Posted inTry Me-lah Hudud and Its Wider Ramifications by Art Harun 5 May 2014 Art calls out those who say we can’t object to hudud
Posted inThe Lobby Inequality of Arms: The Right to Disclosure in Malaysia by Bill Grimshaw 30 September 2013
Posted inJudging the Judges Bias, and Why It Is So Easy to Expose a Judge for Incompetence by NH Chan 1 March 20101 March 2010
Posted inTry Me-lah Sodomy2: Why is AG’s Chambers refusing to release evidence? by Art Harun 4 February 20105 February 2010
Posted inTry Me-lah Sorry Datuk, I have misunderstood the ISA! by Art Harun 4 August 20094 August 2009