Tonight at 8.00p.m. The Annexe Gallery, come listen to artists/actvists explore complex issues at Ops Bilang. Featuring Fahmi Reza, Pang Khee Teik, Fahmi Fadzil, Amir Muhammad, Jo Kukathas, Vernon Adrian Emuang and many more. Organised by the Centre for Independent Journalism.
Come join the artists/activists in exploring complex issues at Ops Bilang*. Organised by the Centre for Independent Journalism (CIJ). In conjunction with the launch of CIJ’s e-forum, Let’s Talk About…
Let’s Talk About… kicks off with a series of articles on citizenhip, federalism, indigenous rights, culture, civil law and syariah law, religious freedom, gender/sexuality rights, death penalty, rape, workers’ rights, student rights, and freedom of expression.
While some of these topics are such hot-button items that certain political and pressure groups are warning otehrs not to raise them – purpotedly in the interest of maintaining harmony between all communities – CIJ believes that left unaired and undefused, opinions, especially dissent, are time bombs that can be more damaging in the long term.
If you can’t make it tonight, the conversation continues online at
26 October 2010, 8.00p.m.
The Annexe Gallery
2nd Floor, Central Market, Kuala Lumpur
Amir Muhammad – Kewarganegaraan
Anne James – Religious freedom
Fahmi Fadzil – Workers’ rights
Fahmi Reza – Hak Pelajar
Jerome Kugan – Federalism
Jo Kukathas – Rape
Mei Chern – Death penalty
Norhayati Kaprawi – Undang-undang Sivil atau Shari’ah?
Pang Khee Teik – Gender/sexuality rights
See Tshiung Han – Free expression
Vernon Adrian Emuang – Indigenous rights
Zedeck Siew – Culture
Bilang – (1 ) hitung (satu demi satu), jumlah, congkat, campur, kira
Bilang – (2) bercakap, katakan, sampaikan, khabarkan, ceritakan, adu, beritahukan, nasihatkan
For details, contact: Siew Eng 40230772 /[email protected] /
To see who’s going, click here.
and if you wanna see the super show put up, check the first one here:…