Do you support the Menara Warisan Merdeka project? Read on why the project should be opposed. If you don’t think the project should go ahead, do something about it today and sign the online Petition.
For the past 10 years on Malaysia’s Budget Day, I have been glued to the television. I have listened to every detail of the Budget Speeches and this year was no exception. As the Prime Minister began his speech, I waited with much anticipation. What’s to be in store for the development of our country?
But my heart stopped when the Prime Minister announced the development of Menara Warisan Merdeka, a 100-storey tower which will be built between the Merdeka and Negara stadiums. The 19-acre mega development project is said to include a condominium and shopping mall. I couldn’t believe my ears.
It struck me that a massive construction project will soon descend on the vicinity of my alma mater, Victoria Institution (VI). Besides VI, there are also 3 other schools within the vicinity of the development area, namely, Methodist Boys’ School (MBS), SRJK (C) Jalan Davidson and Confucian Private Secondary School. I was dazed for a moment before questions started filling my mind.
Will the schools be relocated? What will happen to the traffic flow within the area? Will the students’ safety and health be affected? What about the schools’ environment? And do we need another tower in the first place, given that we already have the Petronas Twin Towers?
I could only imagine the massive scale of the mega project and its effect on the 4 premier schools.
The 4 premier schools are some of the oldest schools in Kuala Lumpur (KL) with VI being 117 years old – the oldest school in KL, MBS – 113 years, Confucian – 104 years, and Davidson – 82 years. These 4 premier schools have produced some of the best brains and minds in Malaysia.
I could only imagine that the noise and air pollution, scaffolding and building equipments, overhead cranes, earth movers, heavy-duty lorries and dump trucks etc will pose safety and health hazards to the students. It is most likely that the development will lead to massive traffic flow and congestion problems.
While I am not against progressive development for the country, the cost of sacrificing quality education is just too much to pay.
The RM5 billion development costs could and should be invested into other areas such as improving education and healthcare facilities, reducing poverty levels, and particularly making life easier through better public transportation and greater assistance to the Orang Asli, the disabled and the elderly.
Among others to:
- Eradicate poverty and improve the people’s standards of living by providing shelter, electricity, water and other forms of assistance to the hardcore poor.
- Improve the infrastructure of schools, and increase access to education by providing free books to schoolchildren in rural areas.
- Improve the healthcare system by building daycare and dialysis centres, and upgrading equipment and facilities in hospitals and clinics.
- Build the capacity of the disabled by providing training to enable them to enter and succeed in the job market while building infrastructure to enable their mobility.
- Provide assistance to the elderly by building old folks homes.
- Reduce traffic problems in major towns and cities while making them more livable.
Hence, I appeal to the rakyat of Malaysia to support and oppose the development of the 100-storey tower! I am still proud to be Malaysian without the tower.
Sign the petition here, NOW. Also like the Facebook page protesting the project here.
LB: Adrian is a 4th generation young Malaysian born and bred in Kuala Lumpur. An accounting and finance graduate from London, he has been in the tax profession for the past 10 years. An alumnus of Victoria Institution, he represented Malaysia in the 1996 Australian Marching Band Competition which was awarded a First Class for performance. He is a passionate civil society activist and contributes through various channels. He must stop taking himself too seriously and be a real LoyarBurokker! Follow Adrian on Twitter @AdrianNCF.
At last? Did you mean 'Alas'? Whatever.
You appear to believe the 'goodness' of those you think you defend and need to look at their real natures. I will try to point you in the right direction.
1) How far off the mark can you get? If you feel unsafe of being a Malaysian, it is certainly your own lack of empathy or chauvinism that you feel.
2) Read comments in isolation from the body of work, and you get 3 blind men describing an elephant.
3) Au contraire. I have always exhorted peaceful means and soultions.
4a) There is no such thing as HISTORY of the 4 SCHOOLS, there IS however a history of colonialism, neo-colonialism and fifth columnist anglophiles and those trying to reclaim cultural space
ii)I suggest you holistically relocate yourself, rename yourself and might as well rebrand yourself as a new person.
5) Age is no criteria for to warn and awaken those grown complacent being part of self serving institutions that parasite off the people and subvert the true will of man.
6) O the man, sane Malaysians need no 'maculation' if they can see these are constructive comments.
Think something constructive for all Malaysians instead of favoring self’s race. I did. But you were so self righteous and presumptuous that you were unable to understand anything.
7) Ironically, you gave me and some sane people a good laugh, it is not unusual, I ponder how your parents brought you up. Parasite, or, OPPORTUNIST.
He who laughs last . . . this sanctimony and sense of entitlement only serves to encourage APARTHEID or the continuance of the same, what better way as earlier suggested and more so your justification by this response?
Better solve your own lack of breeding before pondering that of others. Who hosts that one to calls another a parasite? Who derides others by opportunistic gains obtained by another race of occupiers of what were a peaceful people and region?
Hostis, Farrokh impie . . . think wiser and think straight.
1) At last! I am dumb enough to reply again. I am stupid, fool! My comments have justify your lack of openness, barbaric and self-flabbergasted comments. It's people like you that I feel unsafe of being a Malaysian, it's people like you who advocates supremacy of race and religion. You are indeed the golden boy of Muhyiddin Yassin, Malay First, Malaysian Second. You feel threatened because you simply do not wish to see other religions flourish.
2) The non Muslims are the one who feel embattled with your maniacal pursuit of Single Race, Single Religion. Non Muslims have no problem at all with Muslims, only miserly people like you continue to exist on this multiracial world to instill fear on them. Do not hide behind UNITY, sane people will be able to judge your advocacy through all your comments here.
3) You want to politicize everything from RACE to RELIGION, you are nothing more than a savage rummaging for chaos among Malaysians.
4) You simply DO NOT UNDERSTAND the HISTORY of the 4 SCHOOLS yet trying to be cunning with your entry comments suggesting relocation, renaming, rebranding. I suggest you holistically relocate yourself, rename yourself and might as well rebrand yourself as a new person.
5) You ain't young anymore, yet still stirring up religious/racial issues.
6) O the man, refrain yourself from maculating the mind of other sane Malaysians with your self deemed "constructive" comments.
Please don't give me all those Apartheid, Colonial, Christianity, Anglo-Saxon BS. Think something constructive for all Malaysians instead of favoring self's race. Twitching. Huh. Ironically, you gave me and some sane people a good laugh, it is not unusual, I ponder how your parents brought you up. Parasite, or, OPPORTUNIST.
Hostis humani generis
1) Have I mentioned ANYTHING that RELATES Victorians to VIOLENCE? NO Right, It was an example right, or even, If it is not an EXAMPLE, do you think, oh no, you should not think, they will for all AGAINST YOUR STUPID IDEA. Who gave you that idea? Your mum huh? V.I is now a Heritage School, did your father told you? Renaming? It has been renamed back from SMK Victoria to Victoria Institution dungu.
Oh look it's Najib talking about 1Malaysia.
2) " not by some extreme pursuit by a single race like yours. How shallow your mentality, did your father and mother taught you properly or just busy making more children? "
Is wanting Malay architecture in the HEART of Malaysia extreme? Insulting the number of children people have is extreme. So who is more extreme?
3) Your mentality seems very dull with your “progressive” pursuit of own’s favour. Hmmm what a bad Malaysian can be seen mixing with other peaceful Malaysians.
Misconstrued my statement and reply out of context. Intellectual dishonesty.
4) Malaysia is what Malaysia today because of all races who overwhelmingly contributed. Not your SINGLE RACE PURSUIT!
See answer 1.
5) Why should I say that? I have nothing against them. . .. LOL I am laughing hard now. Get rid of colonial architectures? You should tell Sultan Ibrahim, get rid of Istana Besar as it contains some Anglo touches on it too. Guess what? You’re talking nonsense.
You did not earlier, but that you mention Badan Warisan Malaysia in this manner means you just did. I believe HRH might just just get rid of those Anglo touches you mentioned too. Good suggestion.
6) Why are you twitching with words?
Don't accuse of 'twitching with words' if you can't understand. Are not Methodists a Christian sect?
7) Having a liking on Western architecture will be perceived as High Treason? What sort of nonsense are you barking here.
Preserving colononial architecture in the heart of Malaysia at cost to national unity is the treason. What you defend says the same. Do sacrifice Malaysian to accept APARTHEID and 2 systems of citizenship so that all the minorites can indulge your appreciation of colonial architecture and your anglophilia?
8) Tell them, contact the editor what does he think about relocation? And rebranding of VI? Who do you think you are, Bush? My love towards Malaysia is immeasurable, but not towards a single culture and religion like you.
As mentioned this is the heart of Malaysia, and will if deemed necessary to better accentuate Malay architecture be ethically justified. The editor's authority extends only as far as an opinion in an article. What anyone thinks about relocation in comparison to the end of APARTHEID and national unity fades in comparison.
9) Retract? Why should I? YOU are the one who should retract. Hmm I suggest naming Malay College Kuala Kangsar to Cina Melayu India SatuMalaysia Kuala Kangsar, and lets hear what they want to say.
The just and reasonable reasons for you to retract are above. Unless you prove otherwise, or are unable to do so, don't complain if your case for continuation of 'Colonial Architectural Hegeomny' becomes non-existent. Any hegemony must be retracted.
10) I am a Methodite, son of MBS . . . Sorry, the Church OWNS the land, without the permission the church, it can’t be relocated.
Are you a Methodite first or a Malaysian first? Choose carefully. The land is in the sovereign territory of Malaysia which takes precedence over the Church. Who's loyalties do the Church belong to? The Methodist Church of England? If so, then there might be a case for treason then. PERMISSION of the Church to exist is at the pleasure of the Malay Sovereign.
If required to accentuate the Malay culture of this region, especially in the heart of the Malay Capital once COLONISED by the English, and with no reparations for hundreds of years of exploitation, the Church must out of contrition comply with any cultural initiatives without question, if it has no intention of being a bastion of neo-colonial inspiration and cultural domination which I believe has been displayed here to an identifiable degree.
11) Furthermore, I am not a Victorian. I am a Methodite, son of MBS, school of my grandfather and dead father. You simply do not have ideas how many prominent Methodites will come out against your, tiny shallow idea.
If they are prominent by the structures that they surround themselves with anywhere, at the expense of any foreign cultural capital's local culture or at the expense of ending apartheid so their colonial structure remains in the heart of KL, it is those Methodites are tiny and shallow for giving the racists among Malays reason to continue APARTHEID via their own chauvinism. Jesus sacrificed himself so others may learn of peace, is it loving or peaceful for a foreign culture and foreign faith to overshadow or sequester lands in what is the heart of any nation not their own?
Go to England if you love your Anglo-Saxon Christian masters so much, I believe you may not even get a citizenship there to begin with or if you do, you will certainly learn first hand what second class citizen means. We are on the cusp of obtaining equality in citizenship, so strengthen your case for ending APARTHEID by correcting your counter-intuitive 10th Crusade/Storm Front style attitude. You are not 'white', nor is Christianity your native religion.
I will not have you deny that such symbols of 'the Church' in the heart of KL are the reasons any Malays feel embattled by cultural aggression and that an address of the issue should be buried under the 'religious sensitivity' factor. Who's being a extreme Taliban now?
12) The late Mr High F Clancy once said (before Merdeka) that non Christian students can still continue to study in MBSKL after Merdeka.
The late Mr High F Clancy is an agent of colonial power that was lucky to have not met the same fate as Henry Gurney and has even less place here in Malaysia than the Indians or Chinese who have had far less acrimonious relations that the Colonial English who even dared term themselves white Rajas. The State Mufti would certainly say that all Christian students can also continue to study in the refurbished "Sunni Boys Madrasa".
13) This is as sensitive as religion.
This is as sensitive as Cultural Sovereignty against Symbols that inspire subversive NEO-COLONIALISM or continue visual English dominance of Malaysia.
14) A name or the ethos of a man counts for nothing. What are his intentions and his understanding of the causes of the apartheid and disunity of man, and how he acts against these things is more important. I believe that my suggestion will heal many rifts between Muslims and non-Muslims, and any chauvinistically holding on to such petty symbols of colonialism or neo-colonialism for whatever sentimental reasons or religious reasons are working against the betterment of Malaysia and national unity.
Win a battle for Colonial architecture and Christianity, and lose a battle for unity and also the end of APARTHEID. These are not radically charged comments. These are constructive comments that will be taken seriously. Good whatever, but it is you who have been a BOZO.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone. John 8:7
Oh yea, by the way my name is Farrokh Leong. What's yours huh? Our past principal the late Mr High F Clancy once said (before Merdeka) that non Christian students can still continue to study in MBSKL after Merdeka. You can find the article on Infopedia National Library Board of Singapore. No you won't. You're against anything except things favoring yourself. Hmm. Same words, read more roughneck. I do not want to respond anymore to your radically charged comments. Good night BOZO.
Part 2
"I suggest you concede on this matter to instead support entirely what was suggested and not imagine that this is a ‘white’ colony or allude your support of neo-colonialism which could be misconstrued as High Treason. A relocation and rebranding would be highly appropriate in concert with expectations of the end of APARTHEID."
Support? I imagine this is a white colony? Oh wow! Having a liking on Western architecture will be perceived as High Treason? What sort of nonsense are you barking here.
"It will be something very much appreciated instead of this ‘50,000?, ‘blood on YOUR face’ immaturity. You should be happy to allow it to feature MALAY culture instead of displaying your ‘Storm Front’ attitude if you have any love of your country ot it’s culture."
Immaturity? Tell them, contact the editor what does he think about relocation? And rebranding of VI? Who do you think you are, Bush? My love towards Malaysia is immeasurable, but not towards a single culture and religion like you.
"Unless you retract what you said, I would have asked for the structure to be moved in it’s entirety as well, but that would be too costly, and that the state should provide an equally sized land for the new location too, but after your outburst, I don’t think ‘Victorians’ like you deserve such consideration anymore.
So get lost yourself, you short sighted prejudiced bigot, unless you have anything useful to communicate."
Retract? Why should I? YOU are the one who should retract. Hmm I suggest naming Malay College Kuala Kangsar to Cina Melayu India SatuMalaysia Kuala Kangsar, and lets hear what they want to say.
Wow you would have asked my school to be relocated. Wow, you're someone in the Ministry ain't you? Sorry, the Church OWNS the land, without the permission the church, it can't be relocated. Again I stress here, the school is not like some schools such as St Mary or BBGS, St Mary can't avoid as their location is in the Golden Triangle, next to MAS Building, BBGS too as they were on Bukit Bintang. But MBS, VI and the others seriously, I could not see them being relocated.
Furthermore, I am not a Victorian. I am a Methodite, son of MBS, school of my grandfather and dead father. You simply do not have ideas how many prominent Methodites will come out against your, tiny shallow idea.
Go fly kite, you miserable yob.
The End. Go read more about the history of these 4 schools before simply making statements, "They should be relocated, renamed". This is as sensitive as religion. Again, read more.
"Other than confirming that Victorians are violent what is the point of your comment? Don’t miss the forest for the trees fool."
Have I mentioned ANYTHING that RELATES Victorians to VIOLENCE? NO Right, It was an example right, or even, If it is not an EXAMPLE, do you think, oh no, you should not think, they will for all AGAINST YOUR STUPID IDEA. Who gave you that idea? Your mum huh? V.I is now a Heritage School, did your father told you? Renaming? It has been renamed back from SMK Victoria to Victoria Institution dungu.
"That being a Methodite entitles you to something more than other Malaysians? Or a right to defense of an obvious symbol Anglo-Saxon cultural imperialism on Malaysians? That your grandfather and father went to MBSKL respectively in 1938 and 1967 does not makwe any difference to ANYONE in the pursuit of a MALAY Malaysia, even if plural."
You're the one on the pursuit to MALAY MALAYSIA, not many of us here. We are for a peaceful MALAYSIA together, not by some extreme pursuit by a single race like yours. How shallow your mentality, did your father and mother taught you properly or just busy making more children?
"You don’t ever try to be PRESUMPTUOUS with such remarks. MBSKL being a *missionary* school is a symbol of PROSELYTIZATION and CHRISTIAN CHAUVINISM, this is further confirmed with your derogatory and dismissive ‘average piling up “Pondok Agama” schools’ comment."
Your are really that shallow minded, have you ever stepped into MBSKL? Every Wednesdays students of all faiths go to their own religious dialogues, Christians in Wesley Church, Muslims in "Dewan Kuliah", Buddhists in school hall and Hindus in T.Mori Block. Your mentality seems very dull with your "progressive" pursuit of own's favour. Hmmm what a bad Malaysian can be seen mixing with other peaceful Malaysians.
"That MBSKL is home to many elite athletes of Malaya, A.L Henry (Footballer of the Year, Malaya) who trained with Arsenal, A.S Samuel, Gurchan Singh (Singa of Malaya, the first Malayan to climb Mount Everest and who rebelled against Japanese Army) and more *does not ameliorate the fact* that this is MALAYSIA and that the HEART OF MALAYSIA should feature entirely MALAY architecture. A relocation would be appropriate."
What? Does not ameliorate the fact that this is Malaysia? Huh? Malaysia is what Malaysia today because of all races who overwhelmingly contributed. Not your SINGLE RACE PURSUIT! How GREEDY humans can be, especially you. Muslim/IMPOSTOR
"‘Get over my dead body first man?’ ‘I mean it???’ Lets hear you tell the Territorial Army that. If the Ruler’s Collective deems fit what I suggest that historical symbols of colonialisation be done away with to feature Malay Culture, you and your 50,000 ‘fifth columnists’ and anglophiles will have NOTHING to say about it. The wrath!!! – be upon you."
Why should I say that? I have nothing against them. OR, you should have written that, "Lets hear you tell the Johor Military Force, or Gerup Gerak Khas, or VAT69, or UTK"? LOL I am laughing hard now. Get rid of colonial architectures? You should tell Sultan Ibrahim, get rid of Istana Besar as it contains some Anglo touches on it too. Guess what? You're talking nonsense. Or just ask Badan Warisan Malaysia to disband and form Badan Pemeliharaan Seni Warisan Melayu Malaysia. Then YOU TELL ME THE RESULT…
"‘Dishonorable and belligerent’ is expecting a CHRISTIAN and ENGLISH institution to feature prominently in the HEART OF MALAYSIA’s CAPITAL! ‘Little’ is not saying past your own prideful and selfish nature the right of the HOST CULTURE to feature prominently in the heart of it’s OWN CAPITAL. Sensitive and considerate concessions of this sort must be made if you expect freedom from APARTHEID and EQUALITY in Malaysia."
Why are you twitching with words? From dishonorable to Christian? I can't understand MAN! You have problems with your English badly.
Other than confirming that Victorians are violent what is the point of your comment? Don't miss the forest for the trees fool.
That being a Methodite entitles you to something more than other Malaysians? Or a right to defense of an obvious symbol Anglo-Saxon cultural imperialism on Malaysians? That your grandfather and father went to MBSKL respectively in 1938 and 1967 does not makwe any difference to ANYONE in the pursuit of a MALAY Malaysia, even if plural.
You don’t ever try to be PRESUMPTUOUS with such remarks. MBSKL being a *missionary* school is a symbol of PROSELYTIZATION and CHRISTIAN CHAUVINISM, this is further confirmed with your derogatory and dismissive 'average piling up “Pondok Agama” schools' comment.
That MBSKL is home to many elite athletes of Malaya, A.L Henry (Footballer of the Year, Malaya) who trained with Arsenal, A.S Samuel, Gurchan Singh (Singa of Malaya, the first Malayan to climb Mount Everest and who rebelled against Japanese Army) and more *does not ameliorate the fact* that this is MALAYSIA and that the HEART OF MALAYSIA should feature entirely MALAY architecture. A relocation would be appropriate.
'Get over my dead body first man?' 'I mean it???' Lets hear you tell the Territorial Army that. If the Ruler's Collective deems fit what I suggest that historical symbols of colonialisation be done away with to feature Malay Culture, you and your 50,000 'fifth columnists' and anglophiles will have NOTHING to say about it. The wrath!!! – be upon you.
'Dishonorable and belligerent' is expecting a CHRISTIAN and ENGLISH institution to feature prominently in the HEART OF MALAYSIA's CAPITAL! 'Little' is not saying past your own prideful and selfish nature the right of the HOST CULTURE to feature prominently in the heart of it's OWN CAPITAL. Sensitive and considerate concessions of this sort must be made if you expect freedom from APARTHEID and EQUALITY in Malaysia.
I suggest you concede on this matter to instead support entirely what was suggested and not imagine that this is a 'white' colony or allude your support of neo-colonialism which could be misconstrued as High Treason. A relocation and rebranding would be highly appropriate in concert with expectations of the end of APARTHEID.
It will be something very much appreciated instead of this '50,000', 'blood on YOUR face' immaturity. You should be happy to allow it to feature MALAY culture instead of displaying your 'Storm Front' attitude if you have any love of your country ot it's culture.
Unless you retract what you said, I would have asked for the structure to be moved in it's entirety as well, but that would be too costly, and that the state should provide an equally sized land for the new location too, but after your outburst, I don't think 'Victorians' like you deserve such consideration anymore.
So get lost yourself, you short sighted prejudiced bigot, unless you have anything useful to communicate.
"Also anyone mind ascertaining if Methodist Boy’s School could be acquired and changed to Sunni Boys Madrasa with the same architectural alterations to Malay architecture?"
I do not know whether you are a Muslim or not by saying so, or rather a Non Muslim trying to be funny with something, not quite, very SENSITIVE.
I am a Methodite, former student of MBSKL and my grandfather and father went to MBSKL respectively in 1938 and 1967. You don't ever try to be funny with such remarks. MBSKL is a missionary school, not your average piling up "Pondok Agama" schools. And MBSKL is home to many elite athletes of Malaya, A.L Henry (Footballer of the Year, Malaya) who trained with Arsenal, A.S Samuel, Gurchan Singh (Singa of Malaya, the first Malayan to climb Mount Everest and who rebelled against Japanese Army) and more.
Acquire MBS and change it to some Sunni Boys Madrasah, what a joke from you. Get over my dead body first man! I mean it!!!
Rename VI? You will see more than 50,000 Victorians lining up to throw a jab and hook on your face! Blood on yer face!!!
No matter you're a Muslim or an IMPOSTOR, you are only earning the wrath!!! Get lost you little dishonorable belligerent!!
Also anyone mind ascertaining if Methodist Boy's School could be acquired and changed to Sunni Boys Madrasa with the same architectural alterations to Malay architecture? Government should of course provide an alternative site (not too far away) for them.
Could they re-name/re-acquire that "Victoria Institution" to First Agong "Tuanku Abdul Rahman ibni Almarhum Tuanku Muhammad Institution" (short form Abdul Rahman Instition)?
Time to remove the last marks of Colonialism and replace what is after all the heart of Malaysia with a MALAYSIAN institution.
Also remake some of that Colonial architecture into classic Malay (not Arab) architecture and invite all prominent Old Boys to a grand re-opening.
yes i do agree with you all. it just a waste of people’s monies!! PNB is home to nation’s unit trust. why draining the people’s money just to built something that are not useful to many of us?!!! remember, most of the poor citizens (yes, i do mean poor in the comparison of income and wealth) invested in ASB, ASW, AS2020 and more (malay, chinese, indian and others)! one more thing, do you realised that most sky-scraper in US are built by private sectors and not by the government or GLC!!! PNB is considered GLC for god sakes!!!! think about it!
It is better to use that kind of money to sponsor or support students to university.
Thanks for all the constructive feedback and criticism as well.
we don't need more icons in the city, its crampy enough already, pedestrians walk way too fast than vehicles around here.
no to egon (ego + icon), YES to quality education,
we need more brains for the future in order to generate more 5bs,
the city's infrastructure needs some serious upgrades,
relocate institutions to rural areas is good idea after all, some place far from city's distractive temptation. If its a matter ego, develope state of the art institutions, perhaps a few more knowledge village.
VI, MBS, Confu, should relocate since surroundings are already 'unsuitable. Ensure the rebuild justify the nation's seiousness on knowledge mind for the futre.
fellow band boy.. rise to the occasion..
" The RM5 billion development costs could and should be invested into other areas such as improving education and healthcare facilities, reducing poverty levels, and particularly making life easier through better public transportation and greater assistance to the Orang Asli, the disabled and the elderly "
ADrian…you are such a dumb ass. PNB is not responsible for all that!
There is some serious questions not answered by the BN government of the 100 stories Mega Tower project.
1) If it is a privately funded project (by PNB), then why table it as a National Budget? (Not, a single explanation offered by UMNO, PNB, and the many supporters of the project.)
2) If it is a publicly funded project (as it is in the National Budget), then why another mega tower when there is the KL tower and the PETRONAS twin tower? Do we need so many "icons" concentrated in KL? Are these towers going to bring the price of rice, breads, butters and petrol down? Are these towers able to eliminate poverty in our midst, improve our public transportation system, and elevate the ranking of our universities?
3) As for PNB, isn't it make more business sense to build an iconic building in JB, which doesn't have its own icon yet? It's near to Singapore and the Iskandar Development Region? Or better still build it inside the Iskandar Development Region, since it is such a "successful endeavor" by the government.
4) If you think that building a tower is called infrastructure development then you really needs your head examined. There is a saying by an economic expert. Build the railway and you will see mega buildings popping up like mushrooms. The wild wild west of US only boom after the completion of a railway link between the east coast and west coast of US. The European countries relied much on their railway links for the transportation of their commodities and goods. Here in Malaysia, we don't even have a functional railway network in East Malaysia and we don't have a railway in the East coast of Peninsular Malaysia. Building transportation system like railroads are infrastructure development, building Mega Tower is building a big ego.
But the question is, for PNB, is Warisan Merdeka the best business opportunity? especially with the uncertain economic conditions, and the unsuitability of the site to accommodate this type of high density development?
Read on:…
The money is not from government's coffer,but it is PNB's money, like other GLCs ,for example TNB.If TNB wants to build hydro dam costing RM5b, tnb is not taking money from ministry,but it sources the money internally.The same goes to PNB.If for any reason,pnb has to abandon this project,the money can not be transfered to finance ministry to distribute to other departments to implement infra projects such as road,hospital or fight poverty,bcoz the money belong to pnb shareholders.PNB is a business entity,and it needs to keep some profit so that it can reinvest in projects for future profits generation..and PNB can not generate profit if it does not reinvest some of the profit for new project developments…that is why some profit PNB pays as dividend and some profit PNB keeps for reinvestment.PNB reinvest in highly calculated risk,but manageable saying goes..high risk high gain, low risk low gain.As investors, we want high dividen but,ironically..we don't want to invest.We as rakyat do not have the right to oppose this project,but those who invested in PNB share do have that right,and they can use this right to condemn management in the annual meeting of pnb.
I oppose the Warisan whatever for two main reasons;
1) The money, if not from the government, must be undistributed / undeclared profit of all PNB unit trusts holder. Obviously it is not from the Mat Piah or Ahmad Sarji pockets. The wise thing for PNB to do is to distribute this reserve (undistributed dividends) to the unit holders.
2) VI is my former school, also my son's former school. We and many others from the other three schools do not wish to see their Alma meter uprooted and dispatch to cheras, or selayang or Bukit Jalil,etc. These schools are Warisan monuments too!!!
Mr PM, why not built a 101 floor tower at St John Institution / Convent Bukit Nanas. How do you feel? And also ask Rosmah for the fund.
Hi ADRIAN NG (I hope you're NOT that 'Adrain Ng' I know),
It's FINE if you wish to live in a GHOST TOWN ala The Wild, Wild West style with NO WHATSOEVER infrastructure developments & high rise buildings. You can even go around KL riding a HORSE thinking you're BILLY THE KID.
Halloooo!!! Wake up, bro!!! It's now 2010, wei!!! Are you tripping on some kind of DRUGS thinking you're really JON BON JOVI singing "Blaze of Glory" ar??? If yes, you might as well load that 6 gun loader & shoot it right into your 1 DUMB BRAIN.
Oh yes!!! I just read you're once in a MARCHING BAND. "Good on ya!!!". Now… may go MARCH to HELL!!!
Bodoh lagi banggang lah you.
Charlie Oscar said "Please do not forget that there are already budgets for whatever you have suggested."
Charlie Oscar also said "Remember the various mega projects that the Government had Successfully implemented. As Usual, there were OPPOSITIONS!!!"
Successfully implemented? No leakages? No over billings? No never ending Tolls? No enriching of cronies?
Dear Adrian,
You said "While I am not against progressive development for the country, the cost of sacrificing quality education is just too much to pay.
The RM5 billion development costs could and should be invested into other areas such as improving education and healthcare facilities, reducing poverty levels, and particularly making life easier through better public transportation and greater assistance to the Orang Asli, the disabled and the elderly."
Please do not forget that there are already budgets for whatever you have suggested.
As a Victorian, you Now have the mindset to Oppose for the sake of Opposing.
Remember the various mega projects that the Government had Successfully implemented. As Usual, there were OPPOSITIONS!!!
Please Do Not Contradict Yourself!!!
They took away MY alma mater for the purpose of profit. They can do whatever the heck they want with yours for whatever reason. That's right. BBGS is now The Pavillion. I mean, they could've turned it into a park which would at least provide some shade and contribute to the environment but no. It has to be a-NOTHER mall. And a high-end one at that. Maybe you can also appeal to Datuks and celebrities (sports, entertainment, business world, etc) who came out of those schools too for your cause.
Bro..been 13 years man…we support u…
Hi unite,
Thanks for your suggestion. Am currently working on this and will definitely consider your suggestion.
"VI being 117 years old – the oldest school in KL, MBS – 113 years, Confucian – 104 years, and Davidson – 82 years. These 4 premier schools have produced some of the best brains and minds in Malaysia." No doubt about that!
Should suggest you write to all the 4 schools and the PTAs of the schools to call for a joint meeting now. Outline the plans, and see what they say. Use LoyarBurok as the platform.
Please tell me wht you think of this imaginatif plan in Kelantan
Pelan Transformasi Ekonomi Kelantan