Terbitan asal dari loyarberjurus di sini.

Salam. Saya bersahaja (purposely) memilih untuk memposkan pos kali ini dalam bahasa Melayu untuk mengelakkan dari anggapan blog ini adalah berbahasa pengantar bahasa Mat Salleh. Saya terpanggil untuk menjawab persoalan menarik dari sahabat baik saya saudara Asyraf mengenai persoalan di atas.

Jawapannya adalah ya dan juga tidak. Saya mengatakan ya kerana saya sendiri mengalami peralihan itu yakni daripada seorang DPP menjadi seorang loyar cabuk. Kelebihan pernah berada di 2 alam ini menjustifikasikan saya untuk mengesahkan persoalan di atas. Cuma, apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan dark side itu? Pada saya dark side itu bukan bermaksud pihak yang salah atau pihak yang jahat.

Saya lebih gemar memilih untuk mengatakan ia bermaksud kehidupan (life) yang terikat, tidak bebas, kurang diberi penghargaan, laju dihentam apabila melakukan kesilapan dan wujudnya budaya yang saya tidak gemari. Contohnya budaya anfusana anfusini, politik pejabat, tikam menikam serta budaya menurut perintah tanpa batasan (yang maha setia).

Sebab itulah saya bersetuju saya beralih dari dark side itu ke dunia lain yang lebih bebas, memuaskan hati, tenang, rewarding (kalau duit matlamat anda) walaupun lebih mencabar. Namun, saya amat-amat menghargai tenure saya sebagai DPP kerana zaman itulah yang transform saya sehingga menjadi saya yang sekarang. Tanpa melalui zaman tersebut, tak mungkin saya berada di tahap ini sekarang. Dan saya masih mengingati kenangan-kenangan manis semasa menjadi DPP bersama kawan-kawan dan senior-senior seperti Tuan Iskandar, Tuan Salim, Datin Nik Sarina, Tuan Sallehuddin, Tuan Kamaruzaman, Azar, Asyraf dan ramai lagi mereka-mereka yang hebat dan berdedikasi.

Di sebaliknya, saya juga tidak bersetuju dengan persoalan di atas yang selalu diungkitkan oleh peguam-peguam yang tidak pernah merasai jerit perih dan kepayahan hidup menjadi seorang DPP. Mereka dengan mudah saja menuturkan kata-kata di atas tanpa mereka sedar mereka mengguris hati DPP yang benar-benar berkhidmat dengan jujur dan gigih.

Pada saya, mereka bersifat prejudis terhadap DPP yang pada mereka selain menjalankan prosecution, turut menjalankan persecution. Benar atau tidak telahan mereka wallahua’lam. Mereka mungkin ada pengalaman buruk mereka sendiri yang menjustifikasikan anggapan mereka. Namun untuk generalise dan membakulsampahkan semua DPP adalah tidak wajar sama sekali dan tidak bertanggungjawab (saya pun terasa).

Sebagai penutup, dalam pihak mana pun kita berada, kita sebenarnya berenang dalam lautan sistem keadilan yang sama. Cuma peranan kita berbeza; ada yang menjadi kelasi, ada yang menjadi Kapten Jack Sparrow dan ada yang menjadi mat kacau (loyar la tu). Enjoy your work and treat it as ibadah selain dari seeking for a halal rezki; insyaallah you don’t need to worry much. You’ll be rewarded insyaallah. Wassalam.

4 replies on “Dari DPP ke Loyar = Dari Dark Side ke Jalan yang Benar?”

  1. i appreciate the "confession" of thr reality stuff that happened at AGC..we really need to reform the system.leaving the dark side is a temporary measure.need to so something to make sure it is free from political intervention.however there is someone i know…he left AGC and set up own firm.still taking orders from politician.the same vicious cycle la..

  2. Dear mat top and dev,

    Im touched with both your comments. Definitely not many share your sentiment and understanding. I sincerely believe that i've made a right choice and realised that i can't be fighting alone from within. God bless both of you too. Regards – Ariff.

  3. Ariff, it is good that you have left the service to come out to seek a living like the most of us in the profession. I know it may have been a tough decision but you have done the right thing. The AG chambers was once held in high esteem around the Commonwealth but after it was sucessfully turned into a apparatus of the ruling elite to abuse the provisions in the Constitution that makes the AG the decider on the fate of a person, all else has become beyond redeem.

    Being a ex DPP yourself, you will definitely know that it is ridiculous to not allow the defence to have copies of documents that the prosecution purports to be enough to nail the accused. Isn't the accused allowed to defend himself, What worth would the prosecution be if it punches its opponent whose hands and legs are bound and eyes blind-folded? This is what the new prosecutions in Malaysia is all about.

    There is no more honour and professionalism but mere political and character assinations, vendetta and commands from the political masters that are carried out without a blink of an eyelid and these very same people are the ones who can then pray and claim that they have no regrets. The Karma or the Dosa will follow till death, that is inevitable in any religion. There is very little hope that the AG Chambers will ever change. The people will ensure that such changes will eventually in the very near future.

    God bless you and your family and may you have a very satisfying career in private practice.



  4. AG chambers is notorious for covering up a lot of cases involving high profile figures. Most notably Rafidah Aziz and Rahim Thamby and a host of other prominent Umno figures and those close to them. The AGs, late Mohtar and now Gani Patail and Abu Thalib at the tail end of his career are no longer considered to be gaurdian of justice but a political tool of the Politicians. They were so afraid of Mahathir and whoever who walks the corridors of power in making just and fair decisions whether to prosecute or not to prosecute criminals. Many big time criminals got away. These are the leakages present in our criminal justice system.

    Good for you Ariff to leave the AG Chamber if you can't fight the rotten system from within. If a PP or any DPP has to take instruction from a politician either to initiate or not to initiate a prosecution, then he is not much of a PP/DPP. He is nothing but just a common criminal punishable under the Penal Code, but disguising and parading himself as a public official paid to uphold law and justice fairly. Even Botak Chin and Bentong Kali are more honorable than these types of PP/DPP. At least chin and Kali are not hypocrites and are very consistent in their stand; they proclaimed to the world that they are criminals.

    Ariff, I pray many blessings are bestowed upon you.

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