You are invited to be a part of the MyConstitution campaign, a campaign by the rakyat and for the rakyat, a campaign to bring the Federal Constitution to the people.
This Campaign was launched in 2009 and originally slated for two years. However, as a result of the overwhelming success the Campaign has garnered, the Bar Council Constitutional Law Committee (“BCCLC”) has decided to extend the Campaign beyond its initial time frame.
BCCLC has launched nine phases nationwide, with many smaller state-wide and institution-specific mini-launches. We have produced nine booklets that simplify the Constitution (the Rakyat Guides) and nine short videos on themes within the Federal Constitution (the Rakyat Service Advertisements), and we have held various forums, workshops and lectures on the Federal Constitution (the “Conversations on the Constitution” series). The Campaign has attracted a tremendous amount of media coverage through the print and online media, and on radio and television.
Some information about the Campaign is attached, and more can be found on the Campaign’s website. Photos can be viewed on our Facebook page. Our annual report for last term (2011/2012) can be found here.
The people behind the Campaign are members of BCCLC, and now you too can be a part of this Committee and the Campaign. Last year, BCCLC had a membership of nearly 200 individuals from a wide range of diverse backgrounds, and we extend a warm welcome to new members.
To join BCCLC, all you need to do is complete the this reply slip and submit it to Vilashini Vijayan by fax at 03-2026 1313 or 03-2034 2825, or by email at [email protected].
Our first committee meeting for the 2012/2013 term will take place. Details are as follows:
Date: 26 May 2012 (Saturday)
Time: 10.00am
Venue: Bar Council, Meeting Room 1
Do plan to attend this meeting.
Should you require further information, kindly contact Vilashini Vijayan by telephone at 03-2050 2095 or by email at [email protected].
Come be a part of this exciting Committee, and let’s merakyatkan Perlembagaan together!