Lee Bee Doh is just another alias of that elusive entity, erstwhile known as Kit Leee (actor, author, cartoonist, arts reviewer and producer), who vanished into the woods, only to reappear in cyberspace as Antares (blogger, musician and jungle chef). We’ll be featuring one of his cartoons every day for Porn Week!
Psst…there’s even a short story!
I want those gross things on my t-shirt! Emblazoned proudly across my chest!
errrr… methinks one can do it but not porn it.
If not for Adam's fall
We might have it all
But having tasted the gall
We need answer the new call
(C) Samuel Goh Kim Eng http://motivationinmotion.blogspot.com
Wed. 18th May 2011.
because we neither birds, doqs, nor amoebas?