Civil society ideas are not exclusive. Ideas are not a matter of pure academic interest in textbooks and journals. Ideas are not always written on placards or shouted through loudhailers. Ideas are not confined to conferences and seminars, workshops (and gameshops) and blogs (and blawgs). The seeds of freedom, unity and hope can also grow in the fertile soil of creativity, explored via music, expressed through dance, exemplified in theatre.

Amnesia is an attempt by the Cambridge University Malaysia Society to bring such ideas to the stage. In this original play, we unfold a missing page in our nation’s history, a long-forgotten story about the ordinary people’s struggle to be free.


We look forward to seeing you (especially LoyarBurokkers in the UK!) at Wolfson Theatre, Churchill College on the 10th of March. I’d love to add that Amnesia will prove to be a memorable night indeed but – oh, the irony!

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Wen Zhen is a student who has a crush on some academics, some activists, some journalists, some politicians and many lawyers.