Sinjoro Eng asks, ‘Why not advance Malaysian tourism with Esperanto?’

The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) adopted a manifesto of ecology travelling, which includes the ecology of language. However, the 1980 Manila Manifesto was not received with open arms in many countries around the world.

Nevertheless, Esperanto tourism does not stop there. In fact, it is getting more and more support from the people who feel the need for an easy learning international language.

In our ASEAN region, Cambodia has a head start in the Esperanto field of tourism. The other vibrant Esperanto movement in ASEAN in Indonesia also does not exclude Esperanto speakers, as their Foreign Ministry is the first in the world to include Esperanto as a language used by young diplomats.

Esperanto is recognised as a language of tourism in Cambodia.

Would the local tourism sector, including the Malaysia Tourism Board look into the dollars and cents ofEsperanto speakers? Although Malaysia was not included in the United Nations World Toursim Organisation membership list from 1987 till she rejoined in 1991, the Manila Manifesto was certainly used in the considerations of the Ministry of Tourism.

Many people still refuse to accept the decline of English language in the world, and would rather speak hybrid languages like Manglish and Singlish. They feel a sense of superiority, not knowing that the mat salleh themselves are critical of their mastery of English.

Why make a fool of yourself and allow the mat sallehs all the ammunition for shaming you on the internet?

Given the crisis of language, there should be more and more tour companies catering for the more diverse Esperanto speakers. Alas, this is not the case in Malaysia, as I spoke to few tour operators and they thought that I was talking about a language from Mars or Jupiter. How ignorant of Malaysians in the cyber age, despite Malaysia claim to be having the best internet speed in the region.

If the local tour operators foresee Esperanto’s possibility as a future international language, they should begin to consider training their staff to communicate in Internacia Lingvo, which has been recommended by UNESCO since 1954. The AIS Esperanto University also provides an Esperanto tourism course.

Whatever the decision made by a government, national or international Esperanto congresses are certainly a part of worldwide tourism. Do take a look at the 72nd Spain National Esperanto Congress, and how the tour guide communicates with the participants from various countries in Esperanto.

You can also read the full 1980 Manila Manifesto at the Malaysia Esperanto Studies Group website.

(I leave it to you to consider whether or not to learn Esperanto. If this is your first encounter with the word Esperanto, you might like to look up the ‘Esperanto’ tag on Loyarburok.)

The 99th World Esperanto Congress will be held in Argentina in 2014 from 26th of July to 2nd of August. Enjoy this short film, an ntroduction of the host country, Argentina in Esperanto.


After watching the 8 minutes short film of the late Dr Claude Piron on the chanllenge of language, Sinjoro ENG has himself revolutionised. Watch it and see whether the short film will touch you too.

6 replies on “Esperanto Tourism in ASEAN”

  1. Practicing to learn Latin American language and seems like my language learning will helpful while I'll visit Argentina. I'll definitely going to attend The 99th World Esperanto Congress and looking forward to it. Thanks.

  2. The data you have supplied is spectacular. I was pointed such kind of theme since long but eventually nowadays my seek is over and outstanding thanks to you. Your blog is not only instructive but helpful too.

  3. I've never been in Argentina before but that short video have given me tremendous ideas regarding how things are in Argentina. Seems like an awesome country and I truly have curiosity to visit Argentina soon. Thanks.

    1. Well, Owen, the next Esperanto World Congress will be in Argentine next year, 2014, learn Esperanto now and you can be there with hundreds of people from more than 70 countries. The youth congress is in Brazil and you will be enjoying the full Latin fun.

      1. Thanks Sinjoro for the information. I'm trying hard to learn Esperanto and hopefully next will be a great fun attending with lot of new people in Brazil Thanks.

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