PopTeeVee is celebrating it’s 2nd anniversary today, Saturday, 12 June 2010 and Fairly Current Show it’s 100th episode! (That’s over 100 guests interviewed on the show!) WOO!! Here’s a little message from the folks at PopTeeVee and The Fairly Current Show and don’t forget to join in the online celebration by posting a blog entry, tweeting, facebooking, or simply telling your friends about it!


Dear Friends,

A little over two years ago, Mark Teh and Fahmi Fadzil broached the idea of doing an online radio show. It was just a few months after I had made my first venture into internet related media, or what we now call New Media. The GigaOM show had appeared on my radar at about the same time, and it immediately struck me how easy it was to produce an online web tv channel.

I asked Mark and Fahmi if they would be keen to try out a video format instead, and they said yes. In typical guerilla style, we coaxed Marion D’Cruz into being our first guest for a pilot. It seemed simple enough, and enough friends were willing to contribute time and equipment to help put this together.

Come 10th June 2010, The Fairly Current Show will be streaming its 100th episode, coinciding with the 2nd anniversary of PopTeeVee on the 12th of June. Our very first show featuring architect Ng Seksan aired on the 12th of June 2008.

Naturally, we are quite excited about this. Not simply because it’s our anniversary, but also because two years on, we are still operating on a voluntary basis, still borrowing equipment, and yet managing to grow our catalogue of shows and audience base with the same amount of passion. That a group of young Malaysians can come together in the spirit of sharing ideas and opening up the space for dialogue is something I am extremely honored to be a part of.

We wont be lighting up the KL sky with fireworks or anything like that, so in typical DIY fashion (sorry, no bajet for fireworks and gala dinner etc), we are asking our fans and supporters to help celebrate this occasion by mentioning this on your blogs, Facebook, Twitter and such.

Congratulatory notes are most welcome! If you do wish to participate, we kindly ask that you post on the 10th of June, which is a Thursday. We will be airing our 100th episode then. Attached are some images you may wish to use.

Thank You!

Hardesh Singh

Fairly Current Show

The Fairly Current Show Awards

On 12 June 2008, The Fairly Current Show aired for the very first time on PopTeeVee.

Suddenly, it’s 2 years later and we’ve done 100 episodes!

Looking back at the past 99 episodes, our 7-minute talk show has featured a diverse range of Malaysian stories, issues and personalities. We’ve interviewed civil society activists, artists, entrepreneurs, political scientists, lawyers, lawmakers, and even a few fictional characters. And the cow, of course.

This week, we decided to give out some AWARDS! So that some of our guests can now be “award-winning” civil society activists, artists, entrepreneurs, etc.

The categories include:

  • Most WTF Episode
  • Angriest Guest
  • Most Unwelcomed Unwelcome Word
  • Best Pendatang
  • Hottest Politician … and more!

Watch the episode here. Also, check out some messages from our kawans, here! Besides the site revamp, we’ve also uploaded our past episodes on YouTube.

Over on That Effing Show, the machas take on Sex & The Cikgu, Astro’s horrible World Cup ad, and Rafidah Aziz’s attack on the youth.

Ribuan terima kasih from all of us at PopTeeVee for your support. Keep watching!

Adam, Fahmi, Faiq, Hardesh, Mark and all the flers past & present!