Malaysia sering diiktiraf di persada dunia sebagai negera majoriti Muslim yang moderat dan toleran. Malangya, kita tidak dapat lagi berbangga dengan kenalan ini. Saban hari bertambah laporan mengenai insiden-insiden berunsur ekstrimis dan zalim yang membangsatkan nama Islam.
Pada dekad pertama abad ke 21, akibat serangan pengganas yang dikatakan beragama Islam, dunia telah mengaitkan agama tersebut dengan keganasan dan ekstrimisme. Namun persepsi negatif ini tidak menular ke Malaysia. Untuk sekian lama, Malaysia dikenali di persada dunia sebagai “a moderate Muslim country.”
Malangnya, akhir-akhir ini kita tidak lagi boleh berbangga dengan panggilan ini. Kini kita menjadi tajuk utama seantero dunia kerana pelbagai perkara negatif yang dilakukan atas nama Islam. Islam di Malaysia semakin dilihat sebagai agama yang tidak toleran, angkuh dan melampau. Islam di Malaysia semakin dikatakan sebagai agama yang menekan hak-hak orang bukan Islam. Islam di Malaysia semakin disamakan dengan kezaliman.
Manakan tidak?
Dengan nama Islam, ada yang mahu menentukan nama tuhan yang boleh dipanggil oleh penganut agama lain.
Dengan nama Islam, ada yang membakar gereja.
Dengan nama Islam, ada yang membantah pembinaan kuil dengan berarak membawa kepala lembu yang telah disembelih.
Dengan nama Islam, ada yang memberi jusitifikasi penggunaan akta zalim seperti ISA.
Terbaru, sebuah NGO Melayu membuat laporan polis kerana membantah pementasan yang hendak dianjurkan oleh sebuah geraja di Shah Alam. Alasan yang diberikan adalah kerana Shah Alam adalah sebuah bandar yang majoriti penduduknya Muslim dan pementasan tersebut adalah pada bulan Ramadhan. Kononnya, ini akan “menyinggung sensitiviti” umat Islam yang sedang berpuasa.
Di Pulau Pinang, seorang khatib didesak untuk meminta maaf kerana telah mendoakan kesejahteraan seorang pemimpin bukan Islam. Alasan yang diberikan adalah kononnya perbuatan mendoakan orang bukan Islam adalah salah.
Terkini, isu yang hangat diperkatakan adalah kunjungan seorang ahli Parlimen bukan Islam ke sebuah surau untuk memberi sumbangan. Isu ini telah dipolitikkan oleh pelbagai pihak, sehingga ia melibatkan pihak istana. Maka jawatankuasan pengurusan surau itu digantung dan ahli Parlimen tersebut diberi amaran oleh majlis agama yang berkenaan. Saya tidak tahu sejak bila pula orang bukan Islam tidak boleh memasuki masjid atau surau. Tidak pula diberikan dalil atau hujah untuk menjustifikasi arahan yang tidak masuk akal ini.
Adakah ini cara kita berdakwah pada abad ke-21? Kita tolak orang bukan Muslim sejauh-jauhnya daripada Islam, kita berlaku zalim ke atas mereka dan kita rampas hak mereka untuk mengamalkan agama mereka. Adakah kita beranggapan bahawa dengan tingkahlaku kita ini, mereka akan lebih dekat dengan Islam? Kalau inilah strategi dakwah abad ini, saya berpendapat kita harus memikir semula strategi bodoh ini. Tindakan seperti ini memburukan nama Islam dan menyebabkan orang bukan Islam berfikir bahawa Islam itu adalah agama yang sempit, melampau dan zalim.
Kononnya, orang bukan Muslim seharusnya menjaga “sensitiviti” orang Islam. Kita harus bertanya, apakah “sensitiviti” yang dimaksudkan ini? Adakah terdapat justifikasi ke atas “sensitiviti” ini?
Sebahagian besar Muslim di Malaysia tidak pernah terdedah dengan kehidupan sebagai penduduk minoriti di sesebuah negara. Maka dari situ timbul retorik bahawa sensitiviti Muslim harus dijaga kerana Islam dianuti oleh majoriti rakyat Malaysia. Menggunakan logika yang sama, sudah tentu Perancis boleh mengharamkan pemakaian purdah dan Switzerland boleh mengharamkan pembinaan mimbar kerana “menyinggung sensitiviti” majoriti rakyat negara-negara tersebut. Juga menggunakan logika sama, cadangan membina masjid di tapak berlakunya serangan World Trade Centre tidak boleh diterima kerana ia kononnya “menyinggung sensitiviti” keluarga mangsa kejadian. Mengikut logika yang digunakan, maka hak penganut agama Islam yang menjadi minoriti di negara-negara tersebut harus dikorbankan demi menjaga “sensitiviti” majoriti.
Apabila kita majoriti, terlalu mudah untuk kita jatuh dalam perangkap pemikiran bahawa kekuatan itu adalah kebenaran.
Adakah kita lupa bahawa ketika menyebarkan Islam, Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. telah mengajar bahawa semua manusia adalah sama di sisi Allah, yang membezakan seseorang itu hanyalah iman? Sudah tentu perkara ini “menyinggung sensitiviti” sebahagian besar Arab Quraisy pada ketika itu, lebih lagi mereka yang mempunyai status di dalam masyarakat Quraisy. Adakah Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. seharusnya menghentikan ajaran Islam pada ketika itu demi menjaga “sensitiviti” masyarakat Quraisy?
Ini bukan Islam yang saya kenali. Ini bukan Islam yang menjadi cara hidup saya. Islam tidak pernah mengajar penganutnya berfikiran sempit, bertindak melampau dan berlaku zalim. Islam mementingkan keadilan dan kesaksamaan. Islam adalah agama indah dan keindahan itu dapat dilihat melalui kehidupan dan ajaran Nabi Muhammad S.A.W, junjungan umat Islam. Tindakan mereka ini adalah jelas bertentangan dengan apa yang disampaikan oleh baginda.
Mereka telah membangsatkan nama Islam demi kepentingan sendiri. Lebih menyedihkan lagi, mereka adalah berpangkat, samada pemimpin politik atau agama. Orang Islam sering mempersalahkan media Barat kerana memberi gambaran yang salah tentang Islam, tetapi apa kurangnya golongan ini yang telah memberi gambaran negatif terhadap Islam melalui tingkahlaku mereka?
Harapan saya adalah bahawa orang yang bukan beragama Islam tidak tersalah anggap bahawa Islam yang sebenar adalah Islam yang mana namanya telah dibangsatkan oleh mereka ini.
LB: Syahredzan Johan adalah seorang peguam muda dan rakan kongsi di sebuah firma guaman di Kuala Lumpur. Dia melihat dirinya sebagai seorang pengkritik politik dan pengulas sosial. Tetapi dia sebenarnya hanyalah seorang warga Malaysia yang mempunyai terlalu banyak pendapat. Dia adalah seorang yang patriotik, walaupun bukan dengan cara biasa seperti mengibar bendera. Dia percaya Malaysia mempunyai potensi yang hanya dapat direalisasi sekiranya rakyatnya belajar bersatu-padu dan bukannya berpecah-belah. Ikutilah Syah di Refleksi Minda.
I came here to bash you, hearing all these bad things about you.
I read this article.
I went away with admiration for your thoughts and insights.
Brothers/Sisters Syahredzan, LS, amin, Qama Gill, nur and all,
Allow me to offer my 2 cents on the verses.
The final verse from al-Kafirun as quoted may be inaccurately applicable in the context of Br Syahredzan's article here (which, if I may say too myself, is eloquently written). The entire al-Kafirun verses were actually revealed to Muhammad pbuh in view of the Makkah kaffirs' offer of compromise to Muhammad pbuh and the Muslims that the kaffirs will worship the Muslims' God (i.e. Allah) if the Muslims agree to worship the kaffirs gods. Allah therefore commanded Muhammad pbuh not to accept such offer because the worship of many gods and the worship of a god besides Allah is simply alien to the Islamic faith.
Perhaps the verse more relevant to the theme in Br Syahredzan's article is the oft-misquoted verse 256 of al-Baqarah: "Let there be no compulsion in religion. The Truth has been made clear from error…" This verse was revealed in light of the Ansari (Muslims already living in Madinah during the Hijrah)initial stance to refrain the Jewish children they were raising from moving when the Jewish tribe of Bani Nadir decided to move out of Madinah. Allah revealed this verse to command the Ansars to return the Jewish children to their families and not to forcefully keep them from moving.
The message of this verse is clear that there shall be no element of force in the dakwah of Islam and in the non-Muslims' choice of accepting Islam, including in 21st century Malaysia. Unfortunately, the unscrupulous deeds of some in Malaysia have allowed compulsion of Islam to prevail and the truth of Islam to be overshadowed.
Allah Knows best.
i’m proud and thankful for being a malaysian. but what a shame, malaysia being hijack by greedy capitalist+selfish people+racist politician! i’m eligible to vote for the next election, but i chose not to vote at all bcoz of the crap being made by the politicians.In simpler words, i have become an anarchist.And i dun even trust any political party in malaysia.I won’t cast my vote until those ‘genius’ clear up all the mess.
It’s politics & politicians that tear us apart….
Using religion for their own/few people benefit is really, really disgusting. If those people think by doing that will please their God, think again.
Thank you for being sensible and fair-minded. People like you are ones all Malaysian can put their hope in to lead our country to greatness and glory
Dear Jacques, peace be upon you :) well said. Im am an Indian who is proud to be Malaysian, because there is still people like Syahredzan Johan and you. :)
Welldone my fellow citizen for your writings,may ALLAH bless you.
Sebenarnya 'sistem' dlm negara ni dah terlalu jauh menyimpang.Aku sendiri tak suka.Islam diturunkan utk umat manusia dan bukan hak ekslusif satu bangsa. Tapi kat Malaysia ni 'unik', Islam di'khaskan' utk melayu, which is nonsense.Dan warna kulit/keturunan diutamakan, selaras dengan konsep 'race supremacy', which is waaaayyyy far from Islamic teaching.
Aku sendiri pun bukanlah baik sangat atau alim sangat, tapi bila agama Islam disalahgunakan,aku memang tak boleh dok diam
Macam mana nak tunjukkan Islam tu agama yg baik bila umat Islam di negara ini menunjukkan contoh yang memang tak baik?Dok kacau tempat sembahyang orang bukan islam tu ajaran islam ke?Orang2 Islam di Malaysia mungkin lupa atau tak ambik tau bahawa Rasulullah S.AW pernah bersabda: Janganlah kamu menyakiti mereka(zimmi),kerana menyakiti mereka bermakna menyakitiku.
Aku percaya, bilangan bukan Islam yg zimmi adalah majoriti di Malaysia.(zimmi= org bukan Islam yg menjadi rakyat yg baik di negara yg ditadbir oleh Islam).
Adakah kita,sebagai umat Islam, sanggup menyakiti baginda Rasulullah?Sudah tentu tidak!Perlu di ingat, semasa zaman Rasulullah, satu deklarasi telah digubal,dimana telah di ceduk oleh Geneva Convention: dilarang meroboh/merosakkan/mengganggu rumah ibadat.
Tapi di Malaysia……..:-C
Firstly, I have to give you a salute for such an article my brother. I am a non-muslim yet I am proud to declare that majority of my friends are malays and my best friend is one too. I am just a student, but each time I see these things take place, I have to admit that I am disgusted by their acts and cynical moves (eg:cow-head protest).
Since I was a kid, I never knew the difference between skin colours and race or religion. I do not befriend someone just because they are different than me.
Effortlessly, whenever I witness these events taking place, I discuss about them with my malay(muslim) friends, and they themselves are disgusted too. Many condemn the acts and apologize to me, as though I represent the whole non-muslim population. To me, I see that this events is closely linked to some political agenda in pleasing ‘a group of people’ to gain more votes and interest of polls.
May God bless all of us.
Our beloved Malaysia has not been able to stand on her most wealthiest powers. I mean Malaysia has not been able to show her true power in education, economy, technology, etc. This all criteria has chain reaction which is holding down another criteria. For example when someone does not get a chance of education, he will look for another way to accomplish it, so our students goes abroad… This is why most of a country's brightest working in foreign countries, developing foreign country's economy and technologies. Politicians who look after his cronies denied the chance of a legitimate company's contract in whose could have performed better… a lot more issues like this, not only race and religion is used as a weapon for personal interests. Japan has received 2 nuclear bombs on her chest. China and India was listed in world's poorest countries and yet if we look 20 years from now, we should not be surprised if they are doing 10 fold better than us. Politicians who uses race and religion, and the concept of divide and rule and the LAW that protects this ??? i would like to say something about religion in my understanding, religions are like transports which carries us to a destination, our transports might be different (car, motorbike or bus) but at the end our destination is all the same.. i trust in all gods of religions because i know they trust in me (THEY are all ONE)
saya bukanlah lahir dari keluarga yg pandai agama, tp ayah saya mendidik saya bahawa tidak mengutamakan kesempuranaan atau terlalu cacat cela.. Apa yang pasti semuanya disederhanakan.. Apa yang berlaku pada masa kini, tidak langsung menunjukkan cacat celanya islam, tp ia menunjukkan penganutnya yang sama ada terlebih sudu dari kuah, islam pada pendapat saya berjuang/berjihad menggunakan psikologi, pedang adalah perkara yang terakhir untuk disentuh.. Jika kita mengutamakan kesempurnaan, inilah yg terjadi, taksub sehingga nafsu melebihi akal, kalau terlalu cetek ilmunya.. Nah dapat lah masyrakat jahililiah, islam itu sempurna, kita tidak perlu terlalu cuba untuk menjadi yang terbaik, sederhana adalah jalan penyelesaian
Nice peace. I am obliged to comment to ensure there are MUSLIM's who stand with you and your arguments. I believe we are witnessing idiotic approach to manipulate ISLAM for political mileage. No neutral side. Both side of political segment of the nation are being extremist and fanatics somehow. To make it worst we have Utusan, Riduan Tee (this guy should be gun downed) and Perkasa.
We are like a huge fiesta trying to impress the international media on how low we can be or how dumb our leaders are. No direction or whatsoever. No concern for failing education system, no one give a shit on crashing economy, et al.
It’s a nightmare to think where are we heading with all this mess.
Salah ke kita sebagai seorang muslim hendak memprotes ISA??
ISA tidak merujuk hukum2 Al-Quran & Al-Sunnah
Arah tuju Islam di Malaysia kabur
sy protes modern Islamic yang di terapkan di Malaysia
Ia amat2 jauh menyimpang dr ajaran Islam yg sebenarnya
Tegakkan kembali Daulah Khilafah
i believe what amin means by citing surah al-kafirun is not to call anyone a kafir.
maybe he try to point out the gist of the Surah whereby in Islam, "FOR YOU YOUR RELIGION, AND FOR ME MY RELIGION", simply mean that everyone have the right to profess their own religion.
I have not read such a touching & beautiful piece of article for a long long time. It is especially heartening when this come from a young Malay Muslim. There are hope for Malaysia after all. Thank you
Thank you for an honest article. The problem is not Islam in Malaysia, but politics in Malaysia. The 'sensitivity' you eluded is the fact that Malay=Muslim in the Constitution. By making this a fact in the Constitution has caused a great many social problems, which the politicians have used as a 'cane' instead of the carrot to justify progress and equality amongst the races of our beautiful country. Its about power and control, with scant little for justice and progress of the nation. The Bumi privilege status is also an anomaly. Correct me if I'm mistaken, but if a non Malay after conversion into Islam can have a Bumi status, then it seems absurd if the person is a multi-millionaire, and gains property discounts, is it not?
my only reference to how islam should be practised is tok guru nik aziz. i believe he is a sincere n dedicated muslim in malaysia. but it is also imperative that we see more young muslim's take centre stage and be a counter sign to powers that be.
the question is how do we make this happen? we shud not leave this to shah only but be a broad network of of all young muslim's and people of other faiths.
nothing to do with "dakwah" at all. they simply play the religious card to achieve personal ambition.
Saudara Syah,
"Adakah ini cara kita berdakwah pada abad ke-21? Kita tolak orang bukan Muslim sejauh-jauhnya daripada Islam, kita berlaku zalim ke atas mereka dan kita rampas hak mereka untuk mengamalkan agama mereka. Adakah kita beranggapan bahawa dengan tingkahlaku kita ini, mereka akan lebih dekat dengan Islam?"
Terutama sekali, adakah sesetengah golongan orang Islam di negara ini masih berfikiran terbuka untuk 'berdakwah'? Ataupun orang-orang bukan Islam telah lama diklasifikasikan sebagai orang kafir sejak dulu lagi!
don't forget to fight for a better nation too..
i'm a malay, and i'm also a muslim. but being a malay doesn't make one a muslim, except in malaysia. i agree that in all religion there are good and bad followers. unfortunately these bad followers are in the top position. just look at our leaders, are they really muslim? their words speak of the good in islam but their actions are running the opposite way!! and at top speed!!
the world is coming to an end..soon!! everybody will get their pay when the time comes. wake up leaders. look at your life. look at your wives and kids. are they living the muslim way or the jews??
believe it or not, here in malaysia, as we malays claim that we are muslim and yet we see that we are the one throwing babies, we make 90% of those frequently visiting the discos(don't belive me? look again!!) and look who raped their own flesh and blood!! masyaallah!!!
in a nutshell, fight for the religion not the race.
Well written Syah, I hope you not "the last of the Mohicans"…you certainly reflect the thoughts of the majority of the Muslims …Islam is a beautiful religion on its own…but those blardi fools in power has hijack the religion and misuse it. They have taken advantage of this religion for their personal gains…wish we have our country back…from these fools..13th GE…will be the time…Great piece of work ,Syah..Thank You..!!!
Thank you for speaking out. Hope more malay are in the same wavelength as you, Syah. Most harm right now are done by the "old generation" so hopefully the "younger generation" do not follow the thinking of the old generation. Parents-you have a heavy task ahead to better educated our young one to distinguish from right or wrong from what they read/hear/see. Strive for a better Malaysia. I'm educating my two sons right now
"The truth is from your Lord; so whosoever will, let him believe, and whosoever will, let him disbelieve." (al-Kahf 18:29)
“Do not contend (dispute) with people of the Book except in the fairest way …”
(The Holy Qur’an, al-Ankabut, 29:46)
Ini adalah bukti bahawa Islam tidak mengajar umatnya bertelagah dengan bukan Islam (terutamanya ahli Kitab) inikan pula dgn saudara seIslam sendiri, lalu mengapakah hal-hal ini boleh terjadi?
Sorry on the typo error on your name.
Hi Sysh,
Firstly I would like to salute you for your daring outspoken words. Its shows both anger and frustration but yet very eloquent.
What readers should also understand is, coming out from a Muslim person as you are, just imagine the frustration and tension among the Non Muslims. We non Muslims are pushed to the corner on everyday basis. Even a cat will fight back when pushed to the corner and has no way out.
What you had mentioned here is just the tip of the iceberg. There are many more issues like forcefully converts of the Non Muslims, Unequal education policies and the list goes on and on.
My friend, eventhough Muslims claim Islam is very tolerable religion, what we see on daily basis is only the tolerance of the Non Muslims. The question is "How long can we hold back"?.
Everytime we say things against their political will, they will challange us back and say "Don't provoke the Malays or the May 13 incident will return". From what I had heard the May 13 was properly planned by the then UMNO leaders dont cheat their Perikatan counter-parts to gain more control on political powers.
Indonesian and Bangladeshis are having better lives in Malaysia and our own Indians just because of the religion. They can get citizenship in one application and they can business loans from the government. Where as many of the Indians born in this country couldn't even get a birth certificate. How could they get proper education and a job? So who do we have to blame if they turn out to be gangsters, robbers or murderers?
I hope you can get more voices just as yours and make some changes in our politics. I pray to GOD that he blesses you with all his blessings. Let us all unite and fight this injustices in the name of religion.
Thank you.
I am aware of the Surah Al-Kaafiruun. Please explain how is it relevant in the context of my article? Thank you!
Your piece is realy touching that I shared it on Fb for many more people to read and understand that all the negative perceptions derived from the act of certain quarters are not preached by your religion. I hope the fear and doubt amongst many non-muslim will be cleared and let there be harmony and trust and expecially respects towards each other..I salute you!
@Amin, and how is surah Al-Qafirun relevant here? I dont think Syah is calling anybody a Kafir.
Dear Bro Syahredzan Johan,
As a Chinese Malaysian,I've been thru'the events of the past 53 years of our country's independence. Never have we been more divided, first by the abuse of the NEP, racial politics and now more dangerously, religious issues. We all know that these are the schemes of desparately evil and ungodly men.
I grew up on the banks of the Pahang River and my best friends in school 40+ years ago were Malay boys.I remember we used to fish and swim in the river and eat with my friends in their humble kampung houses. My Malay brothers and sisters are the most gentle, warm and generous people. Even today when I return to my "Kampung" the folks there will not accept my payment for the rambutan and mangosteen from their trees !
My childhood friends are now top excecutives in banks and Petronas after they deservedly received scholarships to study in the US.I could not get a scholarship even though I was the top MCE student in Pahang.I eventually went to UK and partly work parttime and gained a First Class Honours Degree. I supported the NEP because it helped my poor Malay friends.
Nasir Razak aptly put it that the NEP was "bastardised".It really hurts when my poor nephew who scored 12As( 11A1 & 1A2 )in the 2008 SPM was denied a scholarship !
Bro Syahredzan Johan,
The perpetrators of these injustices and those you mentioned above are the " so called Muslims "you so correctly pointed out who have hijacked Islam for their own political gain.Everyone knows the extend of corruption and how filthy rich some present and past politicians/cronies are.Sons of such people frequently drives Ferraris and Porshes.
When I read your writings,I remember my friends Azhar, Zakaria,Jabar and Suhaimi…..I pray for more young men like you, bro.Syahredzan Johan, to emerge and speak out fearlessly before these evil, ungodly men destroy our beautiful country.
"Katakanlah (Muhammad), "Wahai orang-orang kafir! Aku tidak menyembah apa yang kamu sembah, dan kamu bukan penyembah apa yang aku sembah, dan aku tidak pernah menjadi penyembah apa yang kamu sembah, dan kamu tidak pernah (pula) menjadi penyembah apa yang aku sembah. UNTUK MU AGAMAMU, DAN UNTUK KU AGAMAKU." [QS Al-Kaafiruun: 109:1-6]
"Say (Muhammad)," O disbelievers! I do not worship what you worship, and you do not worship what I worship, and I never worship what you worship, and you do not have (also) a worship what I worship.FOR YOU YOUR RELIGION, AND FOR ME MY RELIGION." [QS Al-Kaafiruun: 109:1-6]
Thank you for writing this article.
Thank you all for your kind words. This article is a culmination of a anger and frustration, which climaxed in the past few days when the whole surau issue erupted. I can no longer sit back and watch my religion hijacked by some who claim to speak for the name of religion.
And @Mike, there are actually a lot of Muslim voices that condemn and vilify the actions of these few. Maybe these voices do not reach the mainstream because they are deemed contrary to the powers that be.
I have been sorely disappointed in the distinctive lack of voice amongst the Muslim community to condemn and vilify these extremist deeds. It is as if the vast majority is silently condoning the acts.
I am glad you wrote this piece. Most of us non-Muslims know that Islam is a loving religion – and it is only a small portion of individuals that misinterpret them for their own twisted gains.
Syah, hats off to you for penning this piece so eloquently. Fear not – many feel the same way. This extremism is giving our religion a bad name. They have scewed the teachings to their own self-interest. Very sad… We should love and respect one and all. Respect is earned and can't be demanded of. I absolutely love this piece. Thank you for writing it and thank you for sharing it. May God bless you always.
Hey Syah,
In every religion there are ppl who would take advantage of it and prostitute it for the sake of power and monetary gains. Dont worry, im a non Muslim and i believe i speak for a lot of them when i say that religion itself is beautiful and so is Islam.. It is the self centered bigots that takes advantage of it.. And we know for sure that the enemy of religious tolerance is not Islam, it is the politicians..
Harap-harap ada ramai muslim macam "hal" dalam ruang komen ini.Saya non-muslim ,tersangat risau juga takut kerana bangsa yang majoriti ini ada bilangan yang banyak berdendam dengan kami.Saya amat terasa kebelakangan ini akan suasana yang berupa ada "preasure" apabila berjalan di gerai-gerai yang menjual juadah,dan terdengar pula orang bercakap dalam nada kritik "tengok orang cina tu…." . Masyarakat yang majmuk ini seakan akan bergerak ke arah saling teka -meneka dan benci membenci .
I'm a Christian and I have been waiting for a right-thinking & true Muslim to stand up to condemn the actions of those men with ill-intentions. Well done, Syah, my brother.
I pray that more faithful Muslims will come forward with the courage to voice their opposition just like you.
Is it too much to hope for someone in the government to also do the same?
In Christianity, if you don't love your fellow human being (no matter what race.religion)you love not God, thus don't expect God to shower his love for you.It's time the well-learned islamic scholars rise up to correct all the misgivings of islam hijacked by pretentious holymen who are part-timer holymen-politicians before more damage is done to the religion.
it is not a simple thing to speak what is right especially you are not in the main stream. salute to you, my fellow human brother.
I feel your pain, Syah. Beautiful piece.
A fitting and timely article man!
Malaysians are mature enough to reach out to one another to solve the problems and issues that plague everyone.
What we don't need are these self appointed pseudo religious nitwits who are going around violating the intellect and dignity of Muslims, if not the religion itself; making Islam a pedestal for their political goals.
Good on you man for having a mature and insightful view on this. Beautiful piece of writing as well.
Keep it up!
Dear Syahredzan Johan,
A very beautiful piece of work. I have to say, these while I have full respect for Islam & its peaceful teachings. Someone once said "I have no problems with ISLAM, its some of the MUSLIMS I can't stand." and I have to agree with him. But no need to despair so much on it, you'd find nutcases in all religions, even in Buddhism (I'm buddhist so I know ;))
"…Maka dari situ timbul retorik bahawa sensitiviti Muslim harus dijaga kerana Islam dianuti oleh majoriti rakyat Malaysia…"
Angappan ini sudah salah. Kalau anda baca blog ridhuan tee itu, melayu/muslim di Malaysia sekarang dianggap DIANCAM oleh golongan bukan melayu/islam.
Sedih kan? Entah macam mana majority boleh diancam oleh minority. Kuasa politik, kuasa tentera, kuasa polis, kuasa hakamah, kuasa ekonomi (minimum 30% ekuiti bumiputra untuk bskl listing, apa yg mereka merepek pasal pegangan ekuiti kaum melayu hanya 19%?) semua di tangan umnoputra.
Tapi tidak, sekarang telah dijadikan kaum bukan melayu/islam "terlalu berani mencabar" status islam & perlembagaan 153. Entah macam mana kita yg bukan melayu/islam mencabar aku tak tau, tapi tiap2 hari kata kita mencabar melayu/islam. Macam mana aku mencabar melayu/islam? No explanation, tapi aku memang mencabar. Masuk akal tak hujah macam ini?
Thank God many non Muslims know that that Muslims are the one to blame, and nothing to do with the religion.
When I was in USA, it was common for our local masjid to receive non Muslims to the masjid for a tour and to understand us better. They were really interested to know about Islam especially after 911.
The Malays should stop thinking they are the guardians of Islam. It does not belong to them, it is for all humanity!
Ya, saya sebagai seorang muslim amat malu dan marah apabila Islam di cemarkan oleh sebilangan melayu beragama Islam yg cetek pikiran/short sighted.
Islam bukan untuk melayu sahaja, Islam diturunkan dan diamanahkan oleh Prophet Muhammad untuk seluruh isi alam. Kerana itu zaman Prophet Muhammad dan companions after his wafat, Islam spread all over the world.
Hope those Muslim scholars whom hold 'Office' in Malaysia remind those 'grey sighted and short sighted' malays.
Honestly, Islam is complete, perfect and beautiful religion, muslims are not perfect.some are good some are use our brains to distinguish who's propagate real Islam dan who's embrace politics dope.
Brother Syahredzan,
perhaps both of us are worshipping a different Allah and believe in a different Muhammad compared to them. This is all thanks to those who wield power and claimed themselves so-called protector of faith. justice is an essence in Islam but it doesn't apply here in Bolehland. maybe that happens since we are having Islam Hadhari; another sect of Islam that trample upon non-believers. again, Malay Moslem had turned into Jews by having difficulties to differentiate between religion and race. thus, all nonsense of racial superior had dragged the good name of Islam along. that's the root of such idiocracy.
"Unto you your religion, and unto me my religion." (109:6)
all those Ustaz/Ustazah/Muftis that shouted along such ridicule slogans on Islamic sensitivity, haven't they read and understand above mentioned? Don't they go through Sirah of the Prophet on his way of administrating Moslems & non-Moslems in both Mecca and Medina? is the integrity of pious people had became too cheap and they willing to pawn everything for the sake of privileges and subsidies? they are more of a junkie to me. up to the point of stealing to satisfy their ludicrous cravings.
in this turbulent times, Moslems are the one to be blame with all of confusions and misintepretations. we are singing the wrong tune. we are smearing dirt on the faith. where is the soul of Ad-Din in them i wonder?
syah, well written.
Don't worry, me not from the islamic faith, but i can distinguish what's the true teaching of this beautiful religion, and what''s being politicize…
If they think they can divide and rule us again, they'd better think twice :)