Adrian is a confused accountant who has a heart of a Care Bear, lived in the Smurf Village, while defending the Universe like a Thunder Cat. He has deep interest and passion in civil society and has... More by Adrian Ng
Street Rally Guide For Beginners

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just sit at your effing home.. this is pointless.. useless.. rubbish..
Useless ass is one but also no back bone.
and u sir are one useless ass :)
"WRONG!!!". Pls. kindly find below the CORRECT GUIDE….
1) No need to wear T-shirt. Just bring a towel will do. FREE SHOWER compliments of FRU will be handed out.
2) Pre-order a COFFIN before you attend. You might need 1 after the event just like that 1 Melayu guy ended himself in the last rally due to so-called "lemah punya jantung".
3) Make a "WILL" before you attend. BERSIH might be important but your family welfare after you 'kaput' is more important.
4) No need to walk alone & no need to walk in groups. There's no difference. It's either you wanna end-up 'kaput solo' or 'kaput sama-sama'.
5) No need to shout "Lawan Tetap Lawan", "Reformasi", "Hidup Anwar", "Hidup Bersih" or whatever. Just quietly whisper your last wishjust incase you 'mampus'. Silent wishes often come true, while, yelling/shouting are for only for BARBARIANS.
Despite all the above, the "BEST TIP" would be to just "chill & lepak" at home. Unless you're TOO FREE & have no shit to dump, no pee to wee & no urge to wank…then….you may feel free to SURRENDER ya life to FOOLISH cause.
Haiyah!!! No wonder MAT SALLEHS say our country is filled with KUTU who simply DOESN'T know how to make good use of their life.
I don't know how many people have friends who are lawyers who are on call in the event we get arrested. Who knows, upon request to speak to a lawyer but without a specific contact, the police will assign a pretend lawyer on us as part of their interrogation trick.
If only Bersih or the organising committee will offer a legal help hotline and perhaps just for events like this… special designated human rights lawyers contact nos. to assure participants fear of isolation and being forgotten if they get arrested.
Well said !!! One of the reasons deterring would be participants and first timers … most who can't join have obligations to their family.. what will happen to them???
The Legal Aid Centre (LAC) no given at Bersih website is 013-2102002. SMS to this no. when arrested together with Name, IC no, Place of arrest, police station & wait. Assistance will arrive.
The part that scares me the most is about "kettling".
A great guide for all first-timers.
Bravo,thats a good xplanation for a newbie,tanx a lot Adrian n continue your noble work!