Well, since you asked, here are the reasons why I came up with Porn Week for LoyarBurok…

From: http://media.ebaumsworld.com/picture/dude42/pterodactyl_porn.JPG

1) Porn is everywhere. Everywhere you go people are either talking about it or they’re emulating it. And don’t even try to argue the exceptions, I was stuck in a traffic jam just last week and all I heard was “Porn porn! Porn porn! Porn porn!” – Malaysians are all about the porn and it’s time LoyarBurok got in on the action.

2) LoyarBurok is getting boring. Since they started the “every1 can write” movement, there’s been a lot of bad/boring writing on the site that I don’t care for. So when they asked me to curate a week, I sure as hell was not about to go through pages and pages of “Allah this” (oops! ) and “Allah that” (oops! I did it again).

If someone says “Fuck you and your belief system, June!”, I can choose to punch them in the face or I can choose to say “HEY FUCK YOU TOO ASSHOLE!” and go get a milkshake*, you know?

From: http://lemonodor.com/images/kelis.jpg

*My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, and they’re like “What the fuck am I doing on this ship?”

From: http://m1.ikiwq.com/img/xl/qjRLsaF9FsjgbhS0Jtw6ld.jpg

On a more serious note, I think if everyone in Malaysia just grew the fuck up and went off to generate positive energy (e.g. contribute to Porn Week) instead of caring about the latest propaganda the government is spewing to tear us apart, it would have no effect on us, and we’d have more interesting/constructive things to talk about.

3) There are still many good writers /interesting people out there who are not writing for LoyarBurok. As with porn, there’s increasing participation, and then there’s widening participation. Big difference. Check out the type/quality of stuff that will be featured this week, compare it with most of the stuff that is usually on LoyarBurok, and see the difference for yourself. I think LoyarBurok has potential for much more and it should not get complacent even after the launch of The Big Little Story Book by June Low (no matter how awesome it is.)

From: www.junewow.com

4) Editing/writing on LoyarBurok these days is insane. In both cases, you are Bon-conned (this act should have its own Wikipedia page – it’s when Edmund Bon manages to convince you to do something for him, usually without you knowing). Anyway, LoyarBurok is all systems, guidelines and formulas now – it used to be a lot more fun. I remember the good ol’ days when I would send something to Edmund and he would put it up on the site, and that would be the end of it.

The “Now every1 can write” approach coupled with the lack of a full-time editorial team means people self-publish their articles on LoyarBurok via WordPress. This would be fine, except there are a shit ton of rules for editing and writing – the LB Writer’s Guide, the LB Editor’s Guide (it’s not official but you could probably get enough material just from the 9 billion emails sent back and forth each day).

Every comma, every question mark, oh fuck a doodle dah – it’s sickening even talking about it. The short of it is that you now have to navigate through a labyrinth of crap before your article matches the “loyarburok standard”.

To me, all of this goes against the LoyarBurok spirit. No true LoyarBurokker would/could possibly comply with all that shit. And that is why I have not. For Porn Week, apart from correcting a few obvious spelling and grammatical errors, I have not altered any of the pieces in any significant way. In addition, as with anything to do with sex, sexual etiquette applies. Therefore, it would certainly be rude to offer unsolicited advice on how their efforts could be improved…

June was Bon-conned into editing for LoyarBurok. She never wants to do it again.

22 replies on “[Porn week]? What the fuck?!”

  1. Sex does sell. I think this posting has the most comments over the other more intelligent and important articles in this very useful blog.

  2. Whine. Whine. Whine.

    And don't do shit.

    This is why we have to still hire expats to do all the clever work.

  3. Creatrix Tiara – Why not respond to some of the stuff that's been posted (for what they're worth) instead of saying it's not like an american porn week, it has potential for much more, therefore it ought to be? Do you really dislike all of it? Even Rafil's Science Spoofs Porn??? Antares' Moist Salty Moments? They're brilliant and can hardly be said to lack nuance or insight. The fact that you think this article was in response to Adrian's makes me think you need to read the rest of the stuff that's available before you say porn week has fallen flat.

    Adrian's piece was put up to encourage discourse (see my responses to earlier comments), so join the discourse on intercourse over there if you've got interesting things to add, you're more than welcome to :)

  4. Was this in response to the comments on Adrian's article? For some of us it's not the idea of Porn Week that's abhorrent – hell I would LOVE to have more discussion around sex and porn and that sort of thing from a Malaysian perspective. My issue though is that there's no nuance or insight into the writing, which makes it no better then any other discourse around porn in Malaysia. It's a week with a lot of potential…but right now it's falling flat.

  5. Jumping Jesus on a pogo stick, if you're to precious for porn week, come back next week.

  6. "rebel for the sake of rebelling" "no one will take a voter ed initiative seriously" "back to the gutter"

    Can you truly justify these things you said? Because to me it seems that you're the kind of person who does things with the purpose of satisfying others. Some kind of remuneration or a spoken word to elevate ones ego. (since we're comfortable passing judgement on people we do not know)

    oh yes, we can definately talk about big issues like race, culture, god, politics, economics without 'prejudice', 'openly' in fact. But this argument is daft and artificial in itself, if people are not even comfortable talking about sex, a basic primal-physical-emotional connection that is inherently shared by every living being, how can you even take whatever you choose to stand or advocate for seriously?

    it's just another form of reality that is swept under the carpet, under the illusion of the need for more 'serious' issues worth considering. Is that serious enough for ya? Well, stop taking things too seriously, it's an ardent trait of a fundamentalist/political pawn/fall guy

    I'm glad porn week started. It's weeding out the posers from their rabbit holes

  7. Enjoying the use of profanity, eh? Busting out, huh? Freedom of Speech and Opinion, eh? Idiot.

  8. An editor who doesn't want to follow rules about grammar & punctuation? I hope you mean it when you say you never want to edit again.

    You're obviously one of those people who want to rebel for the sake of rebelling. Loyarburok was getting good, and getting attention. Now it's back down the gutter if this continues. No one will take a voter ed initiative seriously if it's associated with morons like this. Too bad LB.

  9. Tanglori – no lah, there's plenty of room for everyone. If not enough, can get more from the hosting service. Peace.

  10. T, chill la. Separating things creates artificial barriers. Concentrate on artificial implants instead. More fun.

  11. Alas, I do not think that any attempt by June to sound her hooters will result in anything good.

    Point of order, Madam Editor.

    I believe the images you have used are not in keeping with the principles enshrined in:

    a) the LB Writer’s Guide


    b) the LB Editor’s Guide

    Kindly observe for each image attached above:

    i. You have misspelled pterodaactyl. And clearly it cannot be pterodaactyl porn if there is more than one species partaking in the pornographic acts depicted.

    ii. This is clearly not a milkshake, but a float. Your attempt to corrupt our youth with such confusing imagery must be frowned upon and frustrated.

    iii. This is not a yard. This is a yardmast. A yard is where they keep Scotland. A young lady of your breeding should know the difference. Especially when it comes to masts of any sort.

    iv. This is shameless self promotion. LB is not to be used for such efforts, but to promote a wholesome, BETTER MALAYSIA. y u shameless?

    Given the honour LB has bestowed upon you, for which you should be eternally grateful, please respect

    a) the LB Writer’s Guide


    b) the LB Editor’s Guide.

    Thank you.

    ps- are you Lord Bobo? There is a rumour going around, but some say you are not cute enough to be him.

  12. june, with all due respect, perhaps you can create a new platform for yourself and your like minded peeps elsewhere. i’ve been following loyarburok for the longest time and have always respected the causes and most of all, the taste and discretion portrayed through the publication of articles here. porn is awesome i want to watch it forever if my dad lets me but this kills part of the impression and respect i have for this blawg. porn must not die, therefore the proliferation of sites and blogs dedicated for this most wonderful obsession in the world to keep it up, hard and thriving. but i don’t think LB should distract us readers like this from the very feel and essence of the blawg. we’re having bloody fun here. until this week this piece came along. we want june to be happy. therefore maybe LB is not the place for june to be.

  13. P.S. HAWT GOSSIP! Batman is alive and has made Malaysia his second home. Here’s a clue as to his identity: he was Raised in Golem City and born an Orphan! And, yes, he’s totally into pterodactyl porn too. Porn porn porn! Sound your hooters, June!

  14. These UMNO f*ckers have to resort to fuck shop to humilate their opponent, the only solution is to drop your pants and show them you cute little butt or your dangling cukoo!!

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