[UPDATED profiles for Ismail and Azlin and new links. Last updated on 21 August 2010]

Interview by Ong Jo-Lene, Eunice Ong & Lim Kar Mern

You’ve heard of the UKM4, you’ve read that they were arrested and are to face disciplinary proceedings under the UUCA, you’ve seen a re-energised student movement seeking to repeal the UUCA, and Court proceedings are on-foot. But how much do you really know about the protagonists?

In this 3 part exclusive, King Chai, Hilman, Azlin and Ismail – four bright and passionate mahasiswa Sains Politik share with LoyarBurokkers – Ong Jo-Lene, Eunice Ong and Lim Kar Mern, their stories, aspirations and the battle that lies ahead.


UKM 4 King Chai Card

King Chai: Saya merupakan anak ketiga dari lima orang adik-beradik. Keluarga saya masih menetap di Johor dan saya tinggal dalam kampus di UKM. Di dalam kolej kediaman, saya merupakan seorang EXCO Jawatankuasa Kebajikan Siswa/Siswi di Kolej Ungku Omar.

Memegang jawatan ini telah memberi saya pelbagai pengajaran dan saya juga dapat melihat kesungguhan setiap orang yang terlibat untuk memastikan kebajikan pelajar dijaga. Penglibatan saya dalam aktiviti ko-kurikular agak banyak tetapi kena cuba untuk balance semua lah – moga-moga saya dapat menghabiskan pengajian dengan memasuki senarai dekan untuk semua semester. (LB: King Chai disenarai dekan dalam kesemua empat semester)

Off campus, I like seeking out new experiences – this was why I was very excited to be entrusted with the responsibility as liaison officer to our Deputy Prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin and VP and Head of Asia Operations of Telenor Group, Mr. Sigve Brekke, at the 6th World Islamic Economic Forum.

I also love arts and culture. I like to see people, especially our local seniman expressing themselves in their own creative medium, be it through music, painting, poetry, photography, etc. In fact, tonight I’ll be going to Frinjan art festival. Personally, I’m into manual film photography – I’m a proud owner of a Smena 8mm, made in the USSR! I also try to blog when I can.

UKM 4 Hilman Card

Hilman: I’ve always taken an interest in socio-political commentary, so now as a mahasiswa, I take it upon myself to get involved in various advocacy programmes and workshops on democracy, youth leadership and empowerment, and human rights. One such example is the KASYP training programme organised by the Ateneo School of Government in Phillipines.

My hobby is collecting magazines, journals, and Malaysian literature from the 60’s and 70’s. Writings from that period should be an inspiration to today’s Malaysian as it shows us different we are now – we seem to have regressed as a plural society.

Today, there is this “budaya tidak peduli soal lain” that has caused us to be self-centered and disengaged. That is the difference between the students and mahasiswa then and those today.

UKM 4 Azlin CV Card

Azlin: Bagi saya Sains Politik bukanlah pilihan pertama ketika memilih bidang pengajian, tetapi makin saya ceburi, makin bertambah minat saya. Ini adalah kerana aplikasinya luas dan mendalam – ilmu yang ditimba dari pengajian Sains Politik dan latihan PALAPES saling melengkapi antara satu sama lain.

Contohnya, dalam PALAPES, kami telah diajar untuk taat setia kepada negara dan sentiasa meletakkan kepentingan negara lebih tinggi daripada kepentingan diri sendiri. Oleh itu, saya cuba untuk melakukan apa sahaja usaha yang saya boleh untuk menggerakkan diri sendiri dan juga rakan-rakan di sekeliling ke arah mendorong pembangunan masyarakat dan negara yang sihat.

Minat saya adalah – PALAPES – latihan pertahanaan negara dan ketenteraan. Saya menjadi pegawai PALAPES sejak tahun pertama di universiti.

Malangnya, sejak kes AUKU ini bermula, status saya sebagai pelajar UKM (dan justeru itu status sebagai seorang pegawai PALAPES UKM) dianggap tidak dapat dipastikan sehingga kes ini selesai.

Ismail UKM 4 CV v2

Ismail: Saya suka bergiat dalam persatuan-persatuan mahasiswa yang cuba menganjurkan program-program untuk membangunkan para pelajar dari pelbagai aspek – kepimpinan, ilmu pengetahuan, kepekaan terhadap isu-isu di sekeliling, dan sebagainya.

Pada waktu lapang pula, saya biasanya akan melayari internet untuk menatapi berita terkini dan diskusi mengenai isu-isu semasa.

Jika saya diberi peluang untuk menjadi pemimpin, sama ada dalam bidang politik atau sebagai seorang pensyarah, saya berharap dapat mencontohi tokoh-tokoh dari zaman kegemilangan tamadun Islam – yang begitu prihatin terhadap rakyat dan sentiasa ingat akan untuk “turun” ke rakyat.

Pemimpin-pemimpin kita sekarang telah lupa akan sifat ini – Kampung Cucur Badak adalah salah satu contoh yang membuktikan ini kerana di tengah-tengah bandar Kuala Lumpur masih wujud kampung setinggan dimana penduduknya serba kekurangan dan ditepikan.

Sebenarnya Sains Politik bukanlah subjek mengenai politik tetapi ia adalah mengenai kehendak dan keperluan sesuatu rakyat – ia merupakan satu bidang Sains Sosial – oleh itu kami semua agak cenderung dan berminat mengiati aktiviti yang berasaskan hak asasi, demokrasi, dan sebagainya.

Bangkit Mahasiswa!

LB: Tomorrow in Part 2: UKM 4 -Sitting Ducks or Schmucks? – find out their own detailed account of the events leading to their arrest and what on earth were they doing at Hulu Selangor?

Part 3: UKM 4 – Fight for Students Freedom!

the art of possible boleh
LB Tee function #32: Punctuating another motto

Uh... Why are policemen walking towards us?
Uh... Why are police officers walking towards us?

An animated Hilman telling us how the UUCA is like a lid over the student mind.
An animated Hilman telling us how the UUCA is like a lid over the student mind.

King Chai proudly showing us the poster for an appreciation night concert they organised
King Chai proudly showing us the poster for an appreciation night concert they organised along with other students.

kegiatan pelajar

 Hilman speaking at Kongres Mahasiswa Nasional (file pic)
Hilman speaking at Kongres Mahasiswa Nasional (file pic)
King Chai at the Islamic Economic Forum at KL Concention Centre (file pic)
King Chai at the 6th World Islamic Economic Forum at KL Convention Centre. On the right, Tun Musa Hitam and center, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin. (file pic)

56 replies on “[UPDATED] The LoyarBurok Interview (Part 1): UKM 4 – Rebels or Revolutionaries?”

  1. So she appologized. end of story?


    After 2 month of this fitnah?

    Qama, You are one funny creature..

  2. Qama Gill,

    are u a muslim?

    If not, i don't think you know the concept of fitnah and mewujudkan keraguan…

    For king Chai, I don/t care whether he want to spread lies and eat BABI..

    I don't care about AUKU's issue.

    I just get tired to see those 3 muslim keep on spreading FITNAH…

    Like i Said before..



    And Azlin…

    Begitu lama baru keluar confession?

    3.2 from SMS?

    tetiba lak seorang je dari 20 ribu pelajar UKM ada masalah kat SMS system…

    Teruskan buat dosa…


  3. Azlin,

    thanks for the clarification.


    refer below my post on 22July,

    do produce a strong evidence to support your argument on UKM 4 pointer. if they did came up with wrong info to Lord Bobo, they shall be responsible for that. if not, you owe us a public appology for trying to deface them with lies. do bear in mind that the question is whether the CGPA posted is true as it is. all other points that is beyond said matter is void.

    the pointer issue already been dismiss. you proved your verdict is true pertaining the pointer. but, this pointer issue is not a valid indicator on the whole debacle of AUKU vs UKM4. as per mentioned; all other points that is beyond said matter is void.

    you corrected her pointer. she appologized. end of story. when it comes to "fitnah" as per raised by you, that is very immature way of showing the whole UKM4 is a flop. it seems you ran of valid arguments till you resort on personal attack. what a shame. whether or not they go to Hulu Selangor with intention of supporting politic party is not relevant. look on the bigger picture and weigh the effect of UUCA to local universities.

    as per quoted by Al-Ghazali,

    small mind talks about people

    medium mind talks about incident

    large mind talks about idea

    now i know why the only thing Animos see is Azlin's pointer.

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