Dear homo sapiens everywhere
His Supreme Eminenceness Lord Bobo has noticed that there is an increasing number of personal messages to LoyarBurok via our Facebook page.
Thank you for your kind messages and for remembering LoyarBurok and LoyarBurokkers. Many of these messages are very interesting, and are deserving of our time and attention.
However, our Facebook page is only one of our free speech platforms out there. We are unable to respond due to the sheer number of messages. (LoyarBurokkers have to eat and sleep too, you know?)
As LoyarBurok is a D-I-Y online community blawg where anyone and everyone can write on (or promote) anything they want to write on (or promote), we suggest it would be more fruitful to become a LoyarBurokker and write by taking the required steps here to first register your unique account and profile.
Alternatively, if you seeking an answer to a burning question email [email protected] or tweet @LoyarBurok (#AskLordBobo) for a response.
Here, have a purple banana for yourself then. (Watch out for our online LoyarButik activist store soon!)