Marina Mahathir endorses it, Edmund Bon to officiate it, Farish Noor demystifies it – Seksualiti Merdeka 2010: We Are Family! Malaysia’s only sexuality rights festival opens next week , Wednesday, 13 October, 8pm.
The one week of events will see Farish Noor talking lingerie, LoyaBurokker filmmaker Mien.Ly premiering the HerStory films project, LoyarBurokker Ong Jo-Lene collaborating on “Portraits Of The Unspoken” and many more! Straight, bent, zig-zag or simply fabulous, all are welcome to join in the fun and celebrate independence and equality for all!
Seksualiti Merdeka is a much needed frank look at the very core of all us human beings, our sexuality, and the diversity that lies within. We need to accept and then celebrate.
– Datin Paduka Marina Mahathir
Calling all Malaysians to join in a group hug of Love, Acceptance and Compassion!
This year, Malaysia’s only sexuality rights festival, Seksualiti Merdeka, celebrates the spirit of family. Exploring the bonds that bring us together, the festival aims to promote both the family and the community’s role in embracing diversity.
As the nation strives to realise its full democratic potential, with Malaysians becoming more aware of our constitutional rights, let’s not forget about our sexuality rights. It is our right to be responsible for our own bodies, to be free from discrimination, violence and injustice, and to be respected for who we are, regardless of gender, sexuality, age, class, ethnicity or beliefs. Each of us has these rights, as enshrined by the UN International Human Rights Charter, the Yogyakarta Principles, and promoted by many human rights organisations local and international.
Whether we are straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, intersexed, asexual, or simply fabulous, we are brothers and sisters on this great journey toward independence and equality for all.
13-17 October, 2010
The Annexe Gallery
Wed 13 October 8pm
Officiated by Edmund Bon, Chairperson of the Constitutional Law Committee at the Malaysian Bar Council.
Speech by Representative of United Nations in Malaysia.
Refreshments sponsored by Albion. Take a sneak-peek on Facebook and RSVP!
Featuring the unveiling of :
SM Art Project
Facilitated byLiew Kung Yu, assisted by Shieko
Artists: Hazri Haili, Jellene, Kal Idris, Ong Jo-lene, Tan Zi Hao
Acclaimed Malaysian artist Liew Kung Yu takes five young Malaysians, whose backgrounds range from artist to scientist, from straight to queer, on a journey of self-discovery and self-expression. After six weeks of workshopping, mind-mapping and connecting with each other – they present two installations, one revealing their fears, hopes, and uncertainties about being who they are, and the other inviting you to do the same.
- FAMILY OUTING Forum Theatre
Writer: Alfian Sa’at
Director: David Lim
Cast: Johan Yusof, Lim Tiong Wooi, Sandee Chew, Tung Jit Yang.
Produced by Hari Azizan and Lim Chung Wei.
Written by award-winning Singaporean playwright Alfian Sa’at specially for Seksualiti Merdeka, this play is performed in the style of forum theatre, an interactive format which invites audiences to intervene and say what they would have said in those scenarios.
Synopsis: To his mother, Weiliang is the perfect son: he is acing college and going out with a lovely girl, Jeannie. What she doesn’t know is that her son is actually gay and Jeannie is only pretending to be the girlfriend. Racked by guilt and indecision, he thinks it might be time to come out to his mom. Jeannie is relieved, but Weiliang’s boyfriend, Freddie doesn’t think the mom is ready. Should Weiliang do it? How would his mom react? How SHOULD she react?
This performance is touring local colleges and universities.
Thu, 14 Oct, 8pm
HerStory Malaysia is a women’s arts collective dedicated to expanding spaces for women to express themselves using creative platforms. More info on LoyarBurok soon.
Fri 15, Sat 16, Sun 17 Oct, 8.30pm
RAINBOW MASSACRE 2010: We Are Family!
This year, Rainbow Massacre presents three crazy and amazing nights of song and comedy that celebrate all the wonderful things that make us proud to be part of the great big rainbow family. Cause we are family! Get up brothers and sisters, and sing!
Admission by donation RM40 (At the door), RM35 (Online pre-show sale)
Sat 16 Oct, 2pm
QUEER AS FILMS: Focus on Our Family
PT Foundation and Amnesty International Malaysia present two films and a discussion on how we can support LGBT children and their families. Moderated by AI Malaysia executive director Nora Murat and former 3R host Azah Yasmin, the panel consists of Dr Brian Ho (Psychiatrist and Associate Professor at UPM) and Vizla Kumaresan (clinical psychologist).
Sun 17 Oct, 12pm
FARISH NOOR LECTURE: From Modesty Plates To Peranakan Lingerie
Modesty has always been relative and subjective in our part of the world, and this lecture will look at how notions of modesty, intimacy and attraction have evolved from the precolonial era to the present. Plus there will be a fashion show with babes in Peranakan corsets at the end!
Sun 17 Oct, 4pm
EVEN EDUCATED FLEAS DO IT: Sex, Sexuality & Diversity In Malaysia
Through understanding Malaysia’s sexual his/her/story and current diversity, notions about narrow “Asian family values” and the basis for deciding “right” and “wrong” can be exposed to some critical light. Here we can question and (re)discover the sexual terrain of which Malaysians are all a part. Bring your own discoveries and questions to share!
Click here for a complete schedule of events and more information.
All admission is FREE unless otherwise noted
All events take place at (except where indicated otherwise)
The Annexe Gallery
2nd Floor, Central Market Annexe
(Behind Central Market)
Kuala Lumpur
03 2070 1137
The main problem is the exponential growth of the world population. How to reduce the growth?
1. Promotes gay, lesbian, and homosexual activity around the world. Let it be no more new born babis. Can gay/lesbian produce baby?
2. Promotes abortion and make it legal.
3. Promote pre-maritial sex. No need marriage. If pregnancy happen then it is legal and normal to do abortion.
4. Let the men and women compete each other in every way of life. Let them forget that they are suppost to be a team to form a happy family.
5. Promotes feminism. Teach them that women can live independently without men. And for sure, the gays also can live with their anus.
6. If harmonious family were formed, destruct it with social agendas. Give the husband and wife equal rights so there would be two leaders in the family. Can a be an empire nation led by two Kings? There gonna be a massive civil war, right? thats the point. Let be them a part of the statistic of high rising number of divorce.
7. Promotes individual rights outweight the majority rights.
In fact, we dont care wether or not they are gay, lesbian or homosexual. Let them be like what they want. But we do care for the movements made by certain groups stressing, promoting, forcing their agenda (gay/lesbian) into our social member to the extent they want our children to know that homosexual is very normal like they did in some elementary school in USA today.
I can send any of you a sample of video showing how finaly they manage to make the 'lesson' as part of elementary school syllabus. They told the children that it is normal to have two fathers(gay) or mothers(lesbian) in a family!!!! And take part actively in gay/lesbian parade which is held yearly….
Al of it will finally reduce new born babies.
haha…I don't have the money or willpower to run in politics. Besides, the road to freedom invariably leads to the gallows! But if I were to run I'll call it SexAndDrugs Party (SAD Party!) ;)
However, I do enjoy unmoderated and open forums. I just found loyarburok so, am still reading up on what I've missed so far.
I do agree that we need some kind of "system" to allow the adult industry a voice of their own. I've been to Amsterdam and was amazed to see how the media, police, sex workers and even green shop owners have an open and honest relationship. I like the fact that there is a kind of "acknowledgement" of their existence and not burying heads in the sand ala Bolehland. I even read a magazine written for heroin addicts! Amazing stuff.
Btw, I've just read your FB site and was a little puzzled to see you talking about the 13 point plan etc, with one of them describing "reunification of Singapore and Malaysia".
Halo?! Where did that idea come from??! haha…Are you sure they (Singapore) want to reunite with Bolehland? Is there talk in Singapore about reunification? Honestly, I've yet to meet a Singaporean that wants to rejoin Bolehland. But if there is, then wow. They must be rrrrreally desperate for land. haha.
Personally, I enjoy having our neighbour around as a different city state. It encourages healthy competition. To be honest, I rather see less big govt and more decentralised administration. Same goes for Sabah and Sarawak as well. I think they'll do much better if they run things their own way, with their own govt. Putrajaya has made a mess of Sabah and Sarawak. In fact, my mates in Penang were joking about seceding the union the other day! I laughed sial! But who knows…might come true one day.
Thx for taking a look at the FB site. Hope you like the comments. Argue the wrong ones too! I’ll have to set up a proper media site for easy reply sometime.
The 13 point plan describing “reunification of Singapore and Malaysia” is 100% possible BUT the 13 items must be gioven or it will never work. Thats for the progressive Malays to implement from Malaysia’s side. It’s my own idea! I might be preparing a form for Singaporeans to sign as well via the UN and maybe the Johor Istana as well.
They (Singapore) would want to reunite with Bolehland IF the 13 point plan is in place. Also in Malaysia there is SPACE and political freedom.
15% Malays and 7% others form a 21% base for a plebiscite paper completely bypassing PAP direct to UN, headed by the Ruler’s Collective.
The other 50% poorest Chinese in SIngapore will ensure majority. It’s about what you could do with the funds from a single HDB flat in Malaysia at the current exchaneg rate. The smart ones will start moving their funds before it happens. Singapore currency will probably drop down to Malaysian value when it actually begins.
Penang secede? Impossible. The entireity of Malaysian armed forces would hold and occupy every single street and seize all properties afterwards. It won’t happen unless it is backed by a major power, but in that case Asean itself would immediately be at war as proxy allies rush in to re-colonise Asean in a spate of neo-colonialism under pretext of liberation. We all know it won’t be true any day.
As US weakens, no turning back or would take massive defaults, Singapore will be re-assimilated, simply because citizens there out of sheer apathy and dislike of a dynasty that is a mere lapdog of the US, would prefer political freedom and space to live and grow instead. Even now 3% of water in Singapore is recycled from the sewers, and like GST starting at 3% it will even become 9% someday.
If I were Singaporean, I’d immediately vote for re-assimilation just to not drink from the toilet. You can be very sure LKY and gang are drinking their own 100% reservoir based water in a separate system from that of the public. Now who needs to live in a country like that? 14th State is the best solution, but the 13 points to ensure lifestyles in Singapore will not change an dbe extended as well, will be the main issue, for equality minded Malays to green light.
Cornpackers or Beavermunchers?!? Ugh thats colourful, I'll never look at cobs and beaver steaks the same way ever again . . .
They can in fact arrest for being gay because of implied acts of sodomy, but for non-Muslims very much so ONLY 'in flagrante delicto' and even then they may also be ignored as the police have a sense of natural justice that is far different from the law (we all know about how 4D Anti-Monopoly 'Laws' are administered by police for instance), far less leeway for Muslims, where being behind closed doors can result in hauling up as in Khalwat cases.
But like the bribery stuff going on, they usually close one eye, especially for non-Muslims, so in this respect Muslims have less personal sexual freedoms, even while those becoming apostate to be able to have gay relationships, will be subject to losing their Bumiputra status as well as being thrown in jail, these cases are mostly dealt with via bribes I'd suppose and this especially highlights the flaw of 2 classes citizenship of compounded by antiquated 377(b) laws which also subjects Anal sex between hetro/married couples of all races as well.…
It's good that you like the idea of proper adult venues limited to non-Muslims. Some people keep thinking in absolutes, imagining that if adult venues are legalised, the entire country will become a whore house – it won't. Conversely, I'd think Bolehlanders would in fact stop thinking about sex all the time when it becomes easily available and regulated!
Being at the mercy of police raids, hired thugs or stds is just not the best background for some fun. For others the illegal state of sex work is something to profit off, the selfish creeps.
Religion isn't an obstacle actually, but the Muslim fear of pimps and madams who allow Muslims to frequent their brothels. If these owners can keep strict discipline on who is allowed in, proper RLDs could be set up, maybe along a single enclosed street for smaller towns or several enclosed streets for high volume capitals like KL, JB and Penang. RELA/Muslims monitoring entry and exit points could check IDs before entry into RLD etc..…
As for the 'Green', it is just another of nature's gifts, being withheld by the 'majority'. Who gave any group of people carte blanc to think for anyone? If a person wants to commit suicide, its their business. Sorry to hear about the loss of some of your friends though. They could be in a happier place who knows. In fact making it legal to grow one's own and controlling legal prices to levels no higher than a soft drink would make the appeal of drugs disappear entirely to be limited to the culture/experiential type crowd rather than the 'I'm rich so I can do it' crowd.
A kindred spirit! But Narcotics Merdeka would be an absolute challenge (especially if it involves samplings haha) but then again, the fact is that drugs are everywhere these days as well. If they don't legalise or regulate prices or make growing for own use legal, more black markets and high prices and impure substances will harm even more really quite ordinary users.
They could start with Indonesian style leeway on miniscule amounts or at most a few non-commercial scale plants for personal use, then later allow for sales at highly depressed prices.
Frankly I don't use either adult services or drugs (surprise surprise), being too finicky about who one has to communicate or associate with to have access to these items, can't abide the borderline or criminalisation the attitudes, partly class consciousness also, as well as ethical and legality issues. Maybe when it's legal and discretely managed in a mature economy before indulging . . .
But the principle of fighting for human freedom, and the atmosphere factor is what drives activists like myself to insist that laws be amended for those who want these things. Just because I don't use it does not mean others must be molded after my personal values. It is a free world and free universe, these things are offered freely in Nature, what gives a group of people any right to force their will on others? Do not unto others . . . bla bla bla.
IMHO Pot, Coca, Poppy or Mushrooms are nothing special, but again another class of goods currently profiteered off and controlled by 'black agencies' to profit off the people. It's a bunch of plants that have no worse effects than alcohol after all. Malaysia is a gulag where one can only work and pay bills, with little entertainment and lots of bad laws and apartheid policy everywhere. Lets wait for the Bar Council and legislators to develop maturity and respect for free will to pass these bills eventually.
If you're up to it, how about running for election on your own constituency if you can afford it, or getting into the legal system and working towards a bill on this? We all can't wait around and hope for others to grow a brain, but should help foster open mindedness, even with Muslims who do not use these services as well . . .
@Umar Razak
The boat has sailed and you missed it.
I get the fact that the system is unfair. But what I'm asking is, can they prosecute a gay person simply based on his/her sexuality? I mean, can they stop you on the street, slap handcuffs on you, arrest you and charge you in court with the sole accusation "You're gay"?
Also, I'm in agreement that the adult industry should be allowed to operate in Malaysia. I think such a move would boost small income enterprises and allow sex workers access to better safety standards/healthcare. Besides, I feel Bolehlanders think about sex all the time. We are the porn generation after all. They should talk and engage with it too. Religion unfortunately is our biggest obstacle to this.
As for drugs? I'd love to see green being sold openly at the kedai runcit! It's a good natural drug. As for heroin, well, I've had friends die cause of it. So I wouldn't want it anywhere in Bolehland, but each to his own I guess…
In fact, Narcotics Merdeka sounds like an awesome idea!
" isn’t the whole homo thing against Bolehland laws? "
It was adopted from Victorian era laws to India then to Malaysia during the Colonial era. It doesn't exist in England or India, having being abolished in updated statutes.
" homosexuality and law are inseparable."
In Syariah Law all Muslims must abide yes. But for one who strictly follows all other Muslim pillars except for this sexuality prohibition, would you deny them the Islamic faith knowing full well man is part animal as well?
Is it fair to an apostate Muslim who is Malay who had quit Islam because of his sexuality to be stripped of his Bumiputra status? Is it fair this particular Malay would be ostracised even more than the non-Bumi?
Is it fair if a non-homosexual non-Malay who IS a Muslim not treated as the rest of the Ummah are in Malaysia? This is an injustice by the Hadiths of Islam as well.
That near 10 sub-classes of citizenship exist is a failure of the civil system. If you care about Malaysia, you will honestly and in an open minded manner discuss the issue. Of course by the way you answer, I doubt you qualify to at all.
homosexuality and law are inseparable.debate till die!
I have nothing against gay people. In fact I respect my gay friends who willingly jam their peckers in their mates' rectums repeatedly, but here's what I don't understand- isn't the whole homo thing against Bolehland laws? I read somewhere that fellatio is a crime too.
I'm not saying just because it's against Islam or the law, it doesn't exist and we should ignore it. Neither am I saying they should be persecuted or stabbed or shot or lynched or castrated or lobotomised.
I'm asking, isn't it against the law? Are we complicit when we clearly know people who are cornpackers or beavermunchers? Is the law different if you're a homo Muslim or homo infidel in Bolehland? And did Anwar really bang Saiful? And not get the clap?
The act itself has relevance the discussion? For example try an Autofest without a licence to drive. Drugs are mentioned as a separate challenging festival to fight for the right to access things given free in nature. Where's the confusion?
strange how some people confuse sexuality with sex and then drugs. Konfuse Inggeris maybe mah..
hi Bon and Burokers,
Please also discuss the right for non-Muslims to patronize and operate adult industry venues, form laws for protections and legislations for adult industry workers, as well include provisions that engage Muslims to protect Muslim sensitivities from being offended at the same time as well. Heres some of my sex positivity/human rights subject related, article sized comments, use anyway you want :…………
Also I ask the hardworking/daring minds to try this more challenging concept festival, 'Narcotiks Merdeka' for liberalising use of the organic gifts of Mother Nature, if anyone could do it you guys would be the ones!
hahaaaa. well done you maniacs!