Rakus, kau perkosakan jiwa rakyat
Kau rampas anugerah kurnian ilahi
Apakah ertinya kebebasan dibawah belenggu kau
Apakah ertinya kemerdekaan dibawah pengaruh kau

Fitnah, kau lontarkan tohmahan kau
Kau palitkan arang ke muka ku
Apakah ertinya maruah dibawah fahaman kau
Apakah ertinya hak dibawah telunjuk kau

Zalim, kau seksa jiwa rakyat
Deraan ku menjadi hilai tawa kau
Kebebasan ku menjadi percaturan politik kau
Kemanusianku menjadi mainan kau

Kesejahteraaan negara kau kata
Keselamatan negara kau kata
I.S.A – Ikut Suka Aku, kau kata
I.S.A – Ini Seksaan Aku. kau kata

Akan kami leraikan jasad kau
Akan kami leburkan jiwa kau
Akan kami lenyapkan nama kau
Akan kami kuburkan kamu … I.S.A.

Bangsat! Korup! Zalim!
Inilah … seranah rakyat terhadap kau

The writer was supposed to be a reincarnation of Mahatma Gandhi, Malcolm X, Che Guevara, Hang Jebat, Bruce Lee and Nocurnto Beasto (a black metal dude from Bergen, Norway) rolled into one. Due to the highly...

12 replies on “I.S.A. – Ikut Suka Aku, Ini Seksaan Aku”

  1. 1950

    To get independence, we need to affirm this principle. A: Agreed. B: Agreed C: Agreed


    To reaffirm the principle in 1950.

    A1: Agreed

    B1: that wasn't me, that was my Grandfather

    C1: that wasn't me, and who appointed C in 1950 anyway?


    Don't forget to share this thought.

  2. i beg to differ.can you name me one country which is perfect?whereby the government is able to fulfill 100% demands of the rakyat.maybe you should consider the balance between political stability and human rights.

  3. Preventive Detention laws such as ISA can never be the panacea of 'unwanted events'. In order to curb any 'unwanted events' the government of the day must understand and address the plights of the rakyat.

    For those who want to know what ISA is all about and how the detainees are being tortured, please come and see the play 'BILIK SULIT'. The play is based on the personal experiences of former ISA detainees.

    For more details please see the invitation below:-


    In conjunction with the International Human Rights Day, the Bar Council in collaboration with Gerakan Mansuhkan ISA (GMI) would like to extend an invitation to a play entitled "Bilik Sulit", which is going to be held on the following dates:

    Dates:20/12/2008 (Saturday)

    21/12/2008 (Sunday)

    22/12/2008 (Monday)

    23/12/2008 (Tuesday)

    Time:8.30pm – 10.00pm

    Venue:Auditorium, 1 st Floor, Bar Council

    "Bilik Sulit" is a play that features the untold true accounts of the nature of police interrogation of the ISA (Internal Security Act) detainees, which are based on testimonials of those who were detained under the ISA.

    The script of the play is by an ex-detainee of ISA, Mr Hishamuddin Rais. The play is directed by Mr Hishamuddin Rais and Mislina Mustaffa.

    Admission is by a donation of RM 10, to go to the family members of ISA detainees and to GMI.

    Space is limited, kindly RSVP via email to fadiahnadwa9@ yahoo.com

    For more information, please refer to the poster attached or call Ms Fadiah Nadwa at 012-4651671.

    Thank you.

  4. those days US condemning malaysia as we have ISA over here.now, how do they justify the Patriot act?similarly,preventive action is actually a necessity to curb unwanted events+should be used rationally

    1. at least there are known enemies of the state in U.S , not to mention terror acts had been inflicted in CONUS .

  5. When are we to be a developed nation,when our own citizens are subjected a draconian law that allows for indefinate detention without trial. Even Guatanamo terrorist are getting a trial. Here the home minister is the prosecuter, the judge and the executioner. Where is your conscious for putting politically different view politicians under ISA. We need to abolish the ISA, so Malaysia can be civilised Nation.

  6. Anonymous Says:

    Why was the ISA enacted in the first place decades ago? It was enacted to make possible the protective measures to curb the activities of terrorists and communists during the emergency confrontations and now this ISA is illegally exploited by the past & present UMNO Home Ministers against dissenting voices from RPK and others and used this to protect the DeePM from political oppositions after being implicated in the Murder of Altantuya, the Mongolian Model. Those UMNO ISA supporters are ignorant lot and they are not protecting Malay rights but the excesses of the wrongdoings of their Leaders in which case is against natural justices for self promotions and nothing else.

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