP ones as well. Though the quality is crap, I keep it for affirmative action purposes lah….

Yeah sure, everyone watches it, even those Westerners whom I envy. However, they have the ability to express it, without raising eyebrows. They can have a talk about it. Feel it, perceive it. We can’t. We’re suffocated by customs, norms, religions and societal prejudices. And this is unhealthy. There are harms when your sole outlet to discovering your sexuality is through pornography, when adolescence views pornography in a vacuum.


We need to analyze the realities of pornography. Just look at how it operates. There’s a sequence, see. Some poor script just to give a story line, then there’s a bit of kissing (optional), there’s foreplay (compulsory), there’s the penetration (usually missionary), change of position (doggy style or cowgirl etc) and lastly, the dude achieves orgasm (usually he ejaculates on the female). Sorry for being graphic. (There you go, being apologetic when I’m being sincere about sex!)

The orchestration is very mechanical and predictable. Such fantasy is how pornography operates: the surrogate larger penis, the camera as empirical evidence that such moments, however manufactured and disembodied, can actually happen.


So what’s the harm?

Pornography shapes the sexual world-views of us youths. That’s how sex is supposed to work and that’s how it is. It’s purely mechanical, without passion and without that sensual feel. Since we’re unable to experience it when we’re young, this perception is carried on and affects the way we treat our sexual partner, once married. The way we treat when having sex with that special one is based on what we see on porno. Since we can’t confide in people about sex, engage or express it, pornography is the sole method of obtaining an audiovisual experience.

Sexual repression doesn’t offer you any avenues of escapism except porno. It entraps your natural cognitive process of discovering sex to accepting the fact that the use of sex is only for making babies, not for the enjoyment of two consenting individuals. The sanctity of sex is lost.

It also brings lots of trouble since couples have high expectations of each other when influenced by porno, especially Western ones. They expect the males to have large penises or last for half an hour as what is seen in pornography….and most of the time the definition of a good sex is defined by professional actors in a porno. Porno has defined and refined your sexual life.

western porn

Sex isn’t discovered naturally but through the social scope of commercialized sex. It’s a sick form of Pavlovian conditioning. Ask a guy who’s not getting it and who has relied on porno for 5 years!! All this repression by society confirms my view on misogyny.

We need a countervailing force to balance the effects of pornography. We need to be sexually liberated. Freedom and individual liberty should be put as premium over social morality. After all, social rights are made from a collection of individual rights. Only liberty would set you free from sexual repression. Until then, artificial sexual freedom is only achieved via pornography.

Batu 5’s nome de plume is derived from his hometown. He needs to get laid.

Curator’s Note: Read Boz Kamara’s views on how porn has affected his sex life.

6 replies on “[Porn Week] Illicit Sensations, by Batu 5”

  1. The writer sums up very accurately the sex situation. I in the UK, there was a very good documentary on how students (high school) are taught about sex (not just intercouse). There are nude male & female persons (not actors/models). The thoery is to dispel myth about sex & get factual details.

    Q? why was nude live male / female person on stage? A! To show that there are different sizes of humans anatomy (female included). To overcome students shyness, after a while, students start asking a lot questions.

    The program also includes topics about conception / concraceptives / sexual diseases / family planning / emotional & behaviour. It also teaches how to explore our bodies & mind.

    It was really an eye opener & very good discourse. Sexuality is natural human behaviour, something to celebrate.

    The writer was spot when he said Malaysians are sexually repressive & oppresed bunch.

    This is Malaysia has a high rate of ;

    a. Unwanted Pregnacies

    b. High Sexual Assault Cases.

  2. June, i'm just saying lotsa DNA lands on the puter when the guys… errr, never mind. :)

  3. Batu 5 can write whatever he wants cos I doubt the authorities would wanna confiscate his 'puter… probably it's full of his DNA.

  4. Thanks for adding your sincere voice to the powerful yearning we all feel to free ourselves from external control mechanisms installed to subvert our natural evolution as ethical, well-integrated individuals capable of clarity, purity and absolute honesty. I wrote about the very same thing some time ago, Batu 5. The message is simple, folks: if you don’t like the government to grab you by the balls and jerk you around, then you bloody well reclaim them!

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