Be a member of the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee, the committee that runs the MyConstitution Campaign.
Its inaugural meeting for this term is as follows, and you are all invited to become volunteers:
When: Saturday, 14th June 2014 at 2.30 p.m.
Where: Meeting Room 1, 3rd Floor, Bar Council, 15 Leboh Pasar Besar, 50050 Kuala Lumpur.
It is essentially a campaign by the rakyat and for the rakyat, a campaign to bring the Federal Constitution into the hearts and minds of the people. And for this very reason, you are all invited to be campaigners for the MyConstitution Campaign (“Campaign”).
The Campaign was launched in 2009 and originally slated for two years. However, as a result of the overwhelming success the Campaign has garnered, the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee decided to extend the Campaign beyond its initial time frame.
The Campaign was launched in response to the growing interest and political awareness of Malaysians on constitutionalism and the rule of law in the country. Beginning with the production of nine booklets that simplify the Federal Constitution (the Rakyat Guides), nine short videos on themes within the Federal Constitution (the Rakyat Service Advertisements) and nine launch events nationwide, we have held various forums, workshops, lectures, a music concert (Rock for Rights), and produced articles and both television and radio series, on the Federal Constitution.
But more has to be done, and we need more help to bring the Campaign to the next level! Anyone may join the committee and spearhead its projects. We need new energy and fresh ideas to help further spread constitutional awareness to all segments of society.
To find out more details about the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee, or about our first meeting for this term, please contact Anusha Gopala Krishnan by telephone at 03-2050 2097, or by email at [email protected]. The Facebook event page is here
Come be a part of this exciting committee, and a part of the quest to merakyatkan Perlembagaan!