A call to arms to lawyers to vote. I’ve been requested to post this from a considerate lawyer, Sasha Lyna Abdul Latif.
Epilogue: Sadly, despite in these elections for the 2009-2010 Bar Council, only 3,683 ballots were returned out of a total 12,747 issued. For full results, see the Malaysian Bar website.
Hi, my name is Sasha Lyna Abdul Latif. I’m a member of the Malaysian Bar.
As most of you are aware, November is when members of the Bar are given an opportunity to elect 12 members onto the Bar Council. Anytime soon you will receive a ballot paper where you can vote for the 12 persons that you feel most qualified to lead the Malaysian Bar.
Every year, the Bar Council Secretariat will issue more than 12,000 ballot papers but it is disappointing to note that only about 3,000 or so ballots are filled and sent back to the Secretariat.
Are we part of the 9,000 or so members who don’t bother to vote? Are we the ones responsible for the trees that have to be cut down just so that these ballot papers end up in the waste bin?
I urge ALL of you, fellow members of the Bar not to put the ballot papers to waste! I urge you, to cast your vote; I urge you to tick those who you believe can get the job done; I urge you to urge others to vote!!
Send your ballot paper back to the Bar Council Secretariat by 30 November.
Get others to VOTE too!! Please end this email to all lawyers that you know!
The list of attendance of Council Members at Meetings from 15 March 2008 to 11 October 2008 is as follows:
1 Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan 9
2 Mr Ragunath Kesavan 8
3 Mr Lim Chee Wee 7
4 Mr George Varughese 9
5 En Anuwar Mohd 5
6 Mr G Balakrishnan 9
7 Mr Edmund Bon 9
8 Mr R R Chelvarajah 6
9 Pn Hendon Mohamed 9
10 Ms Asbir Kaur Singha 8
11 Mr Paul Krishnaraja a/l Selladurai 3
12 Mr Ravindra Kumar 9
13 Datuk Hj Kuthubul Zaman Bukhari 8
14 Mr Lee Leng Guan 8
15 Mr Christopher Leong Sau Foo 5
16 Ms Low Beng Choo 5
17 Ms Lalitha Menon 8
18 Mr K Mohan K Kumaran 7
19 Dato’ Muhammad Shafee Md Abdullah 6
20 Mr Murelidaran Navaratnam 4
21 Mr Ng Kong Peng 7
22 Mr Indran Rajalingam 9
23 Mr Cecil Rajendra 9
24 Mr Rajpal Singh s/o Mukhtiar Singh 9
25 Dato’ M Ramachelvam 9
26 Mr R S Maniam 9
27 Dato’ Hj Sukri Hj Mohamed 3
28 Tn Hj Sulaiman Abdullah 8
29 Tn Syed Azimal Amir Syed Abu Bakar 4
30 Mr Roger Tan Kor Mee 7
31 En Hisyam Teh Poh Teik 8
32 Mr Shan Theivanthiran 8
33 Mr Steven Thiruneelakandan 9
34 Mr Tony Woon Yeow Thong 8
35 Pn Yasmeen Haji Mohd Shariff 7
36 Mr Yeo Yang Poh 9
And I would also like to draw your attention to the booklet that has been sent to each individual member of the Bar which consists of a write up of all the candidates.
Vote wisely. Vote for those who will contribute to the Bar, and Vote for Change!
Thank you
Sasha Lyna