This is a very good Malaysian. | Image from http://www.perdana.org.my

My name is Lingswaran Singh; I am a Malaysian of Indian origin. Note that I said I am of Indian origin, not Indian. I am a Malaysian, and I denounce any connections with India; I am a loyal subject of my king the Yang DiPertuan Agong of Malaysia. The Indian anthem Jana Gana Mana is nothing but an inspirational composition to me. The Malaysian Negaraku is a composition that is so powerful it not only draws tears to my eyes, it invokes within me the sense of belonging—my precious identity as a Malaysian and my deepest love for Malaysia, and the Malaysian people.

I take pride in the history of Kadaram (Kedah Tua), and Ilangosagam (Langkasuka) during the rule of the Malay-Sri Vijaya and Tamil-Chola kingdoms. These are histories that build my legitimacy as a Malaysian, my rightful identity as person of Indian origin in Malaysia. I may disappoint many of the so called Indian Malaysians who watch a lot of Tamil and Hindi movies, listen to bald old politicians, and feel like second class Malaysians, but I have to speak the truth for the interest of our beloved Malaysia.

This is The Malaysian Uncle Sam
This is the Malaysian Uncle Sam. | Image from http://www.bernama.com.my

When I was asked to write about the issues and prospects affecting the Indian community in Malaysia, I vowed that I would use this chance to call for all Malaysians of Indian origin to give up their racially orientated struggle. I wanted Malaysian Indians to realize that it is not just the Indians who are facing social economic woes, but all Malaysians, regardless of their race or faith. It is not a race struggle, it is a class struggle. It is a struggle between the oppressing powerful and the average Malaysian. If we are serious about a better tomorrow, then we must first realize that these problems are not uniquely faced by a certain ethnic group, but by all of us.

I would first like to take a swipe at the Hindraf movement—Hindu Rights Action Force, a movement committed to the preservation of Hindu community rights and heritage in a multiracial Malaysia. Hindu community rights? I believe in Malaysia, Hinduism is the second most practiced religion. Hindu community rights and heritage are very much alive and  Hindus have rarely faced any oppression in Malaysia. You would probably find more Hindu shrines and temples all across Malaysia than mosques or churches.

This one, world class Malaysian. | Image from http://www.indianmalaysian.com

I would like to remind all Hindus that Krishna said to Arjuna, “When devoted men sacrifice to other deities with faith, they sacrifice to me, Arjuna, however aberrant the rites“. The Bhagavad Gita’s knowledge applies to all human beings and does not postulate any sectarian ideology or secular view. Hinduism conceives the whole world as a single family that deifies the one truth, and therefore  accepts all forms of belief and dismisses labels of distinct religions which would imply a division of identity.

Having said that, I am of the opinion that the politically motivated struggle of Hindraf is not only an abuse of the Hindu dharma but also contrary to the teachings of Krishna. The political perversion of their struggle is exactly why we continue to suffer economic hardships. If we want to be acknowledged as Malaysians, then we should start acting like it. Instead of viewing the Indian community as being sidelined, they should realize that our Malay and Chinese Malaysians also face the exact same problems.

This is a senior Malaysian lawyer.| Image from http://allmalaysia.info

Recently they organized a demonstration in Kuala Lumpur protesting the government’s decision to include the Malay language novel Interlok in the school curriculum as compulsory reading for the Malay literature subject. They alleged that Interlok contained disparaging remarks against Malaysian Indians and is deemed racist. This again is another political perversion that weakens us as Malaysians. The book itself is an effort to keep us thinking in a racial mindset, which is a strategy to divide and conquer.

This is my first ever crush. Ouh... and 100% Malaysian
This is my first crush ever. Oh... and 100% Malaysian, too. Check out that smile... | Image from http://thedelhi2010.blogspot.com

Indians are a very political bunch—in 1936, the Malayan-born Indian community asked the British High Commissioner, Sir Shenton Thomas, to grant them a share of administrative appointments. Thomas rejected the request, stating, “I do not know of any country in which what I might call a foreigner has ever been appointed to an administrative post“. That was in 1936.  Today we are no longer foreigners. Today we must realize that our economic woes are due to acute economic and political mismanagement, not racial discrimination.

This is Malaysian Police brutality. Images from http://malaysiaindianabused.blogspot.com/
This is Malaysian police brutality. | Images from http://malaysiaindianabused.blogspot.com/

For over 50 years, the racial card has only made things worse in Malaysia. Must we still return to race-based politics? It is time we put a stop to racial politics, and we should start with ourselves. Stop being told that we are different; stop behaving like second class citizens; speak against injustice, not only against our own ethnic group, but against anybody anywhere. Stop victimizing ourselves; the reason why we are facing social economic woes is because we allowed it to happen. We are the ones responsible for who we vote into the Dewan Rakyat.

It took us 50 years to realize that we have been doing things wrong—let us not start again by heading towards the same direction. This time around, let us unite not on racial terms but for a cause much greater than that: for a better tomorrow, for a better Malaysia, for our collective future. Pakatan Rakyat’s promise to reinstate democracy, good governance and restore justice constitutionally is currently the best solution to all our social economic woes.

This are Malaysian Hindus that HINDRAF forgot about. Image from http://dragondescendants.blogspot.com/
These are Malaysian Hindus that HINDRAF forgot about. | Image from http://dragondescendants.blogspot.com/

When Pakatan Rakyat took over Selangor in 2008, their policies were aimed at resolving the issues faced by all Malaysians. I believe that is still the case, and they will do well as long as they stick to that. Generally things are getting better; however the lack of quality in the opposition bench of the Dewan Undangan Negeri is worrying. We need better a opposition to ensure that the Pakatan Rakyat is well behaved.

This Malaysian was born in Cherok Tok Kun to an Indian Muslim hospital porter, Ibrahim Abdul Rahman and Che Yan, a housewife (and later UMNO politician).
This Malaysian was born in Cherok Tok Kun to an Indian Muslim hospital porter, Ibrahim Abdul Rahman and Che Yan, a housewife (and later UMNO politician). | Image from http://www.smh.com.au

Barisan Nasional MPs are just not good enough. Perhaps in the next state elections, we should consider candidates from the alternatives like the new Parti Kesejahteraan Insan Tanah Air (KITA) or the Malaysian Civil Liberties Movement (MCLM). Maybe they would make better oppositions in comparison to the Barisan National. Somehow I trust we should give the newcomers a chance; the Barisan Nasional has been hogging the scene for too long. They are obsolete, boring, unattractive and irrelevant.

The Selangor Pakatan Rakyat focuses on policies that are aimed at clean, green, sustainable and liveable environments for its citizens, as they recognise that any economic growth and development will require comfortable urban living, which would in turn attract investment. This would be beneficial not just to the Indian communities in Selangor but to all those who reside in Selangor, regardless of their race or religion.

This Malaysian, has a Punjabi dad and a Chinese mom. Image from http://www.sikhphilosophy.net
This Malaysian has a Punjabi dad and a Chinese mom.| Image from http://www.sikhphilosophy.net

Selangor has been handling crime and public transport, although it is not necessarily the responsibility of a state government. Because it is of great concern to the people, Selangor has taken the initiative to improve in those areas. Selangor has also introduced the Freedom of Information Enactment, which will ensure greater transparency and accountability in the awarding of state government contracts.

Selangor also has policies aimed at assisting the elderly, the disabled, vernacular schools, religious schools, and mosques. Selangor has some additional welfare benefits for victims of domestic abuse, estate workers’ children, a fund for all children born in the state, and a policy of free water for the first 20m3 used per household.

This Malaysian is a fashion King.
This Malaysian is a fashion King. | Image from http://www.celebri.ca

If you have noticed, the last three paragraphs contain nothing with regards to Indians in particular. This is because there is something larger going on. All Malaysians regardless of race and religion are working together for a better tomorrow. The Selangor state government does not discriminate any of its citizens; their policies are aimed at helping all Malaysians. We can only bring about change if we sincerely work together, and not play obsolete racial cards like the Selangor opposition.

The Pakatan Government’s policies have so far been beneficial towards the Indian community, and the Chinese community, and the Malay community, and the Orang Asal community… Get the picture? We need to unite people, because the struggle is not unique to the Indian community alone—it is a struggle for all of us.

This is Miss Malaysia World 2007. Image from http://bisean.blogspot.com/
This is Miss Malaysia World 2007. | Image from http://bisean.blogspot.com/

Even the community rights and heritage of the Malays are under threat right now. Just look at the amount of lies they are being fed by the popular Malay dailies. The Malays used to be able to freely demonstrate whenever they liked, wherever they liked, for whatever they liked. Anybody remembers all the hartals in the 1940s, 50s and 60s, such as the All-Malaya hartal of 1947 and the Penang hartal of 1967?

Come—let us revisit history and learn from our past. Dato’ Onn bin Ja’afar on March 1, 1946, led the opposition against the Malayan Union. Malays wore white bands around their songkoks, mourning the loss of their Sultans’ political rights. They used civil disobedience as means of protest by refusing to attend the installation ceremony of the British governors.

They refused to participate in the Advisory Councils, and Malay participation in the government bureaucracy had completely stopped. That was then. Today, the Malays cant even assemble peacefully, forget about civil disobedience. If the Malays cannot assembly peacefully, then what better rights can we hope for by being exclusively Indians?

This Malaysian is Raju Kumara. He likes singing Hokkien songs. Image from http://wn.com/
This Malaysian is Raju Kumara. He likes singing Hokkien songs. | Image from http://wn.com/

Speaking of heritage, both the Indians and Malays do not recognise that they have shared a culturally rich heritage for hundreds of years. Today that shared heritage is in demise due to the race-based politics of the UMNO, MIC and MCA. Remember how similar we used to be? Can’t you still see the remnants of the Indian influence on Malay heritage? Now who is going to protect this culturally rich, near extinct, geographically unique shared heritage of the Indians and Malays?

Perhaps there are too many Indian nationalistic Bollywood flicks on television? Doesn’t anybody care about the truth? Mohandas Ghandi once said that an error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor does truth become error because nobody sees it. We are Malaysian: we face social economic woes; our community rights, heritage and identity are under threat by racial politics and corruption.

This is a Historical Malaysian. Image from http://allmalaysia.info/
This is a Historical Malaysian. | Image from http://allmalaysia.info/

It is time we move forward together as Malaysians. As Indians we swung a lot of change in 2008, but unfortunately that swing was not enough. Now we need to act as Malaysians to throw the corrupted rascals out for good. As for Selangor, I believe we made significant change and now we just need to engineer a credible opposition front for Selangor—not as Indians, but as Malaysians, and definitely not with Barisan Nasional.

It would be good if that opposition front consists of young visionary Malaysians from various ethnic origins. I hope Malaysian Indians can do more for Malaysia, because we play a very significant political role in this country. I also believe that we are bright enough to realise that racialism weakens us as a society in the long run.

This Malaysian founded International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs). This Man is busy uniting the world. Image from http://www.un.org
This Malaysian founded International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs). This man is busy uniting the world. | Image from http://www.un.org

If we can unite Tamils, Malayam, Telenggu, and Punjabis as Indians in Malaysia, then what is stopping us from uniting Malays, Chinese and Indians as Malaysians? We have done it many times in the past, as Langkasukans, as Srivijayans, as Malaccans, as Malayans, and now we have to do it as Malaysians.

We will only see change if we unite as Malaysians. All of us want a better life, and all of us want a better tomorrow; we can make that happen and we know exactly how, and it is definitely not by being exclusively Indians. We have to stop racial politics for our own good—it is time we stand up together as Malaysians. As an old Indian proverb goes, “You can only lean against that which resists“.

This is Ramli Ibrahim. He likes dancing the Barathanatyam. Image from http://www.thehindu.com
This is Ramli Ibrahim. He likes dancing the Barathanatyam. | Image from http://www.thehindu.com

Lingswaran Singh is a Malaysian. He has been a loyarburok since he was 5. He likes flying kites and building sand castles, he also travels between alternate universes daily at 4.00 p.m. He coined the term “Madians” as to refer to Malaysians of Indian  ancestry, because he thinks the term “Indian” is not politically correct. A shorter version of the above was first published in The Selangor Times issue of 11th March 2011.

Lingswaran Singh has been a LoyarBurokker since he was 5. He speaks an open but disinterested language, dictated not by passion but that of humanity. Independence is his happiness. His country is the world,...

40 replies on “I Am Malaysian”

  1. eh…in the end..did anybody run kah??? Just curious….=P

    p/s: I though his name is AgreetoDisagree…doesn't seem like there's much agreement to disagree with Lingswaran Singh…

  2. DiaboloRosie

    " AgreeToDisagree (hereafter ATD)? "

    Ooo more NLPs and vicious ones at that? The rest I will not post, so you can enjoy the fruits of your intent.

  3. Dear GD and AgreeToDisagree (hereafter ATD),

    "Spare a thought in that regard, thank you"

    I did, and you're welcome.

    ATD, you accuse ppl of being a cybertrooper. If one who tries to put his idea forward in cyberspace is what defines a cybertrooper, then u, GD, me and everyone who writes in blogs, writes news in online news portal, facebook users who share what they think, twitter users who tweets every single happenings in their life (the list goes on and on) are cybertroopers.

    One tries to be practical in a deeply imbued pessismism. The other is lost in the world of idealism; not taking pragmatism into account at all. Good that u guys met here. Definitely could learn alot from each other as i had from you guys/girls. At least LB site provides a platform where like-minded and not-so-like-minded ppl meet. Praise Lord Bobo!

  4. " I find it laughable that the very people actively campaigning for so-called change are the actually ones most ingrained and assimilated into the system. "

    The applicable context of what I promote and my condition are entirely unrelated. And I'm glad you derive amusement from that ingranation and assimilation, though hopefully you are not party to that same ingranation and assimilation as well! The irony and mockery would be something to chalk up again, in an apparently never ending pile up of synchronicity.

    How does one decouple from the system and it's ingraining if you care to teach? It pains me very much and I would appreciate any helpful words.

  5. GD said :

    " Consider this: you can remove and replace the top 10 politicians in Malaysia, but can you do the same for the top 10 richest plutocrats in Malaysia? Are you even willing to? "

    It is something for them to act on their own about, or risk a proleteriat revolutuion should poverty become too extreme. I cannot remove alone, but leave too many in a wretched state and the choice will be taken out of any plutocrat's hands as a plutocrat is but a man and as all men are equal and all lands and wealth of the planet cannot belong to a few, the lack of moral right will make it's own case as the economy requires or will allow.

  6. @GD

    You are the voice of experience indeed. Much respects for the insightful examples you list. Please give more examples of the horrors you have come across so that the current idiot MPs, or MPs wannabe will be able to home in on and address, root out corrupt practices with and teach society about what really goes on behind the facade of respectability that is Corporate world and GLC. (They can't even get a minimum quorum of 66.6% so they need to be replaced)

    " . . . but ultimately, you are doomed to fail. The vast majority of Malaysians don’t despise plutocrats at all. In fact, they actually aspire to join their ranks."

    Wasn't talking about plutocrats. Guilty conscience perhaps? Was referring to the need to run against BAD politicians who write impossible policy or apply malicious compliance via word of law than spirit of law. Doomed to failure will not be the case, as the people have had enough and will vote for any fresh face than an old corrupted or nepotistic one. As for aspiring to join ranks, I'd say that you are applying NLPs now. Capitalism is a twisted value system, so those fostered in MBA or what not, will find it nigh impossible to understand. Plutocracy is good, but only when the 'poor' no longer exist. Otherwise there is no justification for the plutocrat to exist.

    " The very reason I give examples of fictional characters making a lot money is to rebut the so-called-fact forwarded by AgreeToDisagree that every person who can afford to run as CANDIDATE but do not run, is blind. "

    No, they really are blind and you can't rebut. You think money can build a charity with a bad law that an MP writes to prevent charities with? No amount of money will be enough given enough time to amend. No good intentions can reach anyone so long as the wrong people hold political power and can rubberstamp bad laws. Example. A bad politician can AMEND the laws into a form that makes the licensing criteria impossible for meet (like that Snookerium investor complaining that licensing costs even more than equipment to the point he can't set up a Snookerium even though he can afford the equipment or can pay the rent – same with charities and probably worse requirements are needed that a bad politician will never improve but worsen, like rubberstamping lowering the election deposit from 15,000 to 15.00) so that no charities or institutions can even be set up.

    Why would a politician raise criteria? This very same politician in hoping to hog all the glory for the government (and themselves) never gets around to building the charity, because they care about mega-corporate dollars instead of setting up charities that they themselves disallow through policy for their own glory, but later could not be bothered to implement.

    " I see theres a cloud of pessimism hovering over you. Soaking your organs with its endless torrential rain of negativity-ness.

    And because you cant really see the ‘light’ u remain being doused in such a sorry state. U, i think, definitely took some lessons from Weber. "

    Aha! NLPs! @GD ignore this cybertrooper who targets your organs and positivity. Either that or a feel good staged convo has just passed here. Well whatever the scraps, value is still value? Truly a Hive World.

  7. DiaVoloRossi,

    You have obviously lived a sheltered life, so you know next to nothing about what suffering and oppression is all about. So please don't preach to me. For you, Weber is just a theorist you idly study in a textbook; but for many of us who are less fortunate, it's the reality we face every day on the mean streets. Spare a thought in that regard, thank you.

  8. Dear GD,

    The very reason i give examples of fictional characters making a lot money is to rebut the so-called-fact forwarded by AgreeToDisagree that every person who can afford to run as CANDIDATE but do not run, is blind.

    I am not saying that every person who is making money and contribute to society are all angels. Humans are neither angels nor devils. There will be some 'cats' who uses his/her so called charitable activities as a facade for his 'sinister' or 'evil' plans. This i do not reject.

    I see theres a cloud of pessimism hovering over you. Soaking your organs with its endless torrential rain of negativity-ness. And because you cant really see the 'light' u remain being doused in such a sorry state. U, i think, definitely took some lessons from Weber.

  9. If Lingswaran Singh calls me a damn racist, that the best compliment I get! To differ you makes me feel im still awake! I myself am not a HINDRAF supporter, but I still can share their pain. This people are not asking for Hindu rights, they just want Hindus to have same rights as other Malaysian! Why does this doesn't comprehend to some people?

    I'm not saying racism doesn't exist in other countries but its not state sponsored like they do have it here? Some people only think about or compare themselves. Typical ! People don't spend a minute and think, "will my child have to go thru same crap as I did"?

    Wake up guys! Don't be like our local Indian politician, holding a beggars bowl from the government. Damn your race! Damn your religion! As long as I and my children are well off, its ok! The hell with others!

    I pay tax of nearly 1k a month, where does this go? How much of this money goes to the right people? Why does this tax of mine is used to help others but not of people of my race? How much of this money goes to the establishment , so that one day my child has "THE SAME" opportunities like other? This should not make me mad? You can kiss my dark kelxxg parxxh Ass!

  10. This is why we cannot allow ANY fascist or racist or nepotist or oligarchs to hold political power with rights to pen overeaching laws. This is the single case where disagreement could be fatally unhealthy and agreement is the only choice.

    Agreement to ensure free will and freedom via taking away political power from neurotech fascists is the Intelligensia’s/Legal fraternity’s/Civil-upper society’s only duty. NO EXCUSES.

    Staunch words, AgreeToDisagree, and I admire you for it, but ultimately, you are doomed to fail. The vast majority of Malaysians don't despise plutocrats at all. In fact, they actually aspire to join their ranks.

    DiaVoloRossi is a good example of this. He keeps talking on about money, money, money as if being rich is the end all and be all of Malaysianness. This is exactly the kind of capitalistic obsession that props up the plutonomy.

    Consider this: you can remove and replace the top 10 politicians in Malaysia, but can you do the same for the top 10 richest plutocrats in Malaysia? Are you even willing to?

    The facts, as they stand at the moment, are abysmal. Prior to Independence, corporations paid 50% of federal taxes. Today, they pay 5%. Also, before Independence, 90% of Malaysians were self-employed. Today, that number is 2%.

    I find it laughable that the very people actively campaigning for so-called change are the actually ones most ingrained and assimilated into the system.

  11. Imagine a doctor earns alot of money. He sets up a dialysis centre in which the poor can come for treatment for a nominal fee or in extreme cases, free of charge. Is he/she blind?

    This doctor has earned his money by forming a company under his wife's name, which he uses to supply hyper-inflated medical equipment to the very hospital he works for. He splits the profits 50/50 with a corrupt procurement medical officer. He then uses the proceeds of that corruption for charity to negate the bad karma he has accumulated. But such charity would not have been needed in the first place if he had just done his job honestly and had avoided the urge to make an extra buck at the expense of public healthcare. So, yes, he is most definitely blind.

    Imagine a lawyer who pockets a 5-digit salary monthly. He takes up legal aid files for the poor who can’t afford expensive legal fees and file judicial reviews against ultra vires acts by the govt, hoping that those ultra vires acts do not be a precedent for the govt to continue oppressing the rakyat and abuse its powers. Is he/she blind?

    This lawyer's five-digit salary comes from greasing the rails and finding ways for corporations like Proton and Petronas to avoid liability for the countless that have been shortchanged, crippled and killed through institutionalised negligence. Then, in his spare time, he takes up legal aid as charity. Forgive it if I must express my skepticism, but this lawyer is blind through and through.

    Imagine a businessman/businesswoman, raking in RM3million profit monthly from his investments and other business activities. He pledges to sponsor LoyarBurok in its voter education project so that people learn the significance of voting and more importantly, to vote for a CANDIDATE which champions their interest. Is the businessman/businesswoman blind?

    Two words: UMNOputera and kickbacks and astroturfing. If you are not already aware of astroturfing, then please go read about it on Wikipedia.

    DiaVoloRossi, you profess to be liberal and progressive, but the examples you have provided are anything but. Without fail, you bring up the issue of money-making as if it stands on its own without action or consequence. As if money falls into the laps of innocent doctors and lawyers and businesspeople without any prior history. This is, I'm sorry to say, disguises the very nature of how profiteering actually works in Malaysia.

  12. Dear AgreeToDisagree,

    I couldnt help noticing that your idea is quite similar to Marx's. Along with it, i think, u overlooked the same issues Marx overlooked in his desire of achieving his sense of utopia, communism. The flaw of his idea lies in Stalinism, Leninism,and Maoism.

    I didnt say that people-oriented politicians are of no value. In fact i did say that i agree we need these kind of politicians in the legislature to change every 'evil' policy; if possible.

    And no im no cybertrooper. Im just a normal college student aspiring to see change and be a part of it. Hence, i have to rush to college now. Will reply in more detail when i come home.

    Not giving excuses

  13. @DiaVoloRossi

    Thank you for your much appreciated consideration to engage. Your conception of pursuing a change is fundamentally flawed? How?

    Imagine a doctor earns alot of money. He sets up a dialysis centre in which the poor can come for treatment for a nominal fee or in extreme cases, free of charge. Is he/she blind?

    Imagine a lawyer who pockets a 5-digit salary monthly. He takes up legal aid files for the poor who can’t afford expensive legal fees and file judicial reviews against ultra vires acts by the govt, hoping that those ultra vires acts do not be a precedent for the govt to continue oppressing the rakyat and abuse its powers. Is he/she blind?

    Blind to the cause yes. YOu direct the people's energy to the symptoms when the candidates determine the fate of citizens.

    A single OVERREACHING law could be applied in a manner that makes and all of the above 'good' nullified or impossible to implement, too expensive to implement. It is blind to not see that politicians can write policy that prevents good from being done, and that those with the mind or wealth who do not act to take those political powers away by running for candidacy, in fact are giving carte blanc to the politicians who mean everyone ill by not amending laws or funding the same initiatives you mention above.

    This manner of thinking you suggest can never be healthy and could indicate a sophisticated approach by cybertroopers intent on maintaining political power to continue writing abusive laws and apartheid. Are you such a cybertrooper? Or will you run for candidacy knowing full well that neurotech will be applied as quickly as possible or already has been applied but not yet activated? Use my suffering as a template for preparedness and act if you consider yourselves superior or or any legal value at all.

    Act or be damned by those holding political power.

    When they came for the communists, I remained silent; I was not a communist.

    When they locked up the homosexuals, I remained silent; I was not lgbt.

    When they came for the conscientious objectors of military conscription, I did not speak out; I was too old to be conscripted.

    When they came for the Indian minority, I remained silent; I wasn't an Indian.

    When they came for the supposed Muslim extremists, I remained silent; I wasn't a Muslim.

    When they came for the bloggers and activists, I remained silent; I wasn't a blogger or activist.

    When they came for me, there was no one left to speak for or march or even riot for me.

    This is why we cannot allow ANY fascist or racist or nepotist or oligarchs to hold political power with rights to pen overeaching laws. This is the single case where disagreement could be fatally unhealthy and agreement is the only choice.

    Agreement to ensure free will and freedom via taking away political power from neurotech fascists is the Intelligensia's/Legal fraternity's/Civil-upper society's only duty. NO EXCUSES.

  14. Dear AgreeToDisagree,

    I agree with u, there must be people with integrity running as candidates; putting the interest of the people they represent before anything else (besides God,mayb…?)

    However, i tend to disagree with you that everyone who have the resources and do not run as a CANDIDATE (i suppose u meant election candidate) are blind. I think theres various ways in which a person can contribute to make this country a better place to live in (e.g. for u, i assume is to remove APARTHEID; whatever context you're 'speaking' of). Prolly u view things in a political manner, i don't think its wrong. But its not the sole perspective which shud be forced to be adopted by others in determining his/her act, behaviour,creed etc. Its a conception of bringing change for the betterment of this country, not a concept.

    Imagine a doctor earns alot of money. He sets up a dialysis centre in which the poor can come for treatment for a nominal fee or in extreme cases, free of charge. Is he/she blind?

    Imagine a lawyer who pockets a 5-digit salary monthly. He takes up legal aid files for the poor who can't afford expensive legal fees and file judicial reviews against ultra vires acts by the govt, hoping that those ultra vires acts do not be a precedent for the govt to continue oppressing the rakyat and abuse its powers. Is he/she blind?

    Imagine a person who won RM40million from the jackpot. He decides to give part of his winnings to few welfare homes which houses differently-abled children. Is she/he blind?

    Imagine a businessman/businesswoman, raking in RM3million profit monthly from his investments and other business activities. He pledges to sponsor LoyarBurok in its voter education project so that people learn the significance of voting and more importantly, to vote for a CANDIDATE which champions their interest. Is the businessman/businesswoman blind?

    (…there could be more examples….whether its real or fiction is secondary..)

    From the examples, i can see that they are blind. Colorblind (notwithstanding the fact that any of those fictional characters is possibly visually impaired). To call them blind (in whatever context u use the word blind) is totally unfair, as these fictional characters actually contributes to the betterment and advancement of the rakyat. However, u always reserve the right to do so coz i believe in freedom of thought and conscience.

    I think its better if we, as a collective work together in making that change we all yearn rather than pointing at another persons' shortcomings; that way, we could compliment and supplement each others' efforts and strengths to make that change happen sooner. (of course this depends on our interpretation and understanding of what change is).

    And yes, this is my conception of pursuing a change. Till then, we could agree to disagree. Its healthy……..sometimes.

    P.S: Pardon me if theres any linguistical defect/s and for the mediocre method of making my point.

  15. @Lingswaran

    I don't need to reveal yourself. For you (and every friggin person on the internet) undoubtedly know me. So by that technicality, you already are bound to run for candidacy.

    I judge you from what the tone of your response. I don’t need to know what you do, but in the context of politics, blogging is nothing significant.

    I and many who need such independents will believe in your 'significance' from the manner in which you respond, and it is you who have dared yourself in effect – I just had to iterate what you might have intended.

    Now that we have that out of the way, you can do no less than to act in the best interests of your countrymen instead of hiding behind *my* supposed anonymity.

    If indirectly at least, I will meet this dare, or forward a proxy of your own at least, to match my effort too. Dare you not act as you when you are needed and thus self-bound?

    The rest of the LBs, step forward, and lets put an end to the b.s. that is our government for now. It will be quite painless for most of you what have not been sabotaged as extensively as I have been, so there really is no excuse, this being in your best interests after all and supposedly your own country.

    Suffer not wallflowers and shrinking violets with bouquets in the form of thunderous voices. Act or be judged. This is not a less in courage but a question of your very right to be regarded, to exist to speak with the panache that @Lingswaran has and to justify the same.


  16. @Agree to Disagree…

    I can't agree with you everything you just said. If you want to throw me such a serious dare, first thing first, reveal yourself. Otherwise… Forget it.

    Plus, please don't judge me. You don't know me, and you don't know what i do, so please stop concluding that i do nothing significant but blogging.

  17. @Lingswaran Singh

    How about this? If you got the guts? I cannot believ you do not have the cash.

    You pay for YOUR own candidacy and i’ll pay for MY own candidacy. Then if either or BOTH of us win, lets lower those election deposits from 15,000 to 15.00 alright?

    Anyone else up to this INDEPENDENT'S MOVEMENT? If 111 or more candidates run in this manner to END APARTHEID, or end NEPOTISM/OLIGARCHY Malaysia would be liberalized by GE13.

    Perhaps this could be coordinated under the PISANG Centre?

    Just to remind below what we are fighting for, not trying to be funny to each other asking people to pay for candidacy and being serious about candidacy. Talking and blogging here does not work. CONCRETE ACTIONS via candidacy pls.. All the wealthier posters here should immediately make plans for GE13 to end apartheid. Lings, think abt what I said unless you REALLY are that poor to have to ask me for funding. Inexcusable not to act.


    Nearly every one should be voted out, especially lapdogs and racists who will not grant equality.


    Nearly every one should be voted out, especially lapdogs and racists who will not grant equality.


    Chow Kon Yow

    Ng Aik Wei

    Lim Guan Eng


    Three of the below limitless term MPs must be challenged so that only a single candidate without relatives remains :

    Lim Kit Siang (MP Ipoh Timur – Perak)

    Lim Guan Eng (MP Air Puteh – Penang)

    Chew Gek Cheng (Assemblyman Kota Laksamana – Malacca) Guan Eng’s wife

    Lim Hui Ying Guan Eng’s sister (Vice-Chairman)

    Two of the below must be challenged so that only a single candidate without relatives remains :

    Karpal Singh (MP Jelutong – Penang)

    Gobind Singh (MP Puchong – Selangor) Karpal’s son

    Jagdeep Singh (Asssemblyman Dato Keramat – Penang) Karpal’s son

    Two of the below must be challenged so that only a single candidate without relatives remains :

    Anwar Ibrahim (MP Permatang Pauh, Seberang Prai)

    Wan Azizah

    Nurul Izzah Anwar(MP Lembah Pantai – Kuala Lumpur) Anwar’s Daughter

    Also either Ngeh (Pantai Remis) or Nga (Sitiawan) must go to prevent 2nd degree nepotism and the kind of environment that caused DAP’s Kulasegaran to be kicked out possibly an act of racism but more likely at the order of the Lim family clique and their dogs like Chow Kon Yeow and Ng Wei Aik.

    For even stronger consideration, I also list seats that HRP demands from the unethical Pakatan cliques, note that PAS is the least problematic party in Pakatan though more authoritarian and Islamically inclined (Hudud should be applied on a signatory by signatory basis, not summarily imposed, to not drive away Malay voters) :

    1. Padang Serai (Incumbent: PKR – N Gobalakrishnan)

    2. Batu Kawan (DAP – Ramasamy)

    3. Sungei Siput (PSM – Dr D Jeyakumar)

    4. Ipoh Barat (DAP – N Kulasegaran)

    5. Bagan Datoh (BN – Ahmad Zahid Hamidi)

    6. Cameron Highlands (BN – SK Devamany)

    7. Hulu Selangor (BN – P Kamalanathan)

    8. Kuala Selangor (PAS – Dzulkefy Ahmad)

    9. Klang (DAP – Charles Santiago)

    10. Kota Raja (PAS – Siti Mariah Mahmud)

    11. Rasah (DAP – Anthony Loke)

    12. Teluk Kemang (PKR – Kamarul Baharin Abbas)

    13. Alor Gajah (BN – Fong Chan Onn)

    14. Tebrau (BN – Teng Boon Soon)

    15. Lembah Pantai (PKR – Nurul Izzah Anwar)

    HRP might very well be aware of some things we are not aware of to list some surprising choices as well, do not discount their reasons.

    (DAP IS A LIAR!!! DID NOT DECLARE ASSETS as promised. Failed the EXCO Election Quorum at 0.002% / DAP is full of malicious compliance – Kampung Buah Pala, Gambier Threat, Sunset Bistro, Sabre Tours, the 0.002% quorum for EXCO elections, Ronnie Liu sand mining case, the 300 million (86 billion) sPICE fallout BUNKER, various spats involving Malicious Compliance against Indian Muslim Traders Association, small stall owners, Watersports Facility owners (this is their Island too, who needs a DAP government that will not amend by-laws, kick them oput take power and write your own laws Beach Boys . . . ) and Komtar Trader's Association, we certainly can see where DAP is heading.


    http://thestar.com.my/metro/story.asp?file=/2011/… (time to table amendments against interference with private property in a reasonable manner, tha destruction of stalls was MALICIOUS COMPLIANCE and abuse of power, take down this Chow Kon Yeow creep! )

    Also note that it is VERY UNPATRIOTIC to not respect term limits or create Oligarchies out of the country which belong to EVERYONE not just 1 family. For the rest who praise him and watch LKS and Aliran ignore facts like the 0.002% quorum recently in Penang EXCO Elections with nary a sound, understand that LKS is no better than UMNO’s worst (or Mubarak but for the APARTHEID factor which LKS looks set to be as bad as UMNO itself.

    Kitler Kit Siang has held an MPs post since 1974. That means 35 years which is 1 year more than Hosni Mubarak who became Vice President in 1975.

    Though the posts (President and MP) are different in scale of power, the lack of PRINCIPLE of Term Limits (Kit Siang 34 years, Hosni 35 years), Oligarchy and intention of nepotism (both put their sons at the top of their respective political parties via nepotistic patronage) are EXACTLY the same. Kit Siang = Mubarak just at a smaller scale fortunately. (NO TERM LIMITS and cemented power, NEPOTISM in political party.)

    DAP is a political party that *does not* ENDORSE TERM LIMITS or ASSET DECLARATIONS to the people. By principle there is not much difference between DAP and NDP.

    Samy Vellu in fact did better than Kit Siang, though equally nepotistic (installing son Vel Pari Vellu as president) destroying the Indian Electorate for personal gain – 1979 to 2010 (31 years) meaning 3 years less than Kit Siang!

    And dr.Evil 1981 to 2003 (22 years hence 13 years less) was much better THOUGH creating apartheid, destroying and utterly corrupting most Malays in UMNO’s fold of corruption and the destruction of the Judiciary where the bar Council today is not much more than a ‘good cop’ for the ‘bad cop’ UMNO and Perkasa, all serving the same purposes to top off with his sons Mohkzani and Mirzan worth near 3 billion collectively and son Mukhriz and daughter Marina BOTH active in politics as well though Mukhriz is unpopular and Marina just recently started (probably funding MCLM with her brothers’ vast wealth obtained from closed contracts obtained under their father’s tenure as PM).

    Hence the need for TERM LIMITS (2 terms = 6 years max so no hold on power of family fiefs can be created) and ASSET DECLARATIONS (so no wealth can pass hands without transparency).

    These are the facts. Now withhold votes for bad apples in DAP. This is where 3rd Force candidates are needed !

    Finally, the unconfirmed techno-fascism coming our way, courtesy of DAP-PAP :

  18. Halo @oldskollrocka and @lingswaran, u gado-gado ini macam tada guna la kawan.. Work together..not against each other..and check you temper, both of you. I will leave you guys with a quote by Gus Portokalos from my favorite movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

    "You know, the root of the word Miller is a Greek word. Miller come from the Greek word "milo," which is mean "apple," so there you go. As many of you know, our name, Portokalos, is come from the Greek word "portokali," which mean "orange." So, okay? Here tonight, we have, ah, apple and orange. We all different, but in the end, we all fruit."

  19. @AgreeToDisagree You pay for my candidacy and i'll run. I'll do Lembah Pantai… alright? here take my email [email protected], i eagerly await your kind support.

  20. @oldskollrocka said :

    " Actually, I sometimes dont see the problems come from people of other races but actually “blind” Indians like you! "

    The blind ones are those who have money and position but refuse to run for candidacy to end APARTHEID.

    @oldskollrocka said :

    " No matter who comes to the power, BN or Pakatan-I dont see a light at the end of the tunnel! "

    Are you yourself blind? Who says it must be BN or PR and not 3rd Force or an independent candidate?

    @lingswaran said :

    You disgust me. Honestly… you really do.

    If you don't run for candidacy to remove offensive Aduns or MPs who accept APARTHEID or are nepotistic and malicious compliant, it will be YOU who disgusts. YOU have no excuse not to offer the Rakyat a 3rd candidate to select, and if you do stand, your patriotic duty would have been done and a concrete action to end APARTHEID made by YOUR own hand.

    Prove @oldskollrocka wrong and even inspire him by running. The last thing we need to see is fighting that leads to nothing when concrete action is needed via candidacy.

    END THE APARTHEID @oldskollrocka and @lingswaran, calling each other racist while racism is all around and not taking any action is precisely the reason why APARTHEID exists till now.

    1) Freedom from Apartheid/Fascism

    2) Freedom from Religious-Persecution/Religious-Supremacy.

    3) Equality for all ethnicities and faiths in all aspects of policy, Law and Constitution.

  21. "I may disappoint many of the so called Indian Malaysians who watch a lot of Tamil and Hindi movies, listen to bald old politicians, and feel like second class Malaysians, but I have to speak the truth for the interest of our beloved Malaysia."

    Do you earn below RM 1000/ monthly?

    No i earn twice as that and i live in Subang Jaya.

    Does your mother need to pay 2K month for their dialysis treatment while others are well supported from state run organazations just because their skin is much lighter?

    No, but my dad does, and my Malay neighbor does. My neighbor's skin is darker then my dads.

    Does your niece/nephews/son and daughters are unable to get into goverment sponsored programmes thou they have near perfect examination results?

    I didnt do well in form 6, but i got into UKM. I didnt do well in UKM but i was hired to the Attorney Generals Chambers.

    Do you, no matter how good you are is not able to get goverment top post or earn contracts?

    I was a federal council, it wasn't that difficult. Out of the 30 people they interviewed they rejected 8 Malays, and 5 Chinese. Only one Indian was rejected, ouh and he was really really fair.

    "Dont you dare to judge we Indians are racist! We are just starting to wake up now and realized we have been taken for the ride?"

    Your damn racist, your so racist you smell of racism, i can smell it over cyber space.

    Your just waking up??? Then serves you right!!! Its because you have been sleeping all this while is why somebody's mother has to pay RM2k for dialysis, some earning less then RM1K.You so bloody racist, i dnt wanna be the same race with you.

    You disgust me. Honestly… you really do.

  22. Mr Linges,

    Regarding Hindraf, I wonder why people like Waytha and Uthaya, profesionals with law degrees are willing to go thru hell-just because they are racially motivated or they are not like you, who sit on their pedestial and look down whats going down in the world? Unlike you, who talk the talk but dont walk the walk, they GIVE A DAMN!We, the Indians are racially incline and cant see pass our skin? You must be god damn blind !

    Do you earn below RM 1000/ monthly? Does your mother need to pay 2K month for their dialysis treatment while others are well supported from state run organazations just because their skin is much lighter? Does your niece/nephews/son and daughters are unable to get into goverment sponsored programmes thou they have near perfect examination results? Do you, no matter how good you are is not able to get goverment top post or earn contracts?

    Dont you dare to judge we Indians are racist! We are just starting to wake up now and realized we have been taken for the ride? Many of our fore fathers died of diseases like malaria while building railway tracks and working in the rubber plantation to build then Malaya economy, now we are "pendatangs" who are asked to go back from whatever "hole" that we are supposed to come from? Actually, I sometimes dont see the problems come from people of other races but actually "blind" Indians like you! No matter who comes to the power, BN or Pakatan-I dont see a light at the end of the tunnel!

  23. Noreen, thank you.

    Tampan, remember it is not the University that defines us, it us who define the University.

    University Kebangsaan used to be a great leftist University, now it is simply a crying shame.

    … There is still hope, its up to us to clean up our local universities.

  24. the article wrote by a legal practitioner graduated from NATIONAL University of Malaysia. Credit to UKM =)

  25. Hi Lings,

    Every time I read articles about race and racial unity in Malaysia and being Malaysian, I can't help but feel and wonder whether the writer is a closet racists.

    I don't feel it here. Great article, this is the way we should move forward. :-)

  26. Ini lah nama di negeri Malaysian boleh. Yang tak boleh pun boleh sebap rasuh sana sini Malaysia terlalu banyak bapolikik akan tetapi cina tetap kaya

  27. Kenapa orang yang cintari negara dianggap orang jahat; tapi orang seperti Ketua Menteri Sarawak Taib Mahmud sebagai wira? Orang yang menghantar Coffin tidak salah! tapi orang yang ambil lilin ditangkap!

  28. Thank you people.

    Shan,Ramli Ibrahim is acclaimed as a pioneer dancer and choreographer of international standing in Bharatanatyam, Odissi,Contemporary Dance, Classic Ballet. Ramli studied Bharatanatyam under Adyar K Lakshman and Odissi under Deba Prasad Das. He learned Odisi AFTER MASTERING Bharathanatyam.

    I did not do ANY research in writing this piece. This piece is a manifestation of the knowledge i have acquired all this years as a Malaysian. Next time, don't come quoting wikipedia please, you insult me.

  29. It is a properly-filled expression about Malaysians. I truly agree with your idea in uniting Malaysians as one; no more playing racial cards to defend one's right that eventually causes more damage to Malaysians in the long run. Everyone should be treated equally with the same opportunity to venture in any effort responsibly. We just need to learn how to respect one another to live in harmony.

    Like the saying in the Quran and bible,"Be good to your neighbours no matter what religion they have".

    In conclusion, it is a good insight for all Malaysians to read.

  30. i canr write proper english, but i can read, this is a good piece of work to read, v non bumi do understand what u mean, dont know how about d UMNO idiot feel about ur genious pioece of work, a five for u mr lingwaran singh

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