Where Got Crisis?
Where got crisis?

Stupid Me! Week at LoyarBurok kicked off yesterday with a stellar article that required actual reading (as opposed to cursory glances at 140 word messages). So on day 2, sit back, turn up the volume and you shall receive.

Watch PopIN’s Minister of Higher Education YB Fahmi Reza’s slideshow presentation and the video of his address on the crisis of Higher Education in Malaysia recorded during PopIN PopOUT 3: PM PM! event at Central Market Annexe, on 12 June 2010. He takes us through the shift in access to higher education in Malaysia from colonial days to the recent 10th Malaysia Plan – to illustrate how the Government is going against Article 12 of the Federal Constitution.

Press play and get educated.


  • Slideshow Presentation
  • Keynote Presentation

Student Power!

LB Recommends:

Watch this Freedom Film Fest 2007 winner for the history lesson they didn’t teach you in school – we dare say it’ll mind-warp you more than Inception.

20 Oktober 1947 merupakan hari bersejarah dalam perjuangan berperlembagaan rakyat menuntut kemerdekaan dari penjajah British. Dokumentari ini menceritakan peristiwa-peristiwa yang membawa kepada berlakunya hari mogok “Hartal” seluruh Malaya yang dijalankan sebagai membantah Perlembagaan Federation ciptaan Kerajaan Kolonial British dan UMNO, serta kebangkitan sebuah gerakan kemerdekaan rakyat di Malaya, sepuluh tahun sebelum merdeka.

5 replies on “Higher Education: Where Got Crisis?”

  1. One of the best and most eye opening documentaries on Malaysia I've ever come across. Congratulations! I'm forwarding this link to all my friends.

    We have never been taught any of this in our History lessons in school. We have always been taught that UMNO were the ones who spearheaded the thrust towards independence. Now we know that it was the other smaller now defunct political parties that fought for our independence and UMNO actually sided the Brits against independence.

  2. Inspirational work! Wonder whether these guys are rewarded for their fight for independence. Truly great Malaysians!

  3. Excellent presentation, and an amazing documentary – Sepuluh Tahum Sebelum Merdeka. They really opened my eyes. I'm glad we have guys like you, Fahmi. It is people like you that inspire everyone else to stand their ground and fight for their rights.

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