Join us for a stimulating discussion on whether the recently passed amendments to the Evidence Act by Parliament are marking the end of internet freedom?
This forum is part of the Bar Council National Young Lawyers Committee’s Siri Pemikiran Kritis. It is organised jointly with Centre for Independence Journalism and Pusat Rakyat LoyarBurok.
Member of the Bar
Former Protection Assistant, United Nation High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
Champion, National Varsities Debating Championship 2002
Member of the Bar
One of the founders of Loyarburok
Mover for UndiMsia (A project promoting voter education)
Foong Cheng Leong
Member of the Bar
Co-Chairperson, KL Bar Information Technology Committee
Dato’ Saifuddin Abdullah
Member, UMNO Supreme Council
Deputy Minister, Ministry of Higher Education
Member of Parliament
Moderated by:
Mahaletchumi Balakrishnan
Member of the Bar
Former Co-Deputy Chairperson of the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee
If you’re thinking – ‘Why on earth does this concern me ; I am neither a lawyer nor a blogger?’ , then you need to step back and look at the bigger picture. It does concern you.
Parts of the Evidence Act say:
1. Owners, hosts, administrators, editors or sub-editors of websites or social media accounts are deemed responsible for any content that has been published or re-published on their site whether by themselves, persons impersonating them or any other persons
That means if a person posts or share a seditious comment on your fb wall eg. ‘Loyarburok lawyers are damn rubbish’ or comments on your blog, YOU are presumed to be a liable if the comment is referring to our Federal Government. If you replace the words ‘Loyarburok lawyers’ with any politician, you can be … LIABLE !
2.Subscribers of a network service which was used to publish or re-publish any content are deemed responsible for the publication
If you a part of a community blog and someone uploads a post that is capable of inciting public disorder, YOU are presumed to be liable.
3.Owners or individuals in custody of an electronic device which was used to publish or re-publish any content are deemed responsible for the publication.
If you leave your computer around and someone uses it to post an inflammatory comment, YOU are presumed to be liable. A warning to all FB frapers.
Want to know what else you might be presumed to be liable for ? Join us on Saturday ! It will be in the style of a Doha debate so trust us, it will be a heated discussion from all sides and not a boring affair.