The bloggers’ event of the year, BUM 2010 will be held on Saturday, May 22. Themed “Bloggers moving Malaysia forward”, the event will feature some of the nation’s top bloggers, representatives from both sides of the political divide (Pakatan and Barisan), three panel discussions on current issues such as “The ‘Allah’ issue” and a Q&A session.
The bloggers’ event of the year – popularly referred to as Bloggers Universe Malaysia or “BUM 2010” – will be held on Saturday, May 22 at the Lake View Club, Subang Jaya.
Themed “Bloggers moving Malaysia forward”, BUM2010 will feature Selangor Menteri Besar Khalid Ibrahim in a keynote address, and also the Minister of Federal Territories and Urban Wellbeing, Raja Nong Chik Raja Zainal Abidin in a special presentation on Internet-related issues.
This year’s event, fourth in the BUM series, is also to mark World Press Freedom Day which fell on May 3. It is organised by the Centre for Policy Initiatives (CPI) in association with All-Blogs (the national alliance of bloggers) and a group of socio-political bloggers. According to BUM2010 organising chairman YL Chong a.k.a. Desiderata, the bloggers in the organising committee serve in their individual capacity and do not represent any specific political interests.
Chong also notes that both sides of the political divide are represented with the participation of Pakatan’s Khalid and Barisan’s Raja Nong Chik.
There will be three panel discussions on current topics of interest.
The noon session in Bahasa Malaysia titled “The ‘Allah’ issue”: Various perspectives’ will feature Haris Ibrahim of The People’s Parliament, Khalid Samad, MP for Shah Alam and Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, lawyer.
The evening forum titled “Bloggers Role in bridging the religious divide” will feature Kuala Selangor MP Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad, Seputeh MP Teresa Kok MP and Human Rights Party pro-tem secretary P. Uthayakumar.
All the sessions will have a Q & A to encourage audience participation.
CPI director Dr. Lim Teck Ghee predicts, “This is likely to be a day full of hotly contested opinions and points of view on key divisive issues confronting Malaysia. But we believe that the presentations and dialogue can serve as the basis for clearer thinking rather than the muddled-headed pronouncements and political spinning that has been so prevalent.”
- Places for the full-day event are limited to only 200 on a first-come-first-served basis.
- Fees at RM60 cover a quickie lunch, hi-tea, and buffet dinner.
- Registration details are available at
Note from BUM2010 Organisers:
BUM2010 is a non-profit initiative, and any fees received go towards defraying the costs of organising the one-day “Bloggers Event of The Year” to mark World Press Freedom Day which falls on May 3.
The previous BUMmers outings had seen rising attendance, starting from 150 for BUM2007, to 180 for BUM2008 and to 200 for last year’s BUM2009 (REF:
The Event is open to all comers, even non-Bloggers, on a first-come-first served basis. OFFICIAL REGISTRATION PLUS FEES PAYABLE DETAILS please go here.
Remember when ISA uttered in the INJIL " I am going to the place of MY FATHER and saying that in the place of “MY FATHER” there are many Mansions(Palaces). This country has got TEN KINGS as revealed to JOHN in the Island of PATMOS and yes ( Sultan rotate to become the KINGS every 5 years and taking Brunei as part of the Malay Peninsula, yes still TEN Kings. Jesus said all this king, shall gave the power unto ONE(AGONG) and they shall have a blasphemous Name . The word "Duli Yang Maha Mulia" is a blasphemous word, only for ALLAH yet used by them.
The “Timid and the Gentle shall inherit the Earth. Yes the 2nd coming will be here. Quran 5/54 “soon will God produce a people whom He will love as they will love HIM- lowly with believers, mighty against the rejecters ,and fighting in the way of God’(sifat orang Melayu)
This is the KINGDOM OF GOD, the New Jerusalem , MALAYSIA reads backwards is AISYALAM and this is the GOLDEN CHERSONESE, where HIRAM'S ship came to bring back the GOLD OF OPHIR to SOLOMON. In 1930's the British found in Pahang in RAUB, artifacts and hebrew writings and brought back to the British Museum,(check on this ) In the Quran21/81 “ And unto Solomon(we subdued) the stormy wind, so that it sped at HIS behest towards the LAND, which we had BLESSED, for it is WE who have knowledge of everything” Kampung Acirat 2/94 “ katakanlah jika kamu, kampung acirat itu khusus untukmu di sisi Allah, bukan untuk orang lain, maka inginkanlah kematian jika kamu memang benar” 23/74 “ DAN SESUNGGUHNYA ORANG-ORANG YANG TIDAK BERIMAN KEPADA NEGERI ACIRAT BENAR- BENAR MENYIMPANG DARI JALAN”. 6/27” BAGI MEREKA DARUSALAM PADA SISI TUHANNYA DAN DIALAH PELINDUNG MEREKA DISEBABKAN AMAL SALEH YANG MEREKA KERJAKAN”. 6/32 “DAN TIADALAH KEHIDUPAN DUNIA INI SELAIN DARI MAIN-MAIN DAN SENDA GURAU BELAKA. DAN SESUNGGUHNYA KAMPUNG ACIRAT ITU LEBIH BAIK BAGI MEREKA YANG BERTAKWA. MAKA TIDAKKAH KAMU MEMAHAMI NYA ?. 10/25 ALLAH MENYERU KE DARUSSALAM DAN MENUNJUKI ORANG YANG DIKEHENDAKINYA KEPADA JALAN YANG LURUS’
This place was call Malaya, yes the highest peak on earth is HIMALAYA. This country domain is” MY” and in international sports Malaysian contingent known as MAS (GOLD)
As Isa said, " as the lightning strike from the East to the West so shall my coming be" . He said I will talk in a” PLAIN language”. and Malay is a very plain language. In the Book of the Revelation , the subject matter of the codified message ' I shall talk to you about many nations , tongues. languages and KIngs" This is the “Green Country” and the Pleasant or Beautiful or Bountiful Country. Peninsula Malaysia has 12 states which reflects the 12 tribes of Israel. Look at the book of the Revelation the sign of the Promised Land. The symbol of” Stars and Moon in Malaysian Flag”.
Yes, all are now in the 2nd life as he said " verily, verily I said unto thee except a ,man be born again thou shall not see the Kingdom of GOD”, yes we all must be born again, 2nd coming means all of you must be in the 2nd life now. 7/25 Allah berfirman’Dibumi itu kamu HIDUP dan dibumi itu kamu mati dan dari BUMI itu kamu akan DIBANGKITKAN” ‘ kamu hidup kamu mati dan kamu akan dihidupkan kembali dalam ciptaan yang baru” ‘ Aku akan ciptakan kamu dalam keadaan yang kamu tidak ketahui”
15/24 “ sesungguhnya kami telah mengetahui orang –orang yang terdahulu daripada kamu, dan sesungguhnya kami mengetahui orang –orang yang terkemudian.
20/55 “Dan kami berfirman, sesudah itu kepada Bani Israil “ Diamlah di negeri ini, maka apabila datang MASA BERBANGKIT, niscaya kamiu datangkan kamu dalam keadaan bercampur baur”
Begitu juga hadith- hadith banyak memberi gambaran tentang kedatangan Isa AL Masih di sebelah timur. KHORASSAN- negeri matahari terbit.
Dan akhir saperti disebut Isa dalam INJIL, Rasul ALLAH, yang dia panggil AHMAD , disebut sebagai the COMFORTER, CONSOLER, THE SPIRIT OF TRUTH, who will come and tell you ‘about sin , judgement, and truth’ dan akhir sekali segala doa ahli kitab akan berakhir dengan AMIN, which refers to MOHD.
Dan MAHADI itu akan datang dalam golongan ISLAM dan banyak ciri –ciri yang disebut tentang MAHADI oleh RASULLULLAH ada lah tepat dan benar.
Without any further INTRODUCTION, I believe there are many people who already know who I am & how PRECISE & INTELLIGENT I am in POLITICAL PREDICTIONS. You may click the below link as PROOF for my GREAT PREDICTION for the recent HULU SELANGOR By-Election.
Pls. click the below link to for CONCRETE EVIDENCE (from NAT. TAN blog)….
I "FORESEE & PREDICT" SUPP to WIN hands down with a MAJORITY of 2000-2500 votes!!!
One may NOT like my prediction but I must first WARN you that NEVER to take my PREDICTIONS lightly. I had time & time PROVED my PREDICTIONS CORRECT & I had successfully put many Political Analysts including the FUGITIVE BLOGGER name 'Raja Petra' to SHAME.
Why would I say SUPP will win??? Here I go…….>>>
1) DAP's presence is NOT STRONG enough in SIBU. The kind of political perception DAP is trying to play (Ultra Chinese) is of NO MATCH to SUPP as 80%-90% Sibu Chinese still thinks SUPP is the representative party for the Chinese community in SIBU.
2) DAP alliance with PAS to form PAKATAN RAKYAT had brought more DAMAGE than BENEFIT in the Sibu By-Election. Most Sibu Chinese perceive PAS as a HARDCORE ISLAMIC party (or you may also feel free to call it the TALIBANS). The recent CHURCHES ATTACKS in Peninsula Malaysia had put FEARS into many Sibu Chinese to vote for Pakatan Rakyat as most Chinese in Sibu are mainly Christians. For the Sibu Chinese to vote for DAP (Pakatan Rakyat) is equivalent to voting for their CHURCHES to be BOMBED by the TALIBANS (PAS).
3) DAP were NOT able to penetrate many IBAN majority areas in Sibu during campaigning period. DAP blames it on SABOTAGE (boat NOT available to reach their targeted destinations) but I call it BULLSHIT EXCUSES. Perhaps, DAP campaigners was too busy looking for CHINA DOLLS in Sibu KTVs or are too busy enjoying their KAMPUA PORK MEE.
4) DAP had NOT shown to SIBU voters they are a PARTY of which can bring CHANGES & DEVELOPMENTS. All DAP had been preaching & talking during their campaigning period is just KUTUK, KUTUK & COMPLAIN. What's the bladdy difference between DAP & a OLD AUNTY in PASAR, correct??? We might as well put the OLDEST LADY in Sibu to be DAP's candidate, right???
5) TAIB MAHMUD leadership in Sarawak is way TOO STRONG to be challenged. TAIB MAHMUD had been Sarawak CM for so many glory years & it just DOESN'T take some silly KUTUK CAMPAIGNING to bring him down. DAP needs to adopt a more CONSTRUCTIVE APPROACH to even start dreaming of a Sibu VICTORY.
6) Most Chinese TYCOONS in Sibu have STRONG CONNECTIONS with Taib Mahmud & the BN. These TYCOONS' MONEY & INFLUENCE is enough to help SUPP win by at least 70%-80% of SUPP's targeted votes. Pls. remember these TYCOONS are BUSINESSMEN & there are many, many SMALLER BUSINESSMEN in Sibu who depends on these BIG TYCOONS for a living.
7) 60% of Sibu Chinese are somehow related to the TRIADS or have TRIADS connection. Triads members goes by THOUSANDS & the DRAGON HEAD (leader) of these TRIADS are usually on Taib Mahmuds' side. Their activities & businesses are dependent on it. There are at least 2 MAIN TRIAD groups in Sibu with at least 8 Sub-branches from these 2 main Triad groups.
8) BN under the leadership of NAJIB had been giving INCENTIVES to Sibu of late. DAP are crying FOUL but I reckon DAP should just "Shut the FUCK up" & concentrate of coming-up with BETTER WAYS to WIN instead of just COMPLAINING like a CRY BABY.
***BOOKMARK this message!!!***
By the evening of 16th May 2010, The Election Commission will announce SUPP to be the WINNER with at least 2000 votes majority.
Nevertheless, "Happy Voting" to all Sibu voters!!!