
From Apr 19, 2010 – Apr 25, 2010 YOU voted on:

Who will win Hulu Selangor (P.94) in the April 25 by-election?

Zaid Ibrahim (PR) – 94%

P. Kamalanathan (BN) – 6%

The results of your votes in this poll is far from the results of the actual by-election results (see below) where P. Kamalanathan of Barisan Nasional won by a majority of 1,725. (spoilt votes – 731)

Hulu Selangor (P. 94) by-election results

P. Kamalanathan (BN) – 52% (24,997)

Zaid Ibrahim (PR) – 48% (23,272)

Perhaps, dear readers, you were voting for who you wanted to see win in Hulu Selangor.

NOW have YOUR say and vote in the new LB Poll (right side-bar):

Do you want local council elections to be restored?

Mind-controlled by His Supreme Eminenceness Lord Bobo to seek out YOUR views on the topics that matter. No undi rosak, phantom voters, or missing ballot boxes. Postal votes are welcome via postcards to...

3 replies on “You Were Wrong: Who will win Hulu Selangor (P.94)?”

  1. PKR is lucky to have minimised the loss to 1,725 votes, which represents only 3.6% of the total votes. Apart from the monetary handouts that were conditional on voters voting for BN, which could have swung 1,000 votes or 2% to BN, I can find some solid reasons why PKR and Zaid could not convincingly swing the voters in their favour:

    1. Constant harping on the APCO issue by Anwar Ibrahim. It is not relevant to Hulu Selangor and also the nation although a case can be made that the US$23m is tax payers money. It is as if Anwar and the PR coaltion were waiting for a big fish issue to drop from the sky for them to raise up as an election issue.

    2. When you want to win rural votes, be careful to select someone they can identify with. Zaid is more of an urban success story. If he was a kampung boy to riches story, there was little meat to chew on.

    3. PKR did not respond strongly to the character assasination of drinking alcohol. So what if Hishmamuddin or other members of cabinet drank in the past? They are not standing for election in Hulu Selangorlah.

    3. The New Economic Model, even if it is a PR ploy, was good PR for BN. The Opposition could not counter with a simple counter punch but instead responded with several disagreements with the thick report. Fence sitters throughout the nation are still waiting for the NEM Part II and may be willing to give the benefit of the doubt until then.

    4. Is the name of the game among Islamic conservatives still: who is a better Jew basher? Anwar seemed to have gone overboard by calling the head of APCO a Jew. Wonder what the Christian Malaysians thought about that when majority of them love the Jewish people. We know that God hates and judges countries that condemn the nation/people He loves.

  2. najib bought HS … he oso bought Perak … so he reckon dat he can buy GE13? we were dealing with half the HS folks who were concerned only with wat’s going to be on dinner table. so we have swallow our teeth & blood & geet fit for the nxt battle. we only fail when we stop trying. God bless Msia!

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