Follow exclusive live tweet-coverage of the lead up to, and Day 1 of, the International Malaysia Law Conference 2012.
A brief itinerary for the day is set out below the window.
Here’s what’s lined up:
9.00 am: Arrival of the Prime Minister, Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib b Tun Abdul Razak.
9.00 — 9.15 am: Introductory remarks by Raphael Tay, IMLC 2012 Organising Committee Chairperson.
9.15 — 9.30 am: Welcome address by Lim Chee Wee, President of the Malaysian Bar.
9.30 — 10.00 am: Opening address by Najib Razak.
10.00 — 11.00 am: Najib visits Exhibition Hall (including the LoyarBurok booth?!), and coffee break.
11.00 am — 12.30 pm: First breakout sessions, in 3 streams:
- IT & Social Media: Damned if you do, damned if you don’t: Social media add a new dimension to online advertising, marketing and brand integrity. Speakers are Lau Kok Keng (Rajah & Tann LLP, Singapore), Paul Subramaniam (Zaid Ibrahim & Co.) and LoyarBurokker Foong Cheng Leong (Foong Cheng Leong & Co.). Moderated by Deepak C Pillai (Haryati Deepak).
- International Islamic Finance: Islamic finance — the next frontier… and beyond. Speakers are Daud Vicary Abdullah (President & CEO, INCEF), Mohamed Rafe b Mohamed Haneef (CEO, HSBC Amanah), and Professor Andrew White (Singapore Management University). Moderated by Jal Othman (Shook Lin & Bok).
- HR & Employment: Creating an investor-friendly business destination. Speakers are George Cooper (Ashurst, Singapore), Anand Ponnudurai (Bodipalar Ponnudurai De Silva), and Kenneth Ho (IBM Malaysia). Moderated by Chow Sang Hoe (Ernst & Young).
12.45 — 1.15 pm: Inspired by Tony Fernandes, Air Asia. Moderated by Lim Chee Wee.
1.15 — 2.00 pm: Lunch
2.00 — 2.10 pm: Presentation on Inter-Pacific Bar Association, by Dr Youngmoo Shin, Korean Bar Association.
2.10 — 3.00 pm: When China Rules the World. Speaker Martin Jacques. Moderated by Mah Weng Kwai.
3.14 — 4.30 pm: Second breakout sessions, in 3 streams:
- IT & Social Media: Cyberspace: Where liabilities are not as virtual as you may think. Speakers are Corrine Tan SC (Google Asia Pacific)and Chew Kherk Ying (Wong & Partners), with an academic paper by Gita Radhakrishna (Multimedia University). Moderated by Wong Sai Fong (Shearn Delamore).
- International Islamic Finance: An overview of experiences in implementing Islamic Finance transactions in UK and Gulf Co-operation Council States transactions. Speakers are Alhami Mohd Abdan (OCBC Al-Amin Bank Berhad) and Ahmad Lutfi b Abdull Mutalip (Azmi & Associates). Moderated by Nicholas Charles Edmondes (Trowers & Hamlins LLP, UK).
- HR & Employment: Corruption in multinational companies: The laws, preventive measures, and remedies. Speakers are Kelly Austin (Gibson Dunn & Crutcher, Hong Kong), Alex Tan (PricewaterhouseCoopers), and Dato’ Hj Mustafar b Hj Ali (MACC). Moderated by Wong Keat Ching (Zul Rafique & Partners).
4.30 — 5.00 pm: Coffee break with exhibitors
5.00 — 6.15 pm: Third breakout sessions, in 3 streams:
- IT & Social Media: Cloud computing: How safe and protected will you be? Speakers are Andrew Cooke (Microsoft), Ahmad Rizan Ibrahim (Dataprep Holdings Bhd), Tong Lai Ling (Raja, Darryl & Loh), and Michael Tan (Google Asia Pacific). Moderated by Suaran Singh Sidhu (Suaran & Sankey).
- Intellectual Property: IP monetisation: The new business currency in Asia? Speakers are Raguraman Gurusamy (Agensi Inovasi Malaysia), Samirah Muzaffar (MDeC), and Graeme M Coomber (Global Innovation Solutions, UK). Moderated by Michael Soo (Shook Lin & Bok).
- Trade & Investment: ASEAN, APEC, and the AEC: The East-Asian Noodle Bowl Syndrome. Speakers are Vicente D Gerochi IV (SyCip, Salazar Hernandez & Gatmaitan, Philippines), Fifa Rahman (Malaysian AIDS Council), and J Jayasiri (MITI). Moderated by Malathi Das (LAWASIA).
6.30 — 7.00 pm: Inspired by Ramli Ibrahim (Sutra Foundation). Moderated by Datuk Haji Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari.
7.30 — 10 pm: Welcome Cocktail Reception at Porsche Centre.